Saturday 12 July 2014

My "Holy Grail" Eyeshadow Palette // The Ultimate Box of Tricks for Your Eyes!


I have decided to do a not so long (written) blog post like I usually do today, just to mix it up a little. I don't want to become too predictable now do I?! ;) 

I touched upon this product in my previous post which you can link to HERE
And I spoke about this product favourably in the 'eye' section, and how I am currently using it to create my smoky eye look. It is my holy grail of shadows at the mo.

It is a product made by the 'Front Cover' Brand and it is an awesome box full of super cool tools to make your eyes stand out beautifully. The box of tricks is called 'A Billion Stars' and after doing some research I cannot find this box anywhere on their website ( as when you click the 'shop' button it comes up with an error message. 
But you can pick it up on places like Ebay until the site is back up and running again. I did purchase mine a few years back now and it is still my favourite eyeshadow palette to use to date. 

This is what you get.

As you can see there is no palette in there. 
Well, that's because I am using it and it's in my hand bag as I type. AND the palette has a mirror inside. Score! 

The box contains.

. 4 shot silk effect eyeshadows.
. 4 domed twinkle baked powder eyeshadows.
4 satin pressed eyeshadows.
. 4 domed baked powder eyeshadows.
. Pot of silver stars. (Which I LOVE)
. Holographic glitter.
. 2 Iridescent pigments.
. Shadow base.
. Eye effects glue.
.Double ended eye applicator. 
. Front Cover to go compact. 

Some of the shadows are missing from the box, but here they are in my compact. 

I have been using these pots the most to create my smoky eye effect. I will do a tutorial soon on this look. Let me know what you think?

I love the little pot of stars and the glitters too!

It also comes with a makeup artists tips and  step by step photographic instructions to "let you achieve studio finish make-up". This is such a good idea, especially for beginners who are just starting out and experimenting with eye makeup. 
Well played... Well played.  

If you love makeup in general or you are wanting to experiment with different styles on your eyes and want a good quality product, then check this out. I love it and I think you would too. 


Sunday 29 June 2014

Primark Kimono & More Lush Bath Bombs.

Before I begin, I would like to apologise for my picture quality on this post.
They are a little grainy due to poor lighting as we occurred a horrible little storm when I took these photos. 
I seriously need a DSLR but that isn't happening straight away so I am trying my best with what I have. 
I will state, that I LOVE to take photo's and I love to edit them too, I just don't have the amazing equipment that most of the 'cool' bloggers have. :( 

I hope that's okay? :)

Lets get started!

I went into town with my parents again Friday as I needed to grab Cody's (my guinea pigs) fruit and veg and decided to have a look around the shops whilst I was there. And since I am currently jobless it is killing me walking around the shops because I am wanting everything that is in there. Girl problems. 

I originally went into town to see if I could upgrade my phone at Phones 4 U, but their prices and tariffs are stupidly high. So I thought I would just leave it until my contract ends. 
It's not worth the trouble in the long run!

So, after visiting there I went into Primark. I tried on a couple of t-shirts and some jumpers and I didn't like any of them or the fit in particular. I made my way down to the bag section (my favourite isle) and to the left of me something caught my eye. 

It was a black knitted kimono with tassels. 

I was like "YES". Finally I have found one I like. 

I tried on a size medium and a size large as I like my clothes at the moment to be kind of baggy and boyish. I ended up going for the medium as the large was a little overwhelming and engulfed me to say the least. Plus it seemed a lot heavier than the medium.
I had no one to take the picture. You want a job done... Do it yourself

 Ha, I took that picture in my parent's room as the lighting was way better than in mine. The kimono is the right length and you can't go wrong with black as it goes pretty much with everything you own. 

Well, most of the clothes I own are black. I really need to change it up. 

I love the Boohoo Kimono that I featured in my 'Wish List' post earlier in the month as it had splashes of floral colour and well, was more interesting to look at than this one. 


This Primark Kimono is a complete steal at £14 and the quality isn't that bad considering it's from there. I find sometimes with their products that they can be of poor quality and actually quite expensive for what it is. I am very picky when it comes to spending my money in Primarni. I have a good eye for detail and getting value for money so I tend to walk out of there with nothing at all. That said, they can sometimes have some great pieces and this item is one of them.
The hang.

This kimono is great to wear in the summer and ties in nicely with the festival season. But I think this would also wear nicely in the fall and winter, teamed with some jumper layering. 

I would like to add, that whilst coming out of Primark I got caught in a rain shower and got SOAKED. My Primark bag almost fell apart and I was running like Phoebe from Friends.

If you don't know what I am on about YouTube it and you will see what I mean. Too funny. 

Before I left the town, I HAD to pop into Lush again as I feel like I owed it to myself as I am that stupid and didn't realise we had one. I don't know where I have been for all of these years. 

Not in the real world. That's for sure!

And I picked up these bath bombs that were on my MUST HAVE list.
'Think Pink' bath bomb. 

'Butterball' bath bomb
Each of these bath bombs were £2.50 which I think is pretty good and I cannot wait to use them!! The 'Think Pink' bomb apparently has heart shaped confetti inside so when it hits the water they explode into your bath. I am actually quite excited about using this one. And the 'Butterball' bomb is meant to be good for sensitive skin, which I have, so I hope it makes my skin feel nice after using it. 

I hope you enjoyed reading about my little purchases. 

And if you liked it give me a follow. Or even subscribe.

Over and out. 


Wednesday 25 June 2014

Lush Bath Bombs // My New Obsession.

Oh wow!! I have a brand new obsession with Lush!! 

I need to get out more, seriously, as I have never stepped foot into that shop until the other day. And even when I told the people that worked there that, they recoiled in shock. 

I said, and I quote " This is my new favourite shop. I have never been in here before" *store workers gasp*
"Yes, I know I am probably the only person that hasn't and that would make me a weirdo!" Ha. 

It was laughed off, it was fine. Deep inside though, I bet they did think that I was a little sad as EVERYONE has at least once in their lives shopped in there. 

I don't know why I haven't to be honest with you, I cannot give you a justified explanation to this absurdity. But all shall be forgiven as, I know I will be spending a lot more time in there from now on. 
I went to Bristol the other day, taking my little guinea pig Cody to the vets(it's a very long story and I will fill you in at some point), and baring in mind I live in Worcestershire, it was a long way to go. So whilst my little baby was getting a CT scan I had to wait around to be called back to collect the results and him of course. So I had a couple of hours to waste.

Papa Hutt (my dad) had to take me as, important fact number 1, I couldn't drive on my own with Cody as he is a freakin terror and tries to chew his way out of his box. And important fact number 2, I probably wouldn't even make it there as I am not great at driving to new places. Actually I was being too kind to myself, I suck ass. There I said it. 

Anyway, getting off track here. Ooopps. So I was on a mission to find the Lush shop. The night before I just decided I must have a bath bomb, just like that. I needed one in my life. I wanted to see what all the hype was about. A few minutes later, I FOUND IT!!

That shop smells AMAZING!!! If I could put the smell on this post I would, it was incredible. Granted, a little overwhelming and I had seriously bad hay fever, so it didn't do wonders for my nose. Nevertheless, that smell was super nice and I didn't know where to look first. 

What I did notice was that a few things in that shop were quite pricey and currently out of my price range. I found the bath bombs eventually and I was spoilt for choice. I had looked on-line the night before to make a mental note of the ones that I wanted to pick up. I get there, I had severe memory loss and couldn't decide which one to pick. Evidently, I actually brought the one I wanted without really realising it. 

And that was 'Phoenix Rising'.
And it looks like this.

It's so pretty! I was drawn to this one because I am loving purple at the moment, and it reminded me of my wall in my bedroom at home. The bath bomb is laced with tiny flecks of gold glitter and has this indented line going through the centre. Well you can see this in the picture. Oh, and guys it smells awesome, it smells like cinnamon and that is one of my favourite smells. I kind of reminds me of Christmas, it's relaxing and in some ways has this powerful aura.

The colour is so vibrant and pigmented it's easily caught by the eye, as are all the other bath bombs and bubble bars. I haven't used this bomb yet but I soon will be. When I do I will do a post on the results and what I thought.

I may as well of said " I'll do a review". 

If any of you guys fancy purchasing this bath bomb or any other product that Lush sell then click HERE

Do you guys outside of the UK have Lush shops? If not, you are in luck as they ship internationally. Win, win. 

If you are a 'newbie' like me to this shop, take a look at their website or even go visit their shop as you won't be disappointed. I hope I don't change my mind when I have tested the bomb though! We will see. 

The customer service I received in the Bristol branch was really good and I even got complimented on my shoes! Score. 

I will leave you with a little video clip of where one of the girls showed me and pops how the bombs work. 



Song: 'Get Outside!' by Jason Farnham (YouTube audio) 
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