Monday 11 July 2016

My Current Skin Care Evening Routine | My Go To Skin Products Right Now.

"eye makeup" "smokey halo"  "beauty blogger" "beauty bay" "makeup geeks"

Yo yo yo. 

Everyone well? 

I am actually quite tired today. I have been up the last couple of nights/mornings to look after my guinea pig Cody as he's been a little poorly. When he gets like that then it's around the clock care. It's exhausting. 

I have an interview tomorrow, I am really nervous. This is my 7th month not working so I am a little anxious. 

I have lits watched everything on my Netflix account now. I have just finished watching Reign - which is a period drama and it was amaze. The men are hot and the lead who plays Mary (Adelaide Kane) is beautiful. I cannot wait until the 4th season is out. 

Recently I have been getting breakouts, the little buggers have been having a jolly little party on my chin. They just won't go away, no matter what I do, they seem to look like they are going away but they will just pop back up. They are scaring my skin and I am not best pleased about it. 

I have a morning skincare routine but never really one at night. I just take my makeup off and that's about it. Seriously ladies not taking your makeup off at night is a cardinal sin (oh gosh, I am even adopting their speech now), it kills your skin and makes you feel like crap when you wake up. Don't do it. 

Since the whole chin break out thang I have decided to up my skin care game and go in hard at night. It's a good time to do it because it's when your skin is rejuvenating and repairing itself. 

Below you will see my entire skin care routine and what I am currently using to keep everything tip-top. 

STEP 1 - Cleanse

"miceller water" "garnier" "skin cleanse" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

This is such an obvious step and please ignore my lack of makeup and I took these pics at night, for obvious reasons. Ha. So, my first step is to take off my makeup. I don't always do a deep cleanse at night as I don't want to strip all the oils from my face. I have dry skin and that won't help. I will go in instead with my Garnier Micella water. I usually use the pink bottle but decided to give this one a go. I just get a couple of cotton pads and remove the days makeup.

When I do cleanse, I now use the Superdrug gentle cleansing wash. It's free from all the crap and is great for sensitive skin. 

I miss my liz Earle 'Cleanse and Polish' but I had a reaction to it so I cannot use it anymore. 

"superdrug" "budget brand" "skin cleanse" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

STEP 2 - Serum

"superdrug" "serum" "skin serum" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

Superdrug have bought out their new range of skin care products called 'Clearly Youthful', they had an offer on so I thought I would give them a go because what they claimed to do intrigued me. 

"superdrug" "serum" "skin serum" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

After I have taken my makeup off I will then apply 3-4 drops of this night serum to the back of my hand and apply to my face and neck in circular motions. 

This resurfacing night serum claims to even out skin tone, minimise the appearance of dark-spots and hyper-pigmentation. It's main aim is to 'visibly improve the appearance of blemishes and imperfections' with the highly concentrated formula.

This really appealed to me because I do have an uneven skin tone so I am hoping this will help. 

There's so much information on the packaging, I love that and I like the fact this product has a pipette to release the product.  

STEP 3 - Blemishes

"superdrug" "blemishes" "spot treatment" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

Next I will go in with Superdrug's (out of the same range as above) Blemish Treatment Gel. 

Again this is highly concentrated and claims to 'visibly reduce the appearance of blemishes'. Basically I use this to treat my spots right now. This product and the above have a written timeline on the box to inform you on what to expect -  instantly, after a couple of hours and 1-4 weeks. It's really useful. The only thing I don't like about this packaging is the fact it has a pump dispenser which means too much product comes out of it. 

"superdrug" "blemishes" "spot treatment" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

I apply a thin layer of this on each and every spot or blemish to try and reduce the effects. 

STEP 4 - Eyes

"simple skin care" "eye cream" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

I was lacking in the eye creams... Well I have none. I needed a nice eye cream to sooth my eye area as I work on my eyes a lot and they do get sore from rubbing the makeup off. 

I love Simple as a brand and I use their face cream daily, I have sensitive skin and I can react to things. I know with Simple everything is natural so less risk of a reaction. 

This one is a soothing eye balm, which soothes and nurtures, reduces puffiness and winds down and relaxes the eye. I just pat this around my under eyes until the product has sunk in and then around the top of my eyes. I use this in the day too. 

"simple skin care" "eye cream" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

STEP 5 - Lips pt 1

"kiko" "lip scrub" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

Lips are next, this is one of my main problem areas, they are SO dry and the skin builds up on them, when I am nervous I pick my lips so that doesn't help. 

I went into Kiko months back now... Actually not long after the new year. I found their night balm and lip scrub which is in stick form. 

I use the lip scrub first, it basically looks like a lipstick only with lip scrub in it. Handy much. The only thing with this is, it goes down pretty quickly. I use this sparingly as I don't want it to run out. I then use the balm after I have rubbed the scrub off.

I really do use a lot of products on my lips as they currently need the most help. 

"kiko" "lip scrub" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

STEP 6 - Lips pt 2

"barry m" "lip oil" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

I recently bought the Barry M lip oil. It's new to their range and I bought the coconut one as it's clear. They have two in the range. 

I apply this on top of the Kiko balm. 

"barry m" "lip oil" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

STEP 7 - Lips pt 3

"blistex" "lip cream" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

Finally, I apply the Blistex 'Intensive Moisture' cream balm to my lips. I LOVE this stuff, I was watching Amy's Makeup Box's video on YouTube and she mentioned that she uses this and it works a treat on dry lips. 

She wasn't wrong, it's improved the condition of my lips a lot. 

Thanks Amy *kisses*. 

There you have it, you're up to date with my night time skin care routine. 

I hope you enjoyed reading and please share your tips on how you clean your skin and keep spots at bay. I love to chat so leave me a cheeky comment! :) 

Please don't forget to subscribe to my blog if you want to keep up with me. You can do so here on Bloglovin'. 

You can follow me on social media too. I post very regularly.

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger  

Until next time...



"leluroxx" "leluroxxblogger" "leya hutton" "beauty blogger" "makeup artist"


Thursday 4 February 2016

My Current Every Day Look // Smoky Eyes // Nude Lip

Guess who's back, back again, Leya's back, tell your friends!

Yo yo yo. I am back with you guys today with a makeup look for you. 
You will have to excuse the state of my face prior to the makeup application as it was the time of the month (maybe TMI but it's cool) and I wasn't feeling great at all. 

Pale face extravaganza! Ha. 

I have decided to do a step by step on my makeup application and the finished look, which evidently (the title gives it away) is my current every day look. 

I love a smoky eye as it really gives off a sultry look. And nothing makes your eyes stand out more than by having a nude lip. I have mentioned some of the products I will be using previously as I tend to reach for them more. 

If you like the final look and would like to replicate it I will leave the product list at the end. 

Enjoy :) 


Please ignore the fact that I look like a thumb ha ha, and a very pale one at that. I have always been naturally pale, I can't work out if that's a good thing or not though?! 

Anyway, I had run out of my primer, which has now be discontinued so I have resorted to using a moisturiser as my base. This actually works pretty darn well. I really like Simple skin care products because I have sensitive skin and their products in no way irritate me. 
This goes all over my face and neck!!! 


As you can see, I have very light eyebrows, so it actually looks like I don't have any. The same goes for my lashes. I am a natural blonde baby!! 

Ha, it looks so weird!!! :D

I always put my concealer on before my foundation because I find it's a lot easy to disguise blemishes and circles. I tend to find dabbing it on works better for me as if you rub the product in I feel you lose the cover. It provides a nicer base, I have been doing this since... Gosh, high school I think. I have ALWAYS put concealer on my lips too since then. So NO Kylie Jenner you DID NOT invent this beauty hack I am afraid to say, a lot of us girls have been doing it for years!! :)


 I currently use a mixture of foundations just to warm it up a little. One has reflecting qualities and the other is pure matte. I find mixing the two creates a nicer finish and outcome. 
I blend and buff the foundation in with my Real Techniques 'Expert Face Brush'. It leaves me with a perfected base that can sometimes look slightly airbrushed and I love that. 


To set my base in place I use a matte powder. As you can clearly see mine has been used to death, hit pan and has now frickin broken. Ha. 

Have no fear though I have re-purchased!! 

I use my Real Techniques 'Powder Brush' to lightly dust the powder over my face to ensure there are no shiny bits and everything consistently stays matte. 


 Yep, as being a pale face like I am, I will use a bit on powder bronzer and cream bronzer to give myself a subtle glow. 

You know, take the edge off so I do not blind y'all with my gleam. :D 

I will lightly contour where my cheekbones are with the powder and soften the edges into my face to create a shadow. I will then run some more down the sides of my nose, across my jawline, on my temples and forehead. This is to create flattering shadowing and natural tints. 


Eyebrows are what frame your face and give you character. As mentioned, mine are pretty light so they end up making me look like a walking egg. Ha. 

I therefore have to draw mine on which is a pain in the ass if truth be told... "I watch way too much Gavin & Stacey". 

I will brush the hairs into shape and place, I will then draw on with a pencil the bottom line as to where the brow will sit and then the top line to meet and make sure they are as even as they can be. (See pictures)

I will then fill in with the powder kit and angled brush. I am just using a Barry M one here. I do have new and better brushes but I cannot bring myself to use them yet as they are too pretty. Phaha. 


Okay so my eyes are next on the list and the most important part of the look. 
Eyeliner wise, I will first do a cat flick on my upper lid with a liquid liner and then I will then go around my waterline and tight line with a Kohl liner. Obviously, I will be using the blackest of black shade. You know it's me... it's to match my dark soul. Ha. Only joking. 

I tend to start the flicks off pretty short until I do the finishing touches where I will elongate them.


Yup, mascara is now needed to sort out my little blonde babies because lets face it, they look really odd against the black. I only put the mascara on the top lashes to start off with. 

This seems like a mighty fine process when it is broken down like this but it actually doesn't take hardly any time at all. Hence why I will wear this look every time that I am wearing makeup.


 Stop! Eyeshadow time!! 

I love doing this part the most as this is where I can experiment. I have currently been applying my shadow with a Barry M brush, which lets be honest isn't the best. I will be moving on to my Real Techniques and Nanshy brushes soon!! I really want the Rose Gold Zoeva brush set, but I will get them once I have found a job. 

As you can see from the pictures, I apply the lighter shade in the crease of my eye socket and blend outwards to my brow line. I will then go in with the 2nd darker shade and just add that to the socket to add some more depth and blend that out slightly. And then the same with the darker brown but only in the outer corners. 

I will then dab on some of the Kiko 'Copper' shadow to add some more dimension and to deepen the crease. 

I love this photo!! So much so I have made it into a business card!!! :) 

The final step to my eyes is adding to the lower lash line. I will go in with the Rimmel 'Copper Bling' Exaggerate eyeliner along my lower eye and smudge along to my tear duct area. In the outer corner, I will bring in my black Kohl and blend into the copper eyeliner to show some gradient tones. 

In the inner corner I will finish up with the Rimmel Magnifeyes in 006 - Bronze Magnate. 

And last but not least the mascara will be applied to the lower lashes and I will go over my top lid eyeliner and elongate the flick.  



To complete my face I will add some Makeup Revolution highlighter on the apples of my cheeks, down the centre of my forehead and slightly on my chin and cupids bow.

I will blend out with my Real Techniques 'Powder Brush' and do the following steps with my blusher. The blush will be applied to my cheeks and tip of nose only with the Real Techniques 'Blush Brush'. Then blend. 



At this stage, I will wipe off any excess foundation off my lips and then with my Real Techniques 'Expert Face Brush' I will just dab it across my lips to create that concealer/foundation base for my lipstick again. 

My lips are pretty rough at the moment. I have a habit of picking my lips if I am nervous so they aren't in the best of states. 

Sorry guys. 

I will then apply my Rimmel matte powder in 'Sandstorm' across my lips to ensure that when I apply my liner and lipstick it stays matte. 

I am currently loving the Primark 'nude' liner in their range as it matches perfectly with MAC's 'Honeylove' matte lipstick. I will line my lips and fill the lip in with the liner to create the perfect base and then go over with 'Honeylove'. 

To finish the lips off I go back over the lip with my finger containing the matte powder again. 

And there you have it, my every day, smoky eye and nude lip look. 

I absolutely love this look, it's understated but draws the eye in. With the eyes being warm toned it makes blue eyes pop.

 This has been quite a mammoth post, so I apologise if it has taken you an age to get through it. You know me. I love to talk. 

Hopefully this has given you some inspiration for your own every day look. 

As promised product's I have used are listed below. 

Don't forget to subscribe to keep up with my posts.





 Moisturiser: Simple 'Replenishing' Rich Moisturiser.

Concealer: Collection 'Lasting Perfection' Concealer in 'Fair'.

Foundation: Maybelline 'Super Stay 24hr' in '10 Ivory' & L'Oreal Lumi Magique in 'Rose Beige'.

Setting Powder: Rimmel 'Stay Matte' powder in '004 Sandstorm'.

Bronzer: Collection 'Bronze Glow Mosaic' Powder in '2.Radiant' and Makeup Revolution 'The One' blush stick in 'Matte Malibu'.

Eyebrows: MUA eyebrow pencil in 'Brunette' & Makeup Revolution 'Focus & Fix' eyebrow kit in 'Medium Dark'. 

Eyeliner: Rimmel 'Exaggerate' liquid eyeliner in '001 Black'.
Rimmel 'Scandaleyes' Kohl pencil in '001 Black'.
Rimmel 'Exaggerate Smoke N' Shine' Liner in '002 Copper Bling'.

Mascara: Maybelline 'Lash Sensational' in 'Black' and MAC 'False Lashes' in 'Extreme Black'.

Eyeshadow: Makeup Revolution 'Redemption Pallette Essential' in 'Mattes 2'.
Kiko 'Colour Sphere' in '05'.

Highlighter: Makeup Revolution 'Vivid Baked Highlighter' in ' Peach Lights'. 

Blusher: Makeup Revolution blush in ' Wow' & 'Now'.

Lip Liner: Primarks P.S. Love range in 'Nude'. 

Lipstick: MAC matte lipstick in 'Honeylove'.   

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