Sunday 3 August 2014

Happy Day of Birth To Me // My Birthday Wishlist.

Thanks to some lovely ladies on Twitter I now know why my images were changing on upload. So now it's all fixed I can stop tearing my hair out. 

Thanks girlies if you are reading :)  

So, it's my day of birth on the 7th August and I will be the grand old age of 27. Now some of you won't believe that I will be that age as most people think I am like 20. I wish. 

But yes, I am nearing 30 and it's making me feel sick in my actual mouth. The thought of me ever being that age is horrendous. 

Yeah, so I am planning on going shopping in the day...And the night time... Well I am a little unsure what's going on. I am also thinking the night before I might go to the cinema to watch either the new Purge or Inbetweeners 2 movie. I need to fit in a night out too because I have not been out for MONTHS. 

Either way I am planning on having a good time and to buy lots of nice things. :) Oh and eat lots!! That's a must. 

Today's post will consist of my 'Birthday Wishlist' things that I will be getting and some things that I would love to get. It's just a fun little post and I will be following up with what I actually brought!

Have fun browsing.

I already own so Barry M makeup brushes and I am not going to lie...They suck!! The foundation brush is horrendous and doesn't blend the foundation at all, so I have been recommended Real Techniques brushes. I ideally would love the Zoeva Brush set in 'rose gold' or Bobby Brown's face brush, but they are currently way out of my price range. 

So here are my top three. 

Real Techniques Expert Face Brush.

Real Techniques Stippling Brush.

Real Techniques Powder Brush.

This next item has been on my list for a while now and I am in love with how quirky and retro it is. I love the blue colour too, I did originally want the pink but I found blue would suit me better. I am really obsessed with camera's and photography at the moment and I love this little instant baby.

Blue Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 Camera.

I LOVE the Lush shop now that I have actually discovered it. And this bath bomb is one that I really want but for some reason haven't picked it up yet. It turns your bath all pink, blue and purple and apparently it's really good before bed and it de-stresses you...Which is totally what I need.

Lush 'Twilight' Bath Ballistic.

I brought the Revlon Colourburst Matte sticks the other week and I really don't see the hype with them. It was a toss up between those and the item listed here. So I am going to try this lipstick out and HOPE it will live up to the hype this time.  

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet Lipstick.

I am loving this group at the moment and have a few of their songs already. I just find this album really upbeat and it's great for listening to in the car on a summers day. 

Awesome album.

Neon Jungle 'Welcome To The Jungle' Album.

I follow Tanya's blog and YouTube channel and was notified (in one of her vids) that she was bringing out her own line of makeup. Loads of people have purchased her lip glosses and I particularly love her 'nude' range. I am looking to buy 'Chic' or 'Picnic in the Park. 

Tanya Burr Lip glosses.

I have wanted one of these brushes for years now. My hair is quite long and has bleach underneath so it tends to knot quite easily and I am not a fan of ripping my hair out. And these "apparently" glide through your hair with ease removing tangles and not damaging your hair in the process. I need to try this. 

Tangle Teezer.

Again, I have wanted these since they have come out. I don't think they are really worth forking out almost £40 for them so I am either going to wait for them to come down in price or just get them. They aren't in any of the stores I have visited so I don't know if it is just an online thing? But yeah, I love these a lot. 

New Look Cleated Sole Boots.

I like this River Island sweat for obvious reasons. It's frickin cool. I don't know what the hang is like on this but I like mine quite baggy. I also love the colour and it just looks cosy and you can just chill in it or dress it up to go into town. 


River Island 'Fashion Blogger' Sweat.

Ahhhh I love these a lot. I think everyone has a pair of these except for me. I saw a blogger with them on and I was like "ooohhh I must get some". They will literally go with anything and I love that in a clothing item. 

American Apparel Black Disco Pants.

I don't really use powder products on my face but I have seen this used quite a lot so it must be good. Just something to try out. :) 

Rimmel Stay Matte Powder.

Since I worked at Claire's Accessories and had to wear like £100 worth of jewellery every time I was on shift, it has really put me off wearing any. I do however LOVE sterling silver rings as they don't turn your fingers green or go rusty.

I love this one from Accessorize and had my eye on it for a while now. 

Accessorize Sterling Silver Ring.

I like Body Shop's body butters and what girl doesn't like chocolate?! 

I cannot wait for their Christmas range to come back out!!

Body Shop 'Chocomania' Body Butter.

I have been searching high and low for this book and have just reserved it at Waterstones. I love reading and this looks interesting. I already brought Binky's (Made In Chelsea) book and loved it so I am hoping this is just as good. 

Lucy Watson's 'The Dating Game' Book.

I really would like a DSLR camera so I can start my YouTube channel and take even more awesome pictures. I wanted the Canon 600d but for some reason they are discontinuing them which is highly annoying as it was in my price range and had a flip out screen. Now the 700d is it's replacement but I am unsure if it has a flip screen or not and it's waaaayyy more expensive.

Can any of you guys enlighten me on this issue and also are Canon better than Nikon? 

Canon 600d & 700d DSLR Camera

There are loads more things I could of added on here but the one's listed are the main things that stuck in my head. 

Even though turning 27 makes me feel ill I can cheer myself up by buying things that will make me happy. 

I hope you enjoyed browsing through. 

Until next time... 


Wednesday 25 June 2014

Lush Bath Bombs // My New Obsession.

Oh wow!! I have a brand new obsession with Lush!! 

I need to get out more, seriously, as I have never stepped foot into that shop until the other day. And even when I told the people that worked there that, they recoiled in shock. 

I said, and I quote " This is my new favourite shop. I have never been in here before" *store workers gasp*
"Yes, I know I am probably the only person that hasn't and that would make me a weirdo!" Ha. 

It was laughed off, it was fine. Deep inside though, I bet they did think that I was a little sad as EVERYONE has at least once in their lives shopped in there. 

I don't know why I haven't to be honest with you, I cannot give you a justified explanation to this absurdity. But all shall be forgiven as, I know I will be spending a lot more time in there from now on. 
I went to Bristol the other day, taking my little guinea pig Cody to the vets(it's a very long story and I will fill you in at some point), and baring in mind I live in Worcestershire, it was a long way to go. So whilst my little baby was getting a CT scan I had to wait around to be called back to collect the results and him of course. So I had a couple of hours to waste.

Papa Hutt (my dad) had to take me as, important fact number 1, I couldn't drive on my own with Cody as he is a freakin terror and tries to chew his way out of his box. And important fact number 2, I probably wouldn't even make it there as I am not great at driving to new places. Actually I was being too kind to myself, I suck ass. There I said it. 

Anyway, getting off track here. Ooopps. So I was on a mission to find the Lush shop. The night before I just decided I must have a bath bomb, just like that. I needed one in my life. I wanted to see what all the hype was about. A few minutes later, I FOUND IT!!

That shop smells AMAZING!!! If I could put the smell on this post I would, it was incredible. Granted, a little overwhelming and I had seriously bad hay fever, so it didn't do wonders for my nose. Nevertheless, that smell was super nice and I didn't know where to look first. 

What I did notice was that a few things in that shop were quite pricey and currently out of my price range. I found the bath bombs eventually and I was spoilt for choice. I had looked on-line the night before to make a mental note of the ones that I wanted to pick up. I get there, I had severe memory loss and couldn't decide which one to pick. Evidently, I actually brought the one I wanted without really realising it. 

And that was 'Phoenix Rising'.
And it looks like this.

It's so pretty! I was drawn to this one because I am loving purple at the moment, and it reminded me of my wall in my bedroom at home. The bath bomb is laced with tiny flecks of gold glitter and has this indented line going through the centre. Well you can see this in the picture. Oh, and guys it smells awesome, it smells like cinnamon and that is one of my favourite smells. I kind of reminds me of Christmas, it's relaxing and in some ways has this powerful aura.

The colour is so vibrant and pigmented it's easily caught by the eye, as are all the other bath bombs and bubble bars. I haven't used this bomb yet but I soon will be. When I do I will do a post on the results and what I thought.

I may as well of said " I'll do a review". 

If any of you guys fancy purchasing this bath bomb or any other product that Lush sell then click HERE

Do you guys outside of the UK have Lush shops? If not, you are in luck as they ship internationally. Win, win. 

If you are a 'newbie' like me to this shop, take a look at their website or even go visit their shop as you won't be disappointed. I hope I don't change my mind when I have tested the bomb though! We will see. 

The customer service I received in the Bristol branch was really good and I even got complimented on my shoes! Score. 

I will leave you with a little video clip of where one of the girls showed me and pops how the bombs work. 



Song: 'Get Outside!' by Jason Farnham (YouTube audio) 
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