Monday 1 August 2016

New L'Oreal Paris Pure Clay Purity Mask And Facial Cleansing Oil | First Impressions Review | Are They Worth The Hype?

loreal, loreal paris, cleansing oil, drugstore, boots, clay mask, purity mask, skin care,

Hey guys! 

So it's freaking August, I cannot believe it... And I still don't have a job 8 months later. Seriously, thank goodness I saved.

Oh and it's my birthday on Sunday (7th) :)

My mum told me that everything happens for a reason and right now I see the reason I don't have a job. 

My Guinea pig Cody has been life threateningly ill and it lits has been touch and go. A lot of tears, anxiety, panic attacks and sleepless nights. He had to go back to the vets as it seemed as he couldn't eat, long story short, his pneumonia progressed, whilst taking bloods Cody actually stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated so they couldn't check his teeth or X Ray him. 

I brought him home because I knew no one could care for him like I could and if he decided to give up the fight at least he would be comfortable at home. 

He lost a lot of weight, so I have been up constantly throughout the early hours of the morning feeding him every 4 hours all day. 

I am exhausted, I am not going to lie but I am hoping all my care will be worth it in the end. 

And this is where I see the fact I am still job searching as a positive as Cody would of sure passed away as I wouldn't of been around as much. 

This is why on Thursday there was no post as I was soooo tired.

I am back today though with a brand new post for you and something in which I hope you enjoy. 

Lets GO!!!

As mentioned above, I have literally had no time for myself properly so, when I managed to grab some time on Saturday to go food shopping quickly, I popped into Boots looking for a couple of things in particular. 

I have really gotten into my skin care routine recently as I am trying to keep my breakouts at bay and currently what I am using is really working for me. 

I have seen people rave about the new L'Oreal clay masks. They have 3 in the range. 

1. Pure Clay Glow Mask
2. Pure Clay Detox Mask
3. Pure Clay Purity Mask

Each of them obviously do different things. I really wanted the Dextox mask as it was charcoal based and I thought it would be amazing on my skin. It's sold out EVERYWHERE!! 

I ended up purchasing the Purity mask as to me that was the next best thing at drawing out impurities in my skin.

I also noticed their Extaordinary Oil - Facial Cleansing Oil too, I don't actually know if it is new in their range but it caught my eye as I wanted something different to take my makeup off. 

loreal, loreal paris, cleansing oil, drugstore, boots, clay mask, purity mask, skin care,
loreal, loreal paris, cleansing oil, drugstore, boots, clay mask, purity mask, skin care,

The masks are currently on offer in Boots for £5 and the cleansing oil was a little over £5. I had just over £10 of points on my Boots card so I used those to get these items. I also feel like the masks are exclusive to Boots as I cannot find a trace of them in Superdrug which is a little odd as I thought they would be everywhere.

loreal, loreal paris, cleansing oil, drugstore, boots, clay mask, purity mask, skin care,

I decided to use the cleaning oil yesterday morning as the night before I used my Garnier Micella water (the blue one) and I felt it didn't remove my makeup properly like the pink version so when I woke up I wanted to use the oil to remove the excess makeup and then double cleanse with my usual wash. 

What I do like about the packaging is that it comes with a pump, there is nothing more annoying than getting a product and it either doesn't come with a nozzle or it's a spritz one. The pump dispenses the product in good manner so you don't end up with too much or too little. 

It glides onto your face super smoothly, it smells really nice and it's for all skin types. It can been used all over the face, eyes and lips. Pretty standard. 

L'Oreal claims that this product -'instantly removes all traces of makeup, even waterproof' and the 'skin is left cleansed and nourished with a non-greasy feel'.

I will be honest with you... I actually quite like this product, it does what it claims to do and it's great as your face doesn't feel heavy afterwards, it left my face prepped for the second cleanse and it felt lightweight, fresh and awake. I will be adding this in to my routine for now on. :) 

It's simple to use too. Put 2-3 drops (I used 2) onto a dry face and massage in. Then you wash off with water. Super simple. 

I would like to see how this works with a full face of makeup, so I will be giving that a whirl. 

Good job L'Oreal! 

loreal, loreal paris, cleansing oil, drugstore, boots, clay mask, purity mask, skin care,

After I used the cleansing oil I then dried my face off, had a bath and then popped the mask on.

You apply this again onto dry skin, duh, and avoid the eyes and mouth area. 

The consistency of this product is soooooo frickin lovely, it's creamy, luxurious and a little goes a long way. I love the simplicity of the packaging and even without the discount it's a well priced product. 

Okay, so, the purity mask is 50ml and states 10 applications worth of product. I feel I would actually get more out of it. I have a fat head too, nothing like some pea heads out there ( I wish I had a pea head) - all you pea heads, it should last even longer for you. 

It has 3 different pure clay's and Eucalyptus and you can really smell that when applying. It's a really refreshing, spa like smell. 

The clay's used are...

 Koalin - 'a highly effective natural clay, known to absorb impurities and excess sebum', which I have a lot of on my nose. You could see it drawing the nastiness out of my skin as the mask started to bubble on my nose. 

Montmorillonite - 'rich in minerals, a clay recognised for helping to eliminate imperfections'. No one is perfect right? 

Ghassoul - 'A pure clay highly concentrated in minerals renowned to help clarify complextion'. 

This mask claims that it 'purifies' and 'mattifies' your skin and it gives a little list of what to expect in the means of results. 

Immediately - skin is fresh, clean and purified. 

Use for one week - skin looks mattified, cleaner and softer.

Use after use - skin can breathe, is visibly transformed. 

Bold claims from L'oreal but I genuinely believe in them. 

After removing the dried mask I noticed my skin seemed a little brighter, reeeeaally soft and not so clogged. 

You know what I mean? It just felt lighter. 

The directions of use is to apply 2-3 times a week and leave on for 5-10 minutes each time, I did 10 minutes. 

loreal, loreal paris, cleansing oil, drugstore, boots, clay mask, purity mask, skin care,

I feel these masks are like freaking Pokemon.

"You gotta catch them all". Ha. 

I really want the other two now that I have tried this one. And if in the end it turns out to be a gimmick, hell, my skin feels great anyway. 

I would highly recommend the mask fo'sure and I would suggest you go out and buy them before they all sell out completely. 

As for the oil, I really like the product, as stated, I need to try this on a full face of makeup to see if it works just as good. I will have to let you know on that one. 

I hope you liked this post and if so, feel free to follow my ramblings over here on Bloglovin'.

My last post was about how I get rid of my spots and was really popular. You can find it here as part of my skin care series.

As always, you can find me on the following social media outlets. 

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger

Snapchat: Blackeyedfox

Until next time...


Monday 11 July 2016

My Current Skin Care Evening Routine | My Go To Skin Products Right Now.

"eye makeup" "smokey halo"  "beauty blogger" "beauty bay" "makeup geeks"

Yo yo yo. 

Everyone well? 

I am actually quite tired today. I have been up the last couple of nights/mornings to look after my guinea pig Cody as he's been a little poorly. When he gets like that then it's around the clock care. It's exhausting. 

I have an interview tomorrow, I am really nervous. This is my 7th month not working so I am a little anxious. 

I have lits watched everything on my Netflix account now. I have just finished watching Reign - which is a period drama and it was amaze. The men are hot and the lead who plays Mary (Adelaide Kane) is beautiful. I cannot wait until the 4th season is out. 

Recently I have been getting breakouts, the little buggers have been having a jolly little party on my chin. They just won't go away, no matter what I do, they seem to look like they are going away but they will just pop back up. They are scaring my skin and I am not best pleased about it. 

I have a morning skincare routine but never really one at night. I just take my makeup off and that's about it. Seriously ladies not taking your makeup off at night is a cardinal sin (oh gosh, I am even adopting their speech now), it kills your skin and makes you feel like crap when you wake up. Don't do it. 

Since the whole chin break out thang I have decided to up my skin care game and go in hard at night. It's a good time to do it because it's when your skin is rejuvenating and repairing itself. 

Below you will see my entire skin care routine and what I am currently using to keep everything tip-top. 

STEP 1 - Cleanse

"miceller water" "garnier" "skin cleanse" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

This is such an obvious step and please ignore my lack of makeup and I took these pics at night, for obvious reasons. Ha. So, my first step is to take off my makeup. I don't always do a deep cleanse at night as I don't want to strip all the oils from my face. I have dry skin and that won't help. I will go in instead with my Garnier Micella water. I usually use the pink bottle but decided to give this one a go. I just get a couple of cotton pads and remove the days makeup.

When I do cleanse, I now use the Superdrug gentle cleansing wash. It's free from all the crap and is great for sensitive skin. 

I miss my liz Earle 'Cleanse and Polish' but I had a reaction to it so I cannot use it anymore. 

"superdrug" "budget brand" "skin cleanse" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

STEP 2 - Serum

"superdrug" "serum" "skin serum" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

Superdrug have bought out their new range of skin care products called 'Clearly Youthful', they had an offer on so I thought I would give them a go because what they claimed to do intrigued me. 

"superdrug" "serum" "skin serum" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

After I have taken my makeup off I will then apply 3-4 drops of this night serum to the back of my hand and apply to my face and neck in circular motions. 

This resurfacing night serum claims to even out skin tone, minimise the appearance of dark-spots and hyper-pigmentation. It's main aim is to 'visibly improve the appearance of blemishes and imperfections' with the highly concentrated formula.

This really appealed to me because I do have an uneven skin tone so I am hoping this will help. 

There's so much information on the packaging, I love that and I like the fact this product has a pipette to release the product.  

STEP 3 - Blemishes

"superdrug" "blemishes" "spot treatment" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

Next I will go in with Superdrug's (out of the same range as above) Blemish Treatment Gel. 

Again this is highly concentrated and claims to 'visibly reduce the appearance of blemishes'. Basically I use this to treat my spots right now. This product and the above have a written timeline on the box to inform you on what to expect -  instantly, after a couple of hours and 1-4 weeks. It's really useful. The only thing I don't like about this packaging is the fact it has a pump dispenser which means too much product comes out of it. 

"superdrug" "blemishes" "spot treatment" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

I apply a thin layer of this on each and every spot or blemish to try and reduce the effects. 

STEP 4 - Eyes

"simple skin care" "eye cream" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

I was lacking in the eye creams... Well I have none. I needed a nice eye cream to sooth my eye area as I work on my eyes a lot and they do get sore from rubbing the makeup off. 

I love Simple as a brand and I use their face cream daily, I have sensitive skin and I can react to things. I know with Simple everything is natural so less risk of a reaction. 

This one is a soothing eye balm, which soothes and nurtures, reduces puffiness and winds down and relaxes the eye. I just pat this around my under eyes until the product has sunk in and then around the top of my eyes. I use this in the day too. 

"simple skin care" "eye cream" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

STEP 5 - Lips pt 1

"kiko" "lip scrub" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

Lips are next, this is one of my main problem areas, they are SO dry and the skin builds up on them, when I am nervous I pick my lips so that doesn't help. 

I went into Kiko months back now... Actually not long after the new year. I found their night balm and lip scrub which is in stick form. 

I use the lip scrub first, it basically looks like a lipstick only with lip scrub in it. Handy much. The only thing with this is, it goes down pretty quickly. I use this sparingly as I don't want it to run out. I then use the balm after I have rubbed the scrub off.

I really do use a lot of products on my lips as they currently need the most help. 

"kiko" "lip scrub" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

STEP 6 - Lips pt 2

"barry m" "lip oil" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

I recently bought the Barry M lip oil. It's new to their range and I bought the coconut one as it's clear. They have two in the range. 

I apply this on top of the Kiko balm. 

"barry m" "lip oil" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

STEP 7 - Lips pt 3

"blistex" "lip cream" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

Finally, I apply the Blistex 'Intensive Moisture' cream balm to my lips. I LOVE this stuff, I was watching Amy's Makeup Box's video on YouTube and she mentioned that she uses this and it works a treat on dry lips. 

She wasn't wrong, it's improved the condition of my lips a lot. 

Thanks Amy *kisses*. 

There you have it, you're up to date with my night time skin care routine. 

I hope you enjoyed reading and please share your tips on how you clean your skin and keep spots at bay. I love to chat so leave me a cheeky comment! :) 

Please don't forget to subscribe to my blog if you want to keep up with me. You can do so here on Bloglovin'. 

You can follow me on social media too. I post very regularly.

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger  

Until next time...



"leluroxx" "leluroxxblogger" "leya hutton" "beauty blogger" "makeup artist"


Thursday 5 May 2016

My Skincare Routine FT Liz Earle | Top 5 Easy Skincare Tips.

Evening Amigo's!!! 

Woweeeee, what a nice day it has been weather wise throughout the UK today!! 

It's been mega hot where I am situated and for once I was able to actually go outside and enjoy it. 

When it's sunny I ALWAYS want to be outdoors and doing things. Being jobless kind of stunts that but who cares, the sun was out and I am happy! 

Happiness = positivity = Good Karma. 

It was just nice to have the sun rays on my face and the wind in my hair as incredibly cheesy as that sounds. 

Speaking of my face, I have a love hate relationship with my skin. My skin is nowhere near perfect, well nothing a bit of makeup can't fix anyway, but that is really not the point. Ha. 

Since I was young - lets say high school, I have had pretty good skin, never had breakouts, always been clear and blemish free. 

These days however, things have changed. Yeah thanks for that!
 I have never been one of those girls who has had a 'skin care routine' or really paid attention to my skin. So moisturisers weren't even on my radar let alone anything else. 

My skin now breaks out a lot, mainly around my t-zone and I have bad dark circles under my eyes, which have gotten worse because of my hayfever (or so my doctor say's) and to the point my dad informed me that I look like "I've been punched in the eyes". Ha. Cheers pops. 

I am also quite pale and have blemishes. I sound so attractive don't I. Ha. Thank goodness for makeup that's all I can say.
Yes, I have blonde eyebrows so it looks like I am a boiled egg. Hence why I draw them on. 

Nobody got time for that!! 

I have tried a few skincare products; cleansers, toners, moisturisers and even spot clearing products (which DO NOT clear the spots) but haven't found anything that I love as much as my ARK Cleansing Oil. 

I ventured into Boots the other week and stopped at the Liz Earle counter where I was greeted by a really lovely lady (I cannot for the life of me remember her name) and she sat me down and we went through the products and she gave me every piece of information that I needed, which was right for my skin type.   

I chose to buy their 'Try Me Kit' instead of the full-size just in case the products didn't agree with me. I now regret that because I have really started to love the products in the kit and I know I will run out pretty soon. They have so many products in their range and I want to try them all out. I never saw the massive hype on the brand until now and I am in love. 

This is what I bought :)

I just love this bag alone, I felt like a proper woman walking down the street with this. Ha. I am so sad!!! 

Now, when I asked to get the smaller versions of what the lady had showed me, I didn't expect it to actually be that small. This little pouch cost me £26 and the full size kit was around £45, in hindsight I regret not buying the bigger versions as I would of got a lot more product for my money. 

What's done is done. 

Never regret anything... Unless it's beauty related! :)

And regret I did not.

This is what is included within the 'Try Me Kit'.

They are so freaking cute and I love the whole colour scheme, it just emphasises the whole clean and fresh feeling the company projects, being it's main selling point. 

Even though the sizing is fairly small, there is actually quite a bit of product in them and it also comes with the muslin cloth and two sponges. 

Most of you guys reading this would of heard of Liz Earle and their products, their Cleanse and Polish being one of their biggest sellers.

I had certainly heard of them but never tried their products. So if like me you haven't tried them neither and want an honest review on what I thought and whether you should invest, read on and look out for my top 5 skincare tips at the end. 


Cleanse and Polish.

Oh hello miss popular, you are now in my possession.

I have wanted to try this product in like forreeevvverr!! In the kit you use this as step 1 in the routine. 

This product is suitable for all skin types, it contains Rosemary, Chamomile, Cocoa Butter and Eucalyptus Essential Oil. You can really smell that Eucalyptus coming through and it's glorious! 

This product removes daily grime and makeup in one quick step and that is literally by applying the cleansing cream onto your dry face (whether you have makeup on or not), if you do have makeup on you just apply the same way, pop it onto your face and rub into the skin. Next you soak your muslin cloth in hot water and proceed to wipe your face clean. 

This is my favourite step as the heat from the cloth draws out all the dirt and dead skin cells whilst the cleanser leaves your face feeling SO FRESH!!!

Beautiful fo'sure. 

Deep Cleansing Mask.

This Deep Cleansing Mask is a beast!!! I like this a lot. The formula appears to be thick but once applied evens out into a thin base.

This green clay mask has Manuka Honey, Propolis and Rose-Scented Geranium in it and you can really smell the Manuka Honey. This honey has so many healing properties, I am more familiar with it for my throat as I have a spoonful before I go on stage to sing. 

This product says it is not suitable for sensitive skin, now I class myself as having sensitive skin and it's been hunky dory with mine. 

The aim of this mask is to help draw out impurities "to leave skin balanced and calm".

You literally just smooth this on to your face and neck, avoiding your eyes and mouth 2-3 times a week, after you have cleansed and polished and leave on for 5-10 minutes. 

That is it, simple. Then you use the two sponges provided and sweep them across your face to remove the mask (obviously wet sponges). 

I love this product too a lot, it's such a treat for your face and it's great for when you want a pamper night!! You can feel it drawing the disgustingness from your skin. 

Instant Boost Skin Tonic.

This tonic is so refreshing you apply this as step 3 after you have used the mask or step 2 if your haven't used the mask. 

It contains Aloe Vera which is known for its calming abilities, Calendula, Rose-Scented Geranium, Cucumber and a natural source of Vitamin E. 

This is a floral scented toner which doesn't dry the skin after use and refreshes, soothes and brightens your skin. 

I actually notice this after using it, it leaves me with a subtle glow which is very welcomed on my dull skin. It doesn't sting and it doesn't irritate. I love this too.

You know what I love it all. 

You pour this onto a cotton pad and sweep it across your face covering all areas. 

That's it for this step. 

Skin Repair - Light Moisturiser.
    This product states that this is for use on combination/oily skin which is perfect for anyone really. 

This is the final stage in your skin routine and is applied after the tonic. 

The active ingredients in this product are; Borage and Avocado Oil, Echinacea, Beta-Carotene and natural Vitamin E. 

This moisturiser absorbs into your skin like a dream and feels so soft and luxurious. The aim of this product is to replace moisture and help protect your skin against dryness. 

It also has essential fatty acids which is a god send to your skin. 

What do I actually think of these products?

I just love how natural these products are and how great they make your skin feel and in turn it makes you feel so freaking good. 

Your skin is just revitalised and feels really prepped for makeup application. 

I love how these products in no way feel cheap (because they're not) and it really is a treat for your face and skin. I can be quite lazy when it comes to routines but I have actually been looking forward to getting up and doing my skincare and I have Liz Earle to thank for that... My skin thanks you too. :) 

I cannot pick an absolute favourite because I freaking love them a lot. 

Would I recommend? Hell yeah, the products I have used so far I think are super brilliant and I would definitely re-purchase (if my bank account would let me)ha.

Awesome brand. I have been using each of these products for a couple of weeks and I am addicted. 

Well played Liz Earle!

My Top 5 Skincare Tips.

1. Drink LOTS of water and keep off the fizzy drinks. 

- We all know water flushes out toxins, I can only drink plain water from a bottle so I make sure I am stocked up and drink lots of the good stuff. I have cut out fizzy drinks completely and I am less bloated too as a result! It helps clear skin and well as keeping it hydrated. Score. 

2. Exercise. 

- I have recently been getting back into my exercise routine (I will be doing a post on this in the next few weeks) and as much as it pains me to actually get up and do it exercise is really important to keep your body and skin maintained. You drink more water whilst exercising and your skin will really benefit from it. 

3. Take every last inch of makeup off before bed. 

- This is SO important, we have all paid the price for sleeping in last nights makeup after a night out and trust me your skin is cursing you. It hates you. This Liz Earle kit will ensure that all your makeup comes off in a quick sweep of a cloth which means you can sleep easy knowing you're less likely to have a break out and premature ageing!!

4. Do have a skin care routine. 

- I have learnt this is so important for your skin to help against signs of ageing and for just helping your skin look amazing and also feel amazing. It helps keep those bad boy spots at bay and helps renew your skin cells. 

5. Don't rub your skin whilst drying your face. 

- This is a NO NO - big time. It leaves your face feeling sore, dry and practically undoes all the care you have put into it before drying. What I do is dab it with a towel and I am extra careful around the eyes as the skin is so delicate. Mine more so as I rub them a lot through hay fever. 

Follow these easy steps and your skin and body will thank you. 

I really hope you enjoyed this post and have found my Liz Earle review helpful to you and heck you may even go and try it yourself. 

I would, you won't be disappointed. 

Don't forget to give me a follow here if you like my posts. I love all my little follower and appreciate every single one of you. 

You can also find me on these social media accounts. 

Twitter: leluroxxblogger
Instagram: leluroxxblogger
Snapchat: blackeyedfox
Facebook: leyahutton 

Until next time... 


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