Thursday 31 March 2016

Artis Professional Oval Brush Dupe | First Impressions.

Evvveeenninnggg ladies and gents.

Y'all good? I am having a great week (makes a change), still job searching though (which hasn't changed). Ha. 

Being the makeup addict that I am, I cannot resist buying new bits and bobs to try out, I get so excited. The little things ay!

I save just as much as I spend, so I am pretty good with money. Obviously, right now I am being careful with what I am spending for clear reasons. However, I was reading LoveLaughsLipstick's tweet and she mentioned a dupe for the Artis brushes that are currently taking over the country by storm. She had bought a dupe brush off Ebay to see if it was any good. I totally jumped on the bandwaggon and I am not ashamed to admit it. Ha. She kindly passed me the link and I ordered one. 

Now, if you are not quite sure what I am talking about it's those weird looking brushes that look like something you would brush your dog with which are oval, with a long handle on them. You may have seem girls using them in tutorials on Instagram where they are literally brushing their face with this thing. As odd as it sounded and looked I really wanted to try the Artis brushes.

These Artis brushes aren't on the cheap side let me tell you and they are obviously highly priced because they are freaking amazing. Well they better be anyway I would want to come out looking like freaking Kendall Jenner!! 

 They look amazing anyway and the makeup looks airbrushed it's blended so well. 

I picked up my brush on Ebay from a UK company, it's unbranded and it cost me £2. It's not breaking the bank so if it was utterly useless I wouldn't need to cry myself to sleep at night. 

It arrived, it was a lot smaller than I thought, the picture made it look a lot bigger and it said it was for use with foundation.

Time to test it, I applied my foundation and then attacked my face with this contraption. The brush is pretty dense and it felt really strange rubbing it around my face, I wasn't really sure how to use it either. I was just rubbing my foundation in, in a bout of circular motions. Ha.

I am going to be completely honest. I didn't like how it transferred my foundation at all. For me, it picked up more product than it actually left on my face. It applied pretty evenly considering but I did notice little patches on my checks where it looked as if I had wiped the makeup off. It didn't leave me with my usual matte finish that I get with my expert face brush and didn't seem as seamless. My foundation also looked like it had oxidised a lot too. coincidence maybe?

I need my dark circles covered and it can be hard to do so, this didn't help matters as you kind of sweep the brush over that area. 

For foundation it was a no, no. Fo'sure. 

It blended my concealer in around my chin fine, not so much around my eyes but it did blend my cream contour in nicely, so if anything I will be using it for that.

I think out of it all it has really intrigued me to try the Artis brushes. I want to see what all the hype is about properly. 

For £2 you can't grumble but I think I was expecting better results. A girl can dream. Ha.

I hope you enjoyed my first impressions on this brush and it might help you make your own decision on whether to buy it or not. 

Don't forget to give me a follow here if you liked this post.





  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great post Leya! It's funny because I must clearly be doing my makeup wrong because I feel like your foundation came out great! I saw the pictures and I was like "ooooo, nice!" then read what you said and I was like "oh!" haha. Thanks for the honest post :)


    1. It actually showed up pretty neat on the pics.Ha. Typical, but in certain lighting you could see the it lol. It just drags the makeup off I thought. Annoying much. Ha. xx

  3. I was soo close to ordering this the other day from Amazon! Despite you not loving it, your foundation looks even in your pictures! I think I may give this brush a miss now ha.

    P xo

    1. Ha ha, I know right, my cam made it look blended. It was for the most part but I did have patches where the brush dragged the product and not blend it so it ended up looking weird. It is however good for blending cream contour. For £2 though it will come in useful at some point x

  4. I have to agree with Jay's comment above! I was thinks the same!! It's such a shame you didn't get on with the brush too well. But as you say, for £2 you can't really complain too much eah? I have seen them being used everywhere and have wondered what's so "magical" about them. I think it's just another phase like the beauty blender. Yeah they're good but for their price you're not breaking the bank. These retail from £30+ I believe. Obviously the bigger the brush size the more it costs.
    Love Hannah xx

    1. Yeah I thought this brush was going to be bigger considering it said it was for foundation that could be why I thought it was dragging more than it should. I still use it for contour and a bit of highlight blending but that's it. Yeah the Artis brushes (the expensive ones) look really good, just don't think the dupes are all that tbh. Thanks for leaving a comment lovely :) xx


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