Monday, 9 May 2016

Staying Positive And Happy When Life Throws You Lemons | 5 Tips On How To Keep That Good Karma Flowing.

Have you ever just sat back and looked at your life as a whole and thought 'man, things need to change'?

Have you ever let people's comments or actions really get to you?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and said out loud "Urrrgghhhh"?

I have done all of those.

Trying to stay happy, focused and positive when you're feeling like utter crap can be hard especially when things might not be going your way. 

Right now for me, I have been job searching since before Christmas. I really didn't like my job and I needed to move on. 

I am still searching, it's a ballache... If you're in a similar position to me you will know the frustration I am experiencing. 

Rejection emails for jobs you didn't really want anyway, no replies at all or stupid recruitment companies asking you to "come in" and fill out a million forms before they even send your application off.

This could of easily got me down but I changed my train of thought. 

'What is meant to be is meant to be'. 

I am thinking positively about it all knowing that something will come along when the time is right. 

I think you have to think that way otherwise you will end up sitting in a corner and crying. 

Don't wallow in it, do everything you can to power though the bad patches. 

I am lucky I have family to support me with a roof over my head and I know some people don't have that. 

Being happy is surrounding yourself with positive things. Things/people and even animals can bring out the best in you but only if those things have 'good karma'. 

If you're feeling shitty, you don't want ANY negativity around you at all, that will only bring you down. 

And if you're in a place where you're content you need to keep it that way. 

This is what I do to keep any jealousy, negativity, bad vibes and awful situations from bringing me down. 

It can be hard but it can be done. 

Tips On How To Keep That Good Karma Flowing

1. Delete/block any negative people out of your life.

- Life can be full of weird people. People who are jealous of you succeeding, people who cheat and lie their way through life, people that copy things you do and try and pass it off as their own and people who are full of hate that they will go out of their way to try and bring you down. 

Ummmm nope... Not here bitches. 

I have been slowly learning that not every opinion matters only those of loved ones. 

I have had people leave sarcastic comments on positive things I have done and the only reason I can think of as to why is because they are jealous. Why go out of your way to even comment otherwise? Don't like something? Walk away.  And that's what I do. I don't even engage.

I have also had someone I knew and that person I didn't care too much for, troll me on Twitter, get their friends to leave me nasty comments on my old YouTube channel, stalk my social media accounts, copy my blog content ideas and writing style(mutual friends also alerted me to this) and even sourced me out (after I blocked them) on their bf's account to send me a hate message. 

I mean wow, do people even still do this? Trolling to the extreme right?! What's your childhood trauma love?! It really is sad but those types of people exist unfortunately. 

Seeeee yaaaa. :) 

It used to get me angry but now I just laugh and pity that person because they obviously act that way because I have something they haven't got. 

Take it as a compliment guys not a negative. Feel proud of yourself!

Some people don't realise what you have on them in life and when you're in that position, laugh because you are obviously the bigger person. Take from that what you will.

In that instance BLOCK, BLOCK, BLOCK. As soon as you deal that move you will feel instantly happier. I did, those people are out of your life and they can keep their big nose out of yours.  

Haters got no game here. 

2. Take time out for yourself

- 'Me' time is important, if you're working, we all know that is stress in itself. Take a breather, take a step back and access the situation. 

Is it worth all this stress? I mean really?!

I have dealt with a lot of stress whilst at uni and working, where people will take the pee, try to screw you over or you just don't like what you're doing. 

This is when 'me' time is important. 

Go home (obviously not in the middle of a working day, ha), take a bath, burn some candles, wear the comfiest clothes possible, make a hot chocolate and just RELAX. 

Make a list of the things that are bothering you and how you can conquer those issues. I ALWAYS do this and it helps me stay in control of a situ.

As soon as you stop stressing about this, good things come your way because your mind is free and able to process. 

I have anxiety and have done since my first day at high school. It was real bad when I was at uni and I remember being in the head lecturers office having a panic attack. 

I still have that and get those but I now control it and don't let it control me. This is how I know what really works to calm your body and mind down. 

Things are always better after a good nights sleep and that's true. 

"Sleep on it" is such good advice let me tell you. 

3. Surround yourself with things that make you feel excited.

- Excitement releases endorphins and adrenalin and those in turn make you feel instantly happy, positive and refreshed. 

You don't even have to spend money to bring the goodness into your life. Forget about what you don't have and focus on what you do have. 

These last few months I have really come to recognise this being jobless. There is always someone worse off than you. 

Usually a hater. Ha.

Watch your favourite movies with some of your favourite foods in tow, invite your friends over for a girly night, just go and sit in the garden and enjoy Mother Nature whatever it is that makes you happy do it. There's no better feeling than contentment. 

For me my happy place is, taking a bubble bath, lighting candles, getting into my PJ's, ordering pizza (usually), sticking on a movie and doing my makeup. 

How cute does that sound. Even if you do it say once a week it helps your mentality. 

4.  Work hard and reap the rewards

- It's true the saying, what you put in you will get out. 

If you're going to be negative and lazy about something you're only projecting negativity into the universe and you my friend will only get crap karma. Period. 

Work your freaking ass off man in whatever your doing and if it's not recognised move on. 

I did, you work your ass off in a job and it's not recognised then they don't deserve you and someone else will. Simple. 

You work hard on a project, keep your ideas original, do your own work and not get others to do it for you ( I know someone who did that) and don't let others get in your way. 

You will get there on your own merit and if you remain positive, even if things go tits up, good will come.

There's no point copying others work or slacking and getting others to do something for you and claim credit for it. 

It's cheating, lying and totally not honest. 

Do you want to be that person? I don't, so I will work my butt off no matter what comes my way and keep working until I get the things I want. 

Just thinking that way allows for happiness. You have a goal. 

5. Love yourself and how you are made.

- It's easy to get swamped into media ideologies and forget who you really are. 

No one is perfect, lets get that one straight but there is perfection in imperfection.

No one is born airbrushed, with perfect teeth, a figure like a supermodel and flowing locks. 

What you will find is, 90% of those people you see on social media and in magazines are in fact airbrushed to shit, had braces or have veneers, worked their ass off at the gym to get their figure and well... Their hair, if it's down to their ass then it's freaking extensions.

The other 10%, well that's us, we are just the same at the other 90% of people except we need to think that way. 

Everyone has hangups about themselves, even the 'perfect' celebrities, we are all human.

What we need to learn however is to be happy within ourselves. Once you are content with life (steps 1,2,3 and 4)then you can work on your own exterior. 

Pictures only allow others to see what you want them to see. Remember that guys.

Whether you want to make cosmetic changes (adults), lifestyle changes or even attitude changes. Do them, change can be positive. 

I am not a fan of change but it can be in your best interests sometimes and once you have distinguished what it is you need to change about yourself don't be afraid to do it. 

To me everyone is beautiful and unique, we are made the way we are for a reason. 

I really don't like my overbite, haven't done since I can remember, I will be getting invisible braces when I get a job because that is my biggest hangup. Once that is done I will be at peace with myself completely. 

In the words of Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror "make that change!"

I hope my 5 tips on happiness and positivity have helped you or inspired you in any way. 

These are tried and tested methods by myself and have worked for me. They might not completely work for you, so adapt those points to suit you. 

 Remember, screw the haters, copycats are those without imaginations, find your happy place, work your tooshie off and most importantly relax, remain calm and love who you are. 

In the words of me... "Be You Be Free". 

Adiós Amigos. 




Monday, 25 April 2016

Counterfeit Gig | Meeting Jamie Campbell Bower | And Why They Are Going To Be Huge.

Hello you lovely lot!!! 

I hope y'all well?! I am just spiffy if you're wondering, although I have far too much to do today and so little time. I have auditions to prepare for, singing videos to do and makeup comps to do. 

I'm going to need a hella lot of E numbers! 

I am bring to you a different kind of post today compared to my usual beauty ones. 

This one is obviously 'life' related and something I feel you guys should hear about because music plays a big part in my life and this post reflects that. If you're a music lover or performer like me then you're going to be very interested in this. 

Trust me, I never lie. :)


In my previous post I mentioned that I was going to see the band Counterfeit live in Birmingham, Thursday just gone. 

If you haven't heard of them you REALLY need to research this shit because trust me you're missing out. 

More about that later. 

They are a five man band consisting of lead singer and guitarist Jamie Campbell Bower *swoon*, Tristan Marmont (guitar, vocals), Roland Johnson (bass, vocals), Sam Bower - Jamie's Brother (guitar, vocals) and last but not least Jimmy Craig on the drums. 

Jamie, is pretty well known as he was lead in a band called The Darling Buds and he is also an actor and has dabbled in some modelling. 

If you don't know who he is, where the hell have you been all your life?! You've watched, Sweeney Todd, Twilight and Mortal Instruments right? 

Talented all round. Hell yeah.

To me, I would say that their 'genre' of music (if you HAVE to categorise it) is in the realms of punk/rock - alternative. They have some hella, body shattering bass lines, some bloody catchy hooks and their overall feel is "COME GET SOME"! 

The attitude just oozes out of them and it's freaking hot!! 

If you're into this sound then read on... If you're not, give it a chance because they are addictive!


I will be honest with you, I hadn't actually heard of this band fully, until around a week before their gig. I follow Jamie on Twitter and Instagram and saw that Counterfeit were touring. 

I then watched Mortal Instruments, fell in love with Jamie and was like "I REALLY need to listen to his band". 

I am not joking you, I listened to 'Hold Fire' first and I was hooked. I actually got goosebumps instantly, for me to react like that, you have to be good. I am freaking picky when it comes to what I like. If I like something, you know it's going to be amazing. 

Each song has a meaning, each song is electric and each song is passionate.

I would also like to add, they are doing this all off their own back, no big record companies involved. It's all of their own blood, sweat and tears. 

For a band to do that and already have a big impact and following is commendable. 

Well played boys! 

I then bought a meet and greet ticket so I could actually meet them in person. If there is ever an opportunity to meet the people I admire, I am sold. 

So, it took me god damn forever to get to Birmingham because of stupid ass drivers, I mean seriously, does anyone actually know how to drive any more? "GET OUT OF MY WAY ASSHOLE"! 

I was late, on my own and really cold. I had the highest boots on, leather trousers and a drop sleeve vest. 

I made friends easily because I just talk to people and they have no choice in the matter. Ha. 

I was actually pretty nervous meeting Counterfeit, especially Jamie as I struggle to breathe when I find someone hot let alone talk to them. Ha ha. 

I spoke to Jamie and Sam first and they were lovely. But me being me, I never actually open my mouth and talk about you know... NORMAL things, I get nervous and crap comes out instead. I met the rest of the band after and again they were all perfectly lovely especially Roland. :) 

With me, when I am inspired by someone I could spend hours with them, I am NEVER the 'groupie' type. 

That night, I wanted to be on stage with them!! I was in the zone!

They are all so beautiful!! 

Totally a guys, girl me! Ha. 


Okay, so my feet were freaking killing me by the time they came on stage which was around 8.45 pm, bearing in mind I have been in them since 4.30 pm. I literally couldn't feel my feet or legs at all. I had to wear them because usually I will get to the stage and BOOM a bloody tree is in front of me. "Mwahahaha not that night". In yo face! 

I am not going to lie they have some die hard fans, I did feel like I was the only 28 yr old in the room as everyone else seemed so young. Obviously they are their main demographic. Again, well played. 

They were going mental, literally mental. It made me smile, it was cool. 

As I was new to the 'gang' I only knew the five songs I had listened to.

. Hold Fire
. Come Get Some
. Enough (which is their latest single)
. Family Suicide 
. Letters To The Lost

They played around 12 songs I believe. 

I have NEVER seen so much enigma, love, passion, energy and talent coming off a stage in my life. I have been to a lot of gigs and I will tell you now, it's THE BEST one I  have been to. 

True story.

The vocals were on point, there were some brilliant instrumental licks and the music was flawless. You're just stood there wanting to full on swing your hair about. Totally intergalactic.

If you could bottle sex into music form, this would be it! Full stop.

I am a singer/performer and their music is 100% the type I love to perform. It's gritty, has depth and so god damn addictive. 

I couldn't take my eyes off Jamie, he is the show stopper, he was bouncing around the stage like a fly on shit, fully loving life!! 

And, what I loved more was how he full bodied himself with the audience. He would come off the stage and into the screaming fans and really involved himself. No pretences, never pretentious and totally engaged. I LOVED it.

When performing 'Letters To The Lost' Jamie came into the crowd and performed the song. This song holds a melancholy meaning with a twang of saddened anger throughout. His close friend Ivan committed suicide and this song reflects his feelings on the loss. 

Now I know the meaning, I hear the song differently and it's a tear jerker. Each one of his songs are beautifully written and clever.  

'Enough' was written not long after the Paris attacks and I love the meaning behind the song, it is ballsy, full of attitude and portrays a sense of "we won't stand for any of your ball crap". 

Spread the love, not war. I heeeaaarrrr yaaaa!

No half hearted performance here. I was in awe. If I of had the chance to perform with them I would of taken it with everything I had because their music just engrossed you.

I love dancing, flicking my hair about and losing myself. Ha. It's good for your soul! 

The night before in Manchester, Jamie crowd surfed, except no one caught him because they were too busy filming. I felt really sorry for him, I mean I go to a gig, I love taking photo's & vids but you do it in short bursts. Not to stick it on YouTube. Our night however we caught him!!! I didn't as I was just out of range but I was so happy as it ended the night on a high. 

There was a load of moshing, water spitting, sweat, Jamie's naked torso and a whole lot of love for the boys. They encored and that was that.
My favourite picture. I love capturing a feeling/atmosphere/moment.

I was officially dead but buzzing! 

Before I left, I purchased their 'Come Get Some' tee and a signed poster as I love to support genuine talent. I also gave Sam my business card so they could keep an eye out for this post if they were interested. 

I would of loved to have spent more time with the guys and I wish I would of been able to bring my DSLR as I would of caught some epic moments!!

They are touring in Europe now, so if you are reading this and haven't got tickets yet or are interested in seeing them click here to purchase the best night of your life.

Counterfeit are big already but I have a feeling there are bigger things to come for this band. I mean global!! Watch this space! Work hard and dream big!

My dreams are bigger than my boobs these days! Ha. 

I always start a sentence with " imagine if...".
Pre-gig makeup. 

One thing I would say is I would love it if the boys interacted with the fans more on social media. For me, I love that, even if they follow you and don't communicate (we all know you're busy bees) it just shows that they have acknowledged you. I love promoting bands/brands and myself and when a band/musician/brand follows you/speaks to you it makes your day a little brighter. 

Don't forget to subscribe here.

And I am also over here too if you want to see some more vids of the band along with all my other crap. Ha. 

Twitter: leluroxxblogger
Instagram: leluroxxblogger
Snapchat: blackeyedfox

Thank you for reading :) 

Until Thursday...



Thursday, 24 March 2016

Bloggers Hangout Fashion Week | My Modelling Debut.


Happy Easter Weekend y'all (that's if you celebrate it and all that). 

It's taken me all freaking day to take and edit pictures for this post so I hope you all like it. :) 

Monday just gone was the Bloggers Hangout Fashion Week Event in Shoreditch, London. I had only gone down there last month for another one of their events and I wasn't actually going to attend this one (saving money, as you know). However, I had a tweet from Da Silva London saying that I was modelling for them in their runway show. 

I was literally SO excited and then I got the email to confirm I was booked as a model for 4 brands on the night event. The pang of anxiety then hit me because I had agreed and then realised "crap, I am not a model and I have never modelled in my life". 

At the moment I am trying to do things to push my anxiety out of the way and I never let it get in the way. Granted I get REALLY nervous before I do a lot of things but I just breathe and carry on. 

Okay, so I was watching YouTube vids of Kendall Jenner on the runway so I could try and master the 'model strut', walk up and down in the biggest heels ever to ensure I wouldn't fall on the night and then suddenly the day came around so quickly. 

It's a 7 hour round trip for me, so Papa Hutt took me and Brother Hutt came along to take my pics for me as I couldn't obviously take them myself. 

I arrive and I go into the back room to be greeted by the other models, now this is what caused me to panic. I thought the other girls were blogger's like me. Nope, they were all professional models, who had done that kind of thing before and I was clueless. I really started to doubt myself but they were all bloody lovely and took me under their wing. Really nice girls. 

We each had to wear 2-3 outfits for each brand and it is literally how you see it on the TV, you put the first outfit on, strut your stuff and then rush back in undressing as you go, to meet an army of people to get you into the next outfit before your back on in a matter of seconds. Forget dignity, everything is out, bums, boobs, vajayjay's and to be honest it didn't bother me at all. I actually really enjoyed myself, as soon as I walked once (and didn't fall I may add) I was fine, you don't have time to worry. You do your thang and move on. I had a couple of people say to me that they didn't realise I wasn't a model and seemed natural up there. To me, I felt like I was walking like John Wayne with a constipated face. :D Apparently not. Phewwww.
I loved this outfit by Sarvin <3 font="">

Unfortunately for me, I didn't have chance to show my brother how to adjust the lighting settings on my DSLR so 90% of my photo's were blur. :( I tried to salvage what I could and some more are being sent over on Monday, so if they are nice I will post them to my social media outlets. 

The Brands I modelled were, Da Silva London, Jones & Jones, Sarvin & Xsazia. 

I LOVED Jones & Jone's dresses a lot!!

Completely channelled my inner Kendall Jenner. Ha. 

 I wore some awesome clothes, the massive dresses at the end of the runway show were a little too big for me but I worked it.

I did say I wouldn't do it again but now I have done it and know what to expect, I really would do it again. It was so fun. I felt privileged to be asked. 

These events are always amazing and one of the best. I love travelling to this one as you always meet amazing brands and bloggers. 

Because I was in the show from 6.45 pm to around 8.30 pm I didn't have much time to get round all of the brands. Obviously I am a blogger so needed to speak to some of them before I left. I had a massive goody bag from the fashion show, and left with some other cool bits from the brands. 

I am also being sent something from Jones & Jones (one of the brands I modelled for) their clothing is GORGEOUS, you need to check them out. And I am being sent a gel nail kit from United Beauty. I am so excited for those.

 I apologise now for the lengthy post, but it's mainly pictures so I am hoping it's not too painful for you. 

Now to the bit that most people want to know...

What beautiful things did I take home with me? 


 I got so much freaking cool stuff!! Some of it I didn't have a clue about because it was in the massive bag I was given at the end of the runway show. 

And I didn't even get round to seeing some of the other brands. 

Lucky. :)

Stvdio5 are a "London based company that produce 100% vegan beauty products. They are cruelty free, eco-friendly and completely British sourced". I had this in my goody bag and they smell amazing and look so damn freaking cute. You know me I love anything that doesn't harm animals, so I can't wait to use these.

I have heard about TTMasks before and I had these beauties in my bag too. I have never used them at all as I rarely use beauty masks. These sound so cool though as they are eye masks. They use new bio technology to ensure you have the best results possible and are definitely a luxury item.

I actually met the lady at the Thumbs Up Nails stand and she was lovely, she did a demonstration within seconds on one of my nails whilst I was there and I really liked the results. They sell nail wraps and not just any nails wraps, super funky ones. They have a wide range of designs as well as finishes. They gifted me the above and I can't wait to try them. I have bought wraps before and have never worked. The demo is still on my nail as I type.

Another brand within my goody bag was Leighton Denny's range. Now I thought the brand was called 'Light and Dark' which it is not. I have never heard of this brand before but I was shocked at whar I was gifted. The perfume is literally to die for, it has masculine over tone but a feminine undertone. If that makes sense. I also received some instant tan and a lipstick & gloss. And I have just looked and the perfume itself is over £40. :O - Thank you very much.

The lovely owner of Purepotions actually sent me these through the post as they were one of the brands I missed seeing. Her brand is 100% natural and is that great it can be used on babies. She does different sets to suit different needs. I chose the one for dry skin and these products are great for really dry skin, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. It's going to come in really handy. Thank you so much.

I met the lovely lady at this stand too and she gave me and my brother a taster of this drink. It was really nice. I hadn't drank anything all day (naughty) and I was SO thirsty, I tried the 'Red Berry' flavour ad it was so nice. I am not a fan of peach and grapefruit so I will give this to my brother, Zeo prides itself on being 98% natural spring water, infused with naturally extracted fruits and botanicals. Basically it's way better for you than most of the other drinks out there. I like this drink a lot.

I have met with Berrywhite before at one of these events and I love their drinks, this one is my favourite, they are an organic drink brand. I find 99.9% of the time at these events the only brands present are those who are natural, animal friendly and body helpful, try them out guys!  


Ioma. I have never heard of this brand before and this was also in my bag, they are a French company that specialise in skincare that is actually tailored to your own skin. Obviously this sample isn't but they sound really interesting and I would like to see what this product is like.

I think most people have heard of L.A.B2, I have but never tried them. They are a beauty company who aims to provide MUA's high quality products at an affordable price. Their brushes are synthetic but of high quality which means "yay" no animal testing and contain the Fibreluxe technology which gives you "flawless, professional results". The girl I spoke to was really nice and informative and she offered me either the face or eye kit to try. Obviously I went for the eyes as that's what I like experimenting with. I got these other two products too. I am really grateful for these gifts.

Everyone has heard of Sensationail they are an awesome beauty brand for all you nail fanatics out there. I have their gel kit as I asked my brother to get it me a couple of Christmases ago. Their brand provides you with salon worthy nails from the comfort of your own home. They were at the event and I spoke to the same girl at L.A.B2 about their new 'polish to gel transformer'. I only needed this product as I have the lamp but they were actually gifting the whole kit with the lamp too which was really generous. I cannot wait to try this and see the results!! Again thank you for this lovelies.

I stopped by Dolly's Bling Shop because it caught my eye. It was full of silver jewellery and it was these rings that grabbed my attention, they are so god damn cute and there was loads of different charms. I couldn't decided between the two and the lovely lady let me have both. I can't find their website for me to link you but I did read on the card that their jewellery is sterling silver. If so, I am actually even more in love as that's all I wear. They are super cute and unique. LOVE.

I stopped by Paul Mitchell on my way out as I do love hair product and experimenting. They are a salon brand so you can only get these products at your nearest stockist. I was gifted these products to try out and they sound amazing. They obviously knew I needed the extra-body products. ;)

I have heard of 'skin food' but not the brand Weleda but the lady was super nice and gifted me and my brother these creams, they smell amazing and have such a nice formula that will for sure defeat dry skin. They are another vegan brand with an 'earthy' vibe. I like this vibe.

Jurlique's Rose Body Oil was also another in my bag. I have never tried their products but I smelt this and it actually smelt like I was in a garden full of roses. A true rose scent. Their ingredients are produced on their farm which is certified biodynamic, where they work in tangent with nature and the environment. I am loving that this product is environment and nature friendly. It makes it even more appealing.

Bravura London are another company that don't test on animals. Love it. I haven't tried these yet but they claim to provide "excellent quality products at lower prices". These products contain Hyaluronic Acid which helps skin stay hydrated. Good shout.

YAS, another non-animal testing product. These look awesome. I love skincare products at the moment and I cannot wait to try these either. Mono are a natural skincare range, there are no damaging chemicals, perfumes or synthetic colours.

 I have never heard of this brand but they are a tanning company and currently I am loving a bit of fake tan. 

LDN: Skins "combines elite professional salon treatments with easy home-use products". They claim a streak free tan. I am so going to test this theory. 


That's the end of my very long post. All links to brands are on their names and I will be doing a separate post on the Jones & Jones & United Beauty gifts when they arrive so keep a look out. 

I hope my mini first impressions intrigue you into checking all of these brands out because they all seem amazing. I can't wait to try it all out. 

Now I need some sleep as it's 02.47 and I cannot stay awake any longer.

Dedication. :) 

P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog on Bloglovin'. 



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