Monday 9 May 2016

Staying Positive And Happy When Life Throws You Lemons | 5 Tips On How To Keep That Good Karma Flowing.

Have you ever just sat back and looked at your life as a whole and thought 'man, things need to change'?

Have you ever let people's comments or actions really get to you?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and said out loud "Urrrgghhhh"?

I have done all of those.

Trying to stay happy, focused and positive when you're feeling like utter crap can be hard especially when things might not be going your way. 

Right now for me, I have been job searching since before Christmas. I really didn't like my job and I needed to move on. 

I am still searching, it's a ballache... If you're in a similar position to me you will know the frustration I am experiencing. 

Rejection emails for jobs you didn't really want anyway, no replies at all or stupid recruitment companies asking you to "come in" and fill out a million forms before they even send your application off.

This could of easily got me down but I changed my train of thought. 

'What is meant to be is meant to be'. 

I am thinking positively about it all knowing that something will come along when the time is right. 

I think you have to think that way otherwise you will end up sitting in a corner and crying. 

Don't wallow in it, do everything you can to power though the bad patches. 

I am lucky I have family to support me with a roof over my head and I know some people don't have that. 

Being happy is surrounding yourself with positive things. Things/people and even animals can bring out the best in you but only if those things have 'good karma'. 

If you're feeling shitty, you don't want ANY negativity around you at all, that will only bring you down. 

And if you're in a place where you're content you need to keep it that way. 

This is what I do to keep any jealousy, negativity, bad vibes and awful situations from bringing me down. 

It can be hard but it can be done. 

Tips On How To Keep That Good Karma Flowing

1. Delete/block any negative people out of your life.

- Life can be full of weird people. People who are jealous of you succeeding, people who cheat and lie their way through life, people that copy things you do and try and pass it off as their own and people who are full of hate that they will go out of their way to try and bring you down. 

Ummmm nope... Not here bitches. 

I have been slowly learning that not every opinion matters only those of loved ones. 

I have had people leave sarcastic comments on positive things I have done and the only reason I can think of as to why is because they are jealous. Why go out of your way to even comment otherwise? Don't like something? Walk away.  And that's what I do. I don't even engage.

I have also had someone I knew and that person I didn't care too much for, troll me on Twitter, get their friends to leave me nasty comments on my old YouTube channel, stalk my social media accounts, copy my blog content ideas and writing style(mutual friends also alerted me to this) and even sourced me out (after I blocked them) on their bf's account to send me a hate message. 

I mean wow, do people even still do this? Trolling to the extreme right?! What's your childhood trauma love?! It really is sad but those types of people exist unfortunately. 

Seeeee yaaaa. :) 

It used to get me angry but now I just laugh and pity that person because they obviously act that way because I have something they haven't got. 

Take it as a compliment guys not a negative. Feel proud of yourself!

Some people don't realise what you have on them in life and when you're in that position, laugh because you are obviously the bigger person. Take from that what you will.

In that instance BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK. As soon as you deal that move you will feel instantly happier. I did, those people are out of your life and they can keep their big nose out of yours.  

Haters got no game here. 

2. Take time out for yourself

- 'Me' time is important, if you're working, we all know that is stress in itself. Take a breather, take a step back and access the situation. 

Is it worth all this stress? I mean really?!

I have dealt with a lot of stress whilst at uni and working, where people will take the pee, try to screw you over or you just don't like what you're doing. 

This is when 'me' time is important. 

Go home (obviously not in the middle of a working day, ha), take a bath, burn some candles, wear the comfiest clothes possible, make a hot chocolate and just RELAX. 

Make a list of the things that are bothering you and how you can conquer those issues. I ALWAYS do this and it helps me stay in control of a situ.

As soon as you stop stressing about this, good things come your way because your mind is free and able to process. 

I have anxiety and have done since my first day at high school. It was real bad when I was at uni and I remember being in the head lecturers office having a panic attack. 

I still have that and get those but I now control it and don't let it control me. This is how I know what really works to calm your body and mind down. 

Things are always better after a good nights sleep and that's true. 

"Sleep on it" is such good advice let me tell you. 

3. Surround yourself with things that make you feel excited.

- Excitement releases endorphins and adrenalin and those in turn make you feel instantly happy, positive and refreshed. 

You don't even have to spend money to bring the goodness into your life. Forget about what you don't have and focus on what you do have. 

These last few months I have really come to recognise this being jobless. There is always someone worse off than you. 

Usually a hater. Ha.

Watch your favourite movies with some of your favourite foods in tow, invite your friends over for a girly night, just go and sit in the garden and enjoy Mother Nature whatever it is that makes you happy do it. There's no better feeling than contentment. 

For me my happy place is, taking a bubble bath, lighting candles, getting into my PJ's, ordering pizza (usually), sticking on a movie and doing my makeup. 

How cute does that sound. Even if you do it say once a week it helps your mentality. 

4.  Work hard and reap the rewards

- It's true the saying, what you put in you will get out. 

If you're going to be negative and lazy about something you're only projecting negativity into the universe and you my friend will only get crap karma. Period. 

Work your freaking ass off man in whatever your doing and if it's not recognised move on. 

I did, you work your ass off in a job and it's not recognised then they don't deserve you and someone else will. Simple. 

You work hard on a project, keep your ideas original, do your own work and not get others to do it for you ( I know someone who did that) and don't let others get in your way. 

You will get there on your own merit and if you remain positive, even if things go tits up, good will come.

There's no point copying others work or slacking and getting others to do something for you and claim credit for it. 

It's cheating, lying and totally not honest. 

Do you want to be that person? I don't, so I will work my butt off no matter what comes my way and keep working until I get the things I want. 

Just thinking that way allows for happiness. You have a goal. 

5. Love yourself and how you are made.

- It's easy to get swamped into media ideologies and forget who you really are. 

No one is perfect, lets get that one straight but there is perfection in imperfection.

No one is born airbrushed, with perfect teeth, a figure like a supermodel and flowing locks. 

What you will find is, 90% of those people you see on social media and in magazines are in fact airbrushed to shit, had braces or have veneers, worked their ass off at the gym to get their figure and well... Their hair, if it's down to their ass then it's freaking extensions.

The other 10%, well that's us, we are just the same at the other 90% of people except we need to think that way. 

Everyone has hangups about themselves, even the 'perfect' celebrities, we are all human.

What we need to learn however is to be happy within ourselves. Once you are content with life (steps 1,2,3 and 4)then you can work on your own exterior. 

Pictures only allow others to see what you want them to see. Remember that guys.

Whether you want to make cosmetic changes (adults), lifestyle changes or even attitude changes. Do them, change can be positive. 

I am not a fan of change but it can be in your best interests sometimes and once you have distinguished what it is you need to change about yourself don't be afraid to do it. 

To me everyone is beautiful and unique, we are made the way we are for a reason. 

I really don't like my overbite, haven't done since I can remember, I will be getting invisible braces when I get a job because that is my biggest hangup. Once that is done I will be at peace with myself completely. 

In the words of Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror "make that change!"

I hope my 5 tips on happiness and positivity have helped you or inspired you in any way. 

These are tried and tested methods by myself and have worked for me. They might not completely work for you, so adapt those points to suit you. 

 Remember, screw the haters, copycats are those without imaginations, find your happy place, work your tooshie off and most importantly relax, remain calm and love who you are. 

In the words of me... "Be You Be Free". 

Adiós Amigos. 




Thursday 5 May 2016

My Skincare Routine FT Liz Earle | Top 5 Easy Skincare Tips.

Evening Amigo's!!! 

Woweeeee, what a nice day it has been weather wise throughout the UK today!! 

It's been mega hot where I am situated and for once I was able to actually go outside and enjoy it. 

When it's sunny I ALWAYS want to be outdoors and doing things. Being jobless kind of stunts that but who cares, the sun was out and I am happy! 

Happiness = positivity = Good Karma. 

It was just nice to have the sun rays on my face and the wind in my hair as incredibly cheesy as that sounds. 

Speaking of my face, I have a love hate relationship with my skin. My skin is nowhere near perfect, well nothing a bit of makeup can't fix anyway, but that is really not the point. Ha. 

Since I was young - lets say high school, I have had pretty good skin, never had breakouts, always been clear and blemish free. 

These days however, things have changed. Yeah thanks for that!
 I have never been one of those girls who has had a 'skin care routine' or really paid attention to my skin. So moisturisers weren't even on my radar let alone anything else. 

My skin now breaks out a lot, mainly around my t-zone and I have bad dark circles under my eyes, which have gotten worse because of my hayfever (or so my doctor say's) and to the point my dad informed me that I look like "I've been punched in the eyes". Ha. Cheers pops. 

I am also quite pale and have blemishes. I sound so attractive don't I. Ha. Thank goodness for makeup that's all I can say.
Yes, I have blonde eyebrows so it looks like I am a boiled egg. Hence why I draw them on. 

Nobody got time for that!! 

I have tried a few skincare products; cleansers, toners, moisturisers and even spot clearing products (which DO NOT clear the spots) but haven't found anything that I love as much as my ARK Cleansing Oil. 

I ventured into Boots the other week and stopped at the Liz Earle counter where I was greeted by a really lovely lady (I cannot for the life of me remember her name) and she sat me down and we went through the products and she gave me every piece of information that I needed, which was right for my skin type.   

I chose to buy their 'Try Me Kit' instead of the full-size just in case the products didn't agree with me. I now regret that because I have really started to love the products in the kit and I know I will run out pretty soon. They have so many products in their range and I want to try them all out. I never saw the massive hype on the brand until now and I am in love. 

This is what I bought :)

I just love this bag alone, I felt like a proper woman walking down the street with this. Ha. I am so sad!!! 

Now, when I asked to get the smaller versions of what the lady had showed me, I didn't expect it to actually be that small. This little pouch cost me £26 and the full size kit was around £45, in hindsight I regret not buying the bigger versions as I would of got a lot more product for my money. 

What's done is done. 

Never regret anything... Unless it's beauty related! :)

And regret I did not.

This is what is included within the 'Try Me Kit'.

They are so freaking cute and I love the whole colour scheme, it just emphasises the whole clean and fresh feeling the company projects, being it's main selling point. 

Even though the sizing is fairly small, there is actually quite a bit of product in them and it also comes with the muslin cloth and two sponges. 

Most of you guys reading this would of heard of Liz Earle and their products, their Cleanse and Polish being one of their biggest sellers.

I had certainly heard of them but never tried their products. So if like me you haven't tried them neither and want an honest review on what I thought and whether you should invest, read on and look out for my top 5 skincare tips at the end. 


Cleanse and Polish.

Oh hello miss popular, you are now in my possession.

I have wanted to try this product in like forreeevvverr!! In the kit you use this as step 1 in the routine. 

This product is suitable for all skin types, it contains Rosemary, Chamomile, Cocoa Butter and Eucalyptus Essential Oil. You can really smell that Eucalyptus coming through and it's glorious! 

This product removes daily grime and makeup in one quick step and that is literally by applying the cleansing cream onto your dry face (whether you have makeup on or not), if you do have makeup on you just apply the same way, pop it onto your face and rub into the skin. Next you soak your muslin cloth in hot water and proceed to wipe your face clean. 

This is my favourite step as the heat from the cloth draws out all the dirt and dead skin cells whilst the cleanser leaves your face feeling SO FRESH!!!

Beautiful fo'sure. 

Deep Cleansing Mask.

This Deep Cleansing Mask is a beast!!! I like this a lot. The formula appears to be thick but once applied evens out into a thin base.

This green clay mask has Manuka Honey, Propolis and Rose-Scented Geranium in it and you can really smell the Manuka Honey. This honey has so many healing properties, I am more familiar with it for my throat as I have a spoonful before I go on stage to sing. 

This product says it is not suitable for sensitive skin, now I class myself as having sensitive skin and it's been hunky dory with mine. 

The aim of this mask is to help draw out impurities "to leave skin balanced and calm".

You literally just smooth this on to your face and neck, avoiding your eyes and mouth 2-3 times a week, after you have cleansed and polished and leave on for 5-10 minutes. 

That is it, simple. Then you use the two sponges provided and sweep them across your face to remove the mask (obviously wet sponges). 

I love this product too a lot, it's such a treat for your face and it's great for when you want a pamper night!! You can feel it drawing the disgustingness from your skin. 

Instant Boost Skin Tonic.

This tonic is so refreshing you apply this as step 3 after you have used the mask or step 2 if your haven't used the mask. 

It contains Aloe Vera which is known for its calming abilities, Calendula, Rose-Scented Geranium, Cucumber and a natural source of Vitamin E. 

This is a floral scented toner which doesn't dry the skin after use and refreshes, soothes and brightens your skin. 

I actually notice this after using it, it leaves me with a subtle glow which is very welcomed on my dull skin. It doesn't sting and it doesn't irritate. I love this too.

You know what I love it all. 

You pour this onto a cotton pad and sweep it across your face covering all areas. 

That's it for this step. 

Skin Repair - Light Moisturiser.
    This product states that this is for use on combination/oily skin which is perfect for anyone really. 

This is the final stage in your skin routine and is applied after the tonic. 

The active ingredients in this product are; Borage and Avocado Oil, Echinacea, Beta-Carotene and natural Vitamin E. 

This moisturiser absorbs into your skin like a dream and feels so soft and luxurious. The aim of this product is to replace moisture and help protect your skin against dryness. 

It also has essential fatty acids which is a god send to your skin. 

What do I actually think of these products?

I just love how natural these products are and how great they make your skin feel and in turn it makes you feel so freaking good. 

Your skin is just revitalised and feels really prepped for makeup application. 

I love how these products in no way feel cheap (because they're not) and it really is a treat for your face and skin. I can be quite lazy when it comes to routines but I have actually been looking forward to getting up and doing my skincare and I have Liz Earle to thank for that... My skin thanks you too. :) 

I cannot pick an absolute favourite because I freaking love them a lot. 

Would I recommend? Hell yeah, the products I have used so far I think are super brilliant and I would definitely re-purchase (if my bank account would let me)ha.

Awesome brand. I have been using each of these products for a couple of weeks and I am addicted. 

Well played Liz Earle!

My Top 5 Skincare Tips.

1. Drink LOTS of water and keep off the fizzy drinks. 

- We all know water flushes out toxins, I can only drink plain water from a bottle so I make sure I am stocked up and drink lots of the good stuff. I have cut out fizzy drinks completely and I am less bloated too as a result! It helps clear skin and well as keeping it hydrated. Score. 

2. Exercise. 

- I have recently been getting back into my exercise routine (I will be doing a post on this in the next few weeks) and as much as it pains me to actually get up and do it exercise is really important to keep your body and skin maintained. You drink more water whilst exercising and your skin will really benefit from it. 

3. Take every last inch of makeup off before bed. 

- This is SO important, we have all paid the price for sleeping in last nights makeup after a night out and trust me your skin is cursing you. It hates you. This Liz Earle kit will ensure that all your makeup comes off in a quick sweep of a cloth which means you can sleep easy knowing you're less likely to have a break out and premature ageing!!

4. Do have a skin care routine. 

- I have learnt this is so important for your skin to help against signs of ageing and for just helping your skin look amazing and also feel amazing. It helps keep those bad boy spots at bay and helps renew your skin cells. 

5. Don't rub your skin whilst drying your face. 

- This is a NO NO - big time. It leaves your face feeling sore, dry and practically undoes all the care you have put into it before drying. What I do is dab it with a towel and I am extra careful around the eyes as the skin is so delicate. Mine more so as I rub them a lot through hay fever. 

Follow these easy steps and your skin and body will thank you. 

I really hope you enjoyed this post and have found my Liz Earle review helpful to you and heck you may even go and try it yourself. 

I would, you won't be disappointed. 

Don't forget to give me a follow here if you like my posts. I love all my little follower and appreciate every single one of you. 

You can also find me on these social media accounts. 

Twitter: leluroxxblogger
Instagram: leluroxxblogger
Snapchat: blackeyedfox
Facebook: leyahutton 

Until next time... 



Saturday 6 February 2016

20 Things I Would Tell My 18 Year Old Self // Life Lessons.

As you start getting older and looking back into distant memories of your youth, it becomes a lot clearer on what you wish you had or hadn't done. 

I like to believe that you shouldn't have any regrets in life, but unfortunately most of us do. 

When I look back to when I was in high school and even college I cringe to the point of sweating about the things I used to wear, what I looked like and things I used to get up to. 

That being said I laugh a lot more at those things because that was who I was at that point in my life. 

Oh I do love memories. 

I remember in high school I used to wear my hair constantly in a bun where I would use butterfly clips to spike the ends of my bun out *covers eyes*. And when I wasn't doing that I was running through the school corridors singing my head off to Shakira's 'Whenever, Wherever', forging my parent's signatures on a get out of jail PE note or secretly eyeing my crush up across the yonder. Ha. 

College, held the best times for me. I LOVED it so much! That's when I got my first proper boyfriend, fell in love, had sex for the first time (yes, I was 18, I was no hoe), made some amazing friends, skipped lessons, played football with the lads, had chicken wrap's without the wrap (don't ask). Bought and ate so many Woolworths Pick N Mix's until the point of vom, getting drunk and being scared of the 'evil doll', college bashes (always eventful), eyeing up a lot more hot guys (FitBen), singing Fleetwood Mac in 'the room' and re-creating Little Britain with McBri. There was so much laughter it's unreal. The list is gigantic.
Photo quality is shocking this was like 10 years ago. Ouch. 

Looking back to 10 years ago, what would I tell myself from what I know now? 

A hella lot of things I'll tell you that for free!! 

If my 18 year old self was sat in front of my pale face right this second this is what I would tell Leya 'McMouth' Hutton. 

1. Have faith in yourself, you're one of the brighter crayons in that Crayola box and never forget that. Don't let others put you down. Those human's are called bullies. 

2. Don't be in a hurry to grow up and be an adult, adult life is hard. Doing homework and worrying what you're going to wear to the next school disco is a drop in the very big ocean compared to adulthood. Treasure it whilst you can. Dance in the rain, play in the mud and stay young.

3. Boys are not the be all and end all. Yep, you're going to get your heart broken, you're going to get rejected and that's by the guy that you thought was "the one". He isn't, you're going to one day fall in love with the guy you're meant to be with. Go with the flow because fate takes you to a million different places. I am still trying to deal with this now, I have been single for almost 7 years and the rate I am going my baby is going to come from a test tube. I didn't think that was ever going to happen. FML. 

4. Face your fears, do the things that scare you most. I never did that in regards to getting on an aeroplane and now I am going to have to be highly drunk or drugged up to go to a different freaking country. Yeah thanks for that.

5. Stop over thinking. I constantly over think EVERYTHING and it's annoying as hell. Just listen to me 18 year old self, over thinking leads you to the point of no return. DON'T DO IT. 

6. Don't stress over people that really don't matter to you! I get infuriated with some things I see, read and hear to the point I can feel my blood boiling. *Just think of my blood in a pan on the highest heat... Not simmering... More like popping away like a volcano.* - Get the idea? It's a no no. They don't deserve your time, just forget about it and move on, even if you do want to smack them in the throat! :) 

7. Haters are going to hate. I care about what people think of me and I really wish I didn't. I do now though get to the point where you either take me as I am or watch me as I go. Not everyone is going to like what you wear, how you speak, what you look like. Deal with it because you will have bigger fish to fry let me tell you. Keyboard warriors and basic bitches... Nobody got time for that!

8. Take risks. I am now doing it in later life (okay I am only 28 but still the time is ticking, the leaves are falling, the ships are sailing. "You get the drift") and it's not frickin easy. If you are offered things... "TAKE THEM". This goes back to points 1 & 4. 

9. Accept compliments. I am so bad at taking compliments it's unreal, having self doubt is draining. Someone compliments you, accept it and when you're having a bad day, pull that bad boy out of your pocket and love yourself. Be you, be free!! 

10. Listen to your parents advice. Every kid will always hear those dreaded and damn right monotonous words "you will regret it, mark my words. Don't make the same mistakes as I did". When you are 18 those words mean nothing to you, you want to experience everything. Make those mistakes. Fine. Just don't be a dick and disregard everything that has been said to you because 9/10 they are correct in their advice. I have learnt the hard way a few times. 

11. Embrace your smaller boobs. The boob job idea was never a fool proof plan, especially as now I love the fact they are smaller. I can wear pretty much anything without having to worrying about nip slip.

 12. University isn't all that. For me it was a waste of time. I have some amazing memories but those memories won't get you your dream job, neither does your degree.

13. Get that brace. I now have a slight over bite through sucking my thumb and I HATE it. I cannot be pouting in my wedding photo's. Get me those Invisalign's pronto. 

14.  You're cool, people are going to copy you! My pet peeve is people copying me. I am original but not ordinary. Anything but ordinary in fact and I have the tattoo to prove it ;). 18 year old self, embrace it because lets face it, those who have no imagination feed from your creativity. See it as you're helping those in need! Ha.

15. Cry less, nobody deserves your tears, especially boys and needless haters. 

16.  You don't have to do what everyone else is doing. Marrige, kids and a home before you're 21, that's not for everyone at that point in their lives. If I had a pound for every time I have heard someone say to me "shouldn't you have a boyfriend/kids by now?" I would be super rich. Don't tell me what to do. I will do it all in my own time when it's right for ME!

17. Stop trying to plan everything out. Life doesn't work that way most of the time. Things happen for a reason and I am a strong believer in that. You plan most of your life out, it's never going to work. Nothing ever goes to plan... Well apart from the fact you will have a shitty period every month. Unless you're pregnant that is, and I for one am not. 

18.  It's not the end of the world. "Nobody died". Dust your pretty self off and try again. 

19. Practice saying "no" more. The amount of times I have done things to please others is endless. Sometimes you need to do things for you and you only. Put yourself first. 

20. Trust your gut instinct. It never fails, if something doesn't seem right act upon your intuition. It also works for positive factors, if something seems like the right thing, think like Nike and "just do it".  

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