Monday 11 July 2016

My Current Skin Care Evening Routine | My Go To Skin Products Right Now.

"eye makeup" "smokey halo"  "beauty blogger" "beauty bay" "makeup geeks"

Yo yo yo. 

Everyone well? 

I am actually quite tired today. I have been up the last couple of nights/mornings to look after my guinea pig Cody as he's been a little poorly. When he gets like that then it's around the clock care. It's exhausting. 

I have an interview tomorrow, I am really nervous. This is my 7th month not working so I am a little anxious. 

I have lits watched everything on my Netflix account now. I have just finished watching Reign - which is a period drama and it was amaze. The men are hot and the lead who plays Mary (Adelaide Kane) is beautiful. I cannot wait until the 4th season is out. 

Recently I have been getting breakouts, the little buggers have been having a jolly little party on my chin. They just won't go away, no matter what I do, they seem to look like they are going away but they will just pop back up. They are scaring my skin and I am not best pleased about it. 

I have a morning skincare routine but never really one at night. I just take my makeup off and that's about it. Seriously ladies not taking your makeup off at night is a cardinal sin (oh gosh, I am even adopting their speech now), it kills your skin and makes you feel like crap when you wake up. Don't do it. 

Since the whole chin break out thang I have decided to up my skin care game and go in hard at night. It's a good time to do it because it's when your skin is rejuvenating and repairing itself. 

Below you will see my entire skin care routine and what I am currently using to keep everything tip-top. 

STEP 1 - Cleanse

"miceller water" "garnier" "skin cleanse" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

This is such an obvious step and please ignore my lack of makeup and I took these pics at night, for obvious reasons. Ha. So, my first step is to take off my makeup. I don't always do a deep cleanse at night as I don't want to strip all the oils from my face. I have dry skin and that won't help. I will go in instead with my Garnier Micella water. I usually use the pink bottle but decided to give this one a go. I just get a couple of cotton pads and remove the days makeup.

When I do cleanse, I now use the Superdrug gentle cleansing wash. It's free from all the crap and is great for sensitive skin. 

I miss my liz Earle 'Cleanse and Polish' but I had a reaction to it so I cannot use it anymore. 

"superdrug" "budget brand" "skin cleanse" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

STEP 2 - Serum

"superdrug" "serum" "skin serum" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

Superdrug have bought out their new range of skin care products called 'Clearly Youthful', they had an offer on so I thought I would give them a go because what they claimed to do intrigued me. 

"superdrug" "serum" "skin serum" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

After I have taken my makeup off I will then apply 3-4 drops of this night serum to the back of my hand and apply to my face and neck in circular motions. 

This resurfacing night serum claims to even out skin tone, minimise the appearance of dark-spots and hyper-pigmentation. It's main aim is to 'visibly improve the appearance of blemishes and imperfections' with the highly concentrated formula.

This really appealed to me because I do have an uneven skin tone so I am hoping this will help. 

There's so much information on the packaging, I love that and I like the fact this product has a pipette to release the product.  

STEP 3 - Blemishes

"superdrug" "blemishes" "spot treatment" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

Next I will go in with Superdrug's (out of the same range as above) Blemish Treatment Gel. 

Again this is highly concentrated and claims to 'visibly reduce the appearance of blemishes'. Basically I use this to treat my spots right now. This product and the above have a written timeline on the box to inform you on what to expect -  instantly, after a couple of hours and 1-4 weeks. It's really useful. The only thing I don't like about this packaging is the fact it has a pump dispenser which means too much product comes out of it. 

"superdrug" "blemishes" "spot treatment" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

I apply a thin layer of this on each and every spot or blemish to try and reduce the effects. 

STEP 4 - Eyes

"simple skin care" "eye cream" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

I was lacking in the eye creams... Well I have none. I needed a nice eye cream to sooth my eye area as I work on my eyes a lot and they do get sore from rubbing the makeup off. 

I love Simple as a brand and I use their face cream daily, I have sensitive skin and I can react to things. I know with Simple everything is natural so less risk of a reaction. 

This one is a soothing eye balm, which soothes and nurtures, reduces puffiness and winds down and relaxes the eye. I just pat this around my under eyes until the product has sunk in and then around the top of my eyes. I use this in the day too. 

"simple skin care" "eye cream" "skin care" "skin product" "makeup"

STEP 5 - Lips pt 1

"kiko" "lip scrub" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

Lips are next, this is one of my main problem areas, they are SO dry and the skin builds up on them, when I am nervous I pick my lips so that doesn't help. 

I went into Kiko months back now... Actually not long after the new year. I found their night balm and lip scrub which is in stick form. 

I use the lip scrub first, it basically looks like a lipstick only with lip scrub in it. Handy much. The only thing with this is, it goes down pretty quickly. I use this sparingly as I don't want it to run out. I then use the balm after I have rubbed the scrub off.

I really do use a lot of products on my lips as they currently need the most help. 

"kiko" "lip scrub" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

STEP 6 - Lips pt 2

"barry m" "lip oil" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

I recently bought the Barry M lip oil. It's new to their range and I bought the coconut one as it's clear. They have two in the range. 

I apply this on top of the Kiko balm. 

"barry m" "lip oil" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

STEP 7 - Lips pt 3

"blistex" "lip cream" "lip care" "lip balm" "makeup" "evening routine"

Finally, I apply the Blistex 'Intensive Moisture' cream balm to my lips. I LOVE this stuff, I was watching Amy's Makeup Box's video on YouTube and she mentioned that she uses this and it works a treat on dry lips. 

She wasn't wrong, it's improved the condition of my lips a lot. 

Thanks Amy *kisses*. 

There you have it, you're up to date with my night time skin care routine. 

I hope you enjoyed reading and please share your tips on how you clean your skin and keep spots at bay. I love to chat so leave me a cheeky comment! :) 

Please don't forget to subscribe to my blog if you want to keep up with me. You can do so here on Bloglovin'. 

You can follow me on social media too. I post very regularly.

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger  

Until next time...



"leluroxx" "leluroxxblogger" "leya hutton" "beauty blogger" "makeup artist"


Thursday 12 May 2016

High Street Beauty Haul | Nyx, Mac, Urban Decay, Primark, The Balm, New Look, Adell And More.

Morning beauties. 

We meet again. I am sorry that this post is going up later than usual, you can blame freaking Apple for that. 

For almost a week now I have been on the phone to them to try and get a replacement Iphone because mine is seriously overheating, the batteries draining, it's freezing, not loading the net properly. 

Loads of issues. I have spoken to 10 different people, been misinformed with information given and to be honest with you I am completely at the end of my tether now with them. I am going round in circles and considering that it's a HEALTH AND SAFETY issue they are really beating around the bush. 

So Apple, if my phone blows up in my face, you are totally to blame because of your shoddy customer service. 

It's like I am trying to get through the MI5 as it's become a military mission to get a handset replaced when I am still under warranty and my phone is 100% not fit for purpose. 


I could rant on about even more to this story but you would be here all day. 

What you are here for though is my lovely little haul. Well, I say little, it's more like alottle. Ha. 

Seriously, I am not materialistic but whoever said money can't buy you happiness obviously doesn't like shopping because when I shop for things I have had my eye on for a while. Well, that makes me happy. 

This haul is mainly beauty but there is some homeware and accessories chucked in there as well. Ya know, to mix it up a bit. 

There are a couple of things that aren't included in this post as I had to order some NYX products whilst I was in the Boots store, they have my order now but I can't collect it until the afternoon. 

90% of the things bought were from my gift card that I won in the L'Oreal competition. 

I hope you like what I have purchased. Let me know if you have any of the items shown or if you haven't tried something let me know too. I love to chat. 

I thought this note book was super cute, bought it to write my songs in.
C'mon it had to be done. I haven't read this yet but I SO can't wait to.
I have wanted these nails since Christmas and I have never found them in store until now. :)
I got this to put a load of photograph memories in it, I have since done it and it's super cool!
I got this free as there was no more makeup bags left in Superdrug.
I went to the Merry Hill store and there was an amazing pink shade in this style but it was out of stock, this one though was soooo hot!!
There were  a lot of MAC products that I wanted but most of them were in the 'Pro' range which you can only get in London so I bought a paint pot in 'Soft Ochre', a glitter pigment in 'Bronze' and another 'HoneyLove' lipstick.
I had never seen this before and this is £12... Yes £12, so freaking expensive! I got this free though in Superdrug. I didn't mind so much. You put it on your lips and it's meant to be really good. It should be for the price.
Everyone has been raving about this highlighter so I thought I would pick it up in Superdrug. I had to ask security to get this though because it was locked up due to people stealing it. :D
I have wanted to try NYX products for sooo long now and finally managed to get to a Boots that had it. A lot of things I wanted haven't hit the UK fully yet. I want the 'Neutral Warm' and 'Brights' pallets amongst some other things.
This is actually a bright orange colour but hasn't show up properly. I also have this is bright red and you can use it on your eyes and lips. Score.
I originally bought the boxset that was in one of the first pictures but didn't realise a new one had been released with all of the series in so I swapped it. 

 As I said there are a couple of things that I haven't been able to include in this haul post because I haven't got them yet. 

Again, I am sorry about the lateness of this post and tomorrow I am going in hard on Apple because I refuse to spend another day sat on or by the phone waiting for callbacks that aren't going to happen. Ha. 

I hope you liked going through what I have bought and I would love to hear your thoughts!! 

Don't forget to give my little blog a follow here.

You can also find me over on these social media channels:

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger
Instagram: Leluroxxblogger
Snapchat: Blackeyedfox
YouTube: leluroxx

Until next time... 



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