Sunday, 24 September 2017

Autumn Fashion - My Style, On Trend & High Street | New Look | H & M | Primark

autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,

Hello my lovely lot!!! 


This is legit my favourite time of the year, if you have followed my blog or my social media for a while then this will not be brand new information. Ha. 

This is totally when I am at my happiest, don't get me wrong I love the Summer for... Well, the sun and stuff - the sun also makes me happy but for me I cannot wait for Summer to be over. I know some of you will be screaming at your screen's and cursing me for saying that but I am afraid my fellow friends it's the truth. If you suffer from mega bad hay fever you'll get me. 

For me, there is nothing better than lighting candles, that smell like Autumn/Christmas, with some fairy lights on, all snuggled in my room watching movies and relaxing. Nothing beats layering your clothes, wearing a bobble hat and going for long walks in the woods - smelling the Autumn air and watching the amber, crisp leaves fall from the trees in the sunlight. 

Getting the image, come on you have to agree right?!

When it comes to fashion and what I wear, I never put too much thought into it. I tend to wear what I want and don't give a damn to what people think or whether it's too 'out there' for my small towns. I like it... I wear it, whether it's on trend or not. I don't follow fashions ever but what I do find a lot of the time - and not to blow my own trumpet, I find that I can be ahead of fashion and wear things just before they go on trend without even realising it.

For instance, the whole PVC look, I sported that a few years ago because it's 'my style' - I like to be a bit out there, push boundaries with my choice of clothing and mix it up. I started to wear my PVC trousers around a month or two back and then slowly but surely I started to hear that it is starting to be a hella trend this fall. I was already on trend before it was a trend. I love it when that happens. 

90% of the time I will wear dark clothes, mainly black - to match my soul ;) 

I just find monochrome items look so classy and strong. I have to be colour coordinated, I cannot stand when things don't match. I do love a bold print, a lot of rips, anything that is 'alternative' and lets be completely honest some may say fetish items. You know - the whole PVC thing. For me my clothes are a statement as is my hair and makeup. My image is an extension of my personality and creativity, to me is shows that I am a strong woman, independent, doesn't give a f**k about what people think or say, that I am an extrovert, I know myself and who I am, that I am bold, loud, quirky, one of a kind and hella creative. That's what I personally think, that's how it comes across, others may differ and be negative but their opinion doesn't matter. 

Below you are going to see some recent pictures I have taken that depicts my current style - my main style, how I shake things up and make it my own and it may even inspire you guys who are reading. 

If you are looking to change up your style or looking for inspiration to step out of your comfort zone then you have come to the right place. :) 

Everything I am wearing if from the high street and currently in the shops. A piece of advice from me to you is that own what you are wearing, own your style, don't let ANYBODY tell you that you can't wear something because it doesn't fit societies ideologies. You like it, WEAR IT. Be brave and be bold. 

Lets go... 


I legit love a bit of PVC, for me it makes an outfit go from average to interesting and enigmatic. Trying to find a 'good' pair of PVC trousers/leggings can be hard to come by. I find that sometimes they can sit too low in the crotch area and doesn't move with your body contours. I recently invested in some more PVC trousers and on the off-chance found some perfect ones from H & M. I am in love with them. You can see them in the 3rd picture. If you are wanting to invest in this trend I do feel you get what you pay for a such. The ones from H & M are around £35. Team these with either an oversized tee and a leather jacket or with a chunky knitted jumper and you're sorted. 

Patent platform boots - £34.99 H & M 

autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,
autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,
autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,

Statement pieces

Okay, so if you don't think PVC is 'statement' enough, you cannot go wrong with a statement shirt, tee or jumper. The below is also from H & M and it's actually from the men's section. I ordered the same style in the jumper and t-shirt form. The tee was a bit too oversized for me and I found I loved the jumper more. It's this shiny, holographic material and I love things like this, that are different and that other people wouldn't generally wear. If you are anything like me and like to make a statement, this will be right up your street. This was around £29.99. 

autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,
autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,

Lace Up 

I am very 'alternative' in my style - I also like to be a rocker one day and then look like I am part of the ghetto the next, other times I just look homeless. Ha. I love lace up things and right now this has come back into fashion and I couldn't be happier. However you do need to be careful with lace up items as they aren't always very flattering. You don't want to look like a piece of pork with the string wrapped around you and if you have bigger thighs - like me, then you need to work out your placement if you're looking at purchasing lace up bottom half's. The lace up leggings are again from H & M - they are KILLING it at the moment. I was originally looking for jeans with a lace up front but I couldn't find any I liked - these were perfect. You can adjust the width of the lace up so I brought mine in, I didn't want too much flesh showing. I may also sew in some fabric behind the lace up as I feel it would look better. Either way this is another Autumn fashion staple right now. 

Leggings - £20 (mine are in XS) 
Geek glasses - £1 Primark 
Jumper - £6.99 H & M 
Knitted lace up jumper - £10 -£13 Primark

autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,
autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,
autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,

Thigh Highs & Sequins

I think for most Autumn/Winter fashion, over-the-knee and thigh high boots always make a come back. Generally, shoe wise for me I will wear either military boots or platforms. It's just how I roll. I love to team mainly leggings with thigh high boots as I feel it looks more classy but leather trousers also work. Recently I have been feeling sequin leggings with knitted jumpers and my new thigh highs and I think it looks so fashionable but is so effortless. I would stick to all black for this look or monochrome if you want to switch it up a bit. 

Thigh highs - £44.99 New Look 
Sequin Leggings - I got years ago.  

autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,

autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,

Denim Jacket

It's at the stage weather wise that it's getting colder but it's too warm to wear a hefty coat so for me a denim jack is on point. You can literally throw it on over anything and it looks so freakin cool. I have sewn patches onto mine to make it 'unique' to me and I love it. There are a lot in the sale at the moment as it would mainly come under 'Summer fashion' but for me I like to break the boundaries.  Team the jacket with a beanie and platforms and you're good to go. 

Jacket - £30 - £35 New Look 
Patches - Various from H & M and Ebay
Platforms £25 Truffle

autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,
autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,
autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend,

Extreme Ripped Jeans, Fishnets and Quote Tees

I have been DIY-ing my own clothes for a while now. I have always been a ripped jeans kinda gal, it's ma thaaaanng. I was quite late to the whole fishnet and ripped jeans 'trend' but I don't like to follow trends so I would rather wear it after everyone else has wore them to death. Again, it's an 'alternative' look but definitely one you wouldn't really want to wear through to winter. Too many holes going on and I get hella cold. I do my own jeans and design my own slogan/saying/quote tees (if anyone is interested in them I can create your own bespoke piece). I love being able to say what you want through your clothes. I would say these are more transitional pieces. 

autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend, ripped jeans, fishnets, slogan tees, quotes, quotetshirt, diy, morphe35b, beautybay
autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend, ripped jeans, fishnets, slogan tees, quotes, quotetshirt, diy, morphe35b, beautybay


Right now I am finding New Look's underwear right on point. They are killing it. It's like my personality in a bra. I recently found 2 bra's that I loved because they look super amazing. I think it's also important to look good under your clothes - underwear wise. The below are bang on trend and look awesome in my opinion. The 2nd bra is a major push-up and I love the caging detail. This I suppose does scream fetish slightly but who cares it's hot!!

Lace up bra - around £9.99 New Look 
Caged bra - £14.99 New Look

autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend, ripped jeans, fishnets, slogan tees, quotes, quotetshirt, diy, morphe35b, beautybay

autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend, ripped jeans, fishnets, slogan tees, quotes, quotetshirt, diy, morphe35b, beautybay

Rain Macs and Leather Jackets

Outerwear is obviously a must for this season as it's bound to rain at some point. When doesn't it. I do love the sound of the rain though, it really relaxes me, anybody else? 

As you have guessed, throughout this post it is apparent I like bold pieces. The below rain mac is no exception. This copper effect mac is just a 'mind blown' piece. I love it A LOT. I think if you're going to get a mac, go get a statement one. It's dull enough when it is raining so why not shine through the grey with a bright piece. It is very out there but so am I. Ha. 

Most people have a leather jacket as a 'staple'  piece these days but I like to shake it up with some sort of wording on it. Own it. I have another one from H & M which says 'The Darkness Inside' on the back and I love it. 

Copper Mac - around £40 New Look 

Leather Jacket - £70 Pull and Bear

autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend, ripped jeans, fishnets, slogan tees, quotes, quotetshirt, diy, morphe35b, beautybay
autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend, ripped jeans, fishnets, slogan tees, quotes, quotetshirt, diy, morphe35b, beautybay
autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend, ripped jeans, fishnets, slogan tees, quotes, quotetshirt, diy, morphe35b, beautybay

Transitional Makeup

As you know, I am a makeup and photography fanatic, and the below look is me transitioning from Summer's brights going into the Autumn hues... Mixing in the bezza (berry - if you don't get my lingo) tones. 

autumn, fashion, autumnfashion, pvc, vinyl, highshine, hm, newlook, primark, denimjacket, lfw, leatherjacket, laceup, pullandbear, platformboots, thigh high boots, makeup look, highstreet, on trend, ripped jeans, fishnets, slogan tees, quotes, quotetshirt, diy, morphe35b, beautybay

So there you have it, the lowdown on what I have been buying, wearing and lusting over this season. Anyone can wear any of these items, just be brave enough, believe in yourself and do it.

 Unless you're my known stalker (see previous blog post) ... Then you can't because YOU CAN'T BE ME. :) 

I hope you enjoyed this post and it has perhaps given you some inspiration for your own wardrobe or it's put you off for life. Ha, but hey this is me and I feel I have captured that. 

If you want to follow me on social media you can find me on the below. 




I do have other outlets but these are the ones I use the most. Give me a follow if you love crazy. :) 

Until next time...


Saturday, 23 January 2016

OOTD // Monochrome Chic Slays The January Blues!


January is almost over!! YAAASSS!!! 

I am hoping to find a job in London A.S.A.P so I can move there!!! I just want to be in a city with more prospects, life and fun, but whilst I am still in the countryside I thought I would take advantage of the scenery and do an OOTD for you lovelies. 

As mentioned in a previous post, I am a massive fan of black and black is my happy colour. I also love to chuck in a white tee now and then to, you know, shake it up a bit!! As you do!! 

I have noticed (as I can't stop looking at him and a little bit addicted) that Harry Styles actually has a similar dress sense to moi. Mainly black skinnies with a white t-shirt and boots. Pretty simple yet highly fashionable, chic and low maintenance. 

I love this look and currently for me, this style and look is completely on point. It stands out but is pretty low key, a lot of contradictions that actually work in your favour. 

This look would work on pretty much anyone male (hence the ref to Hazza) or female so if you haven't already go give it a try. 

Go on, get out of your comfort zone. 

P.S. I will leave a list at the bottom of the post as to what makeup I am wearing and where I got the outfit from. 


Some not so professional looking phone pics :D


HAT: Stolen from my brother
White T-Shirt: Primark
Leather Jacket: H & M (studded it myself)
Scarf: Primark
Jeans: New Look
Boots: New Look
Rings: Accessorize


Concealer: Collection Lasting Perfection ( fair)

Foundation: Maybelline 24 hr Stay (010 Ivory)

Finishing Powder: Rimmel Stay Matte (Sandstorm)

Bronzer: Collection Bronze Glow

Blush: Makeup Revolution Blush in 'Wow' 

Brows: MUA Pencil (Dark Brown) & Makeup Revolution Brow Kit

Eyes: Rimmel 'Exaggerate' Liquid Liner (Black)
Rimmel Scandaleyes Kohl Pencil (Black) 
Rimmel Exaggerate 'Smoke & Shine' Gel Eyeliner (copper Bling)
MAC False Lash Extreme Black Mascara
Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara (Black)
Makeup Revolution Matte Eyeshadow Pallet
Kiko Colour Sphere Eyeshadow (05)

Lips: Primark PS. Lip Liner Crayon (Nude)
MAC 'Honeylove' Matte Lipstick


Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Getting To Know Your Blogger!! 50 Facts About Me.


I thought I would do a different post today enabling you guys to find out a little more about myself and the person behind the words and pictures. 

If you don't want to know about me, that is totally cool, but if you do want to get up close and personal with me then carry on reading! 

Enjoy :) 

P.S. There ended up being 60 facts. Whoops.

  •   I am 26 (27 on the 7th August), some of you may already know this but a lot of people that don't know my age actually think I am around 18-20. Without makeup I look about 10. One Chinese lady said to me once " you have magical powers". Too funny.

  • I LOVE curry & hot food. Most of my food has to have chilli added to it. I have to have my food with a kick, whether that is in a salad on in baked beans, chilli is a must. I am the curry queen, I love the stuff and my favourite restaurant so far is in Worcester.

  •  I am a singer/performer and I have appeared on the X Factor (UK)and I have been an extra in Skins 3 & 4 (for those of you who don't know what this programme is, it's a teenage drama series and it's awesome.)

  • I am a massive animal lover and will do anything for an animals' welfare. I rescue animals if I see them injured and I have a few pets myself (Cody my poorly Guinea Pig, Darla & Keiko my Chinese Dwarf Hamsters and Bear (real name is Saffi my Yorkshire Terrier).

  • My idol is Michael Jackson, he always has and always will be my idol. He is a genius, the master of music and the greatest man to ever live in my eyes. R.I.P.

  • I am a big believer in the Illuminati & conspiracy theories. I believe in the New World order and the Mayan Prophecies, it really interests me and it's so fascinating.

  • I am a hoarder when it comes to shopping. I buy new things and keep it in the bags for weeks until I decide to put it away. Usually by then I have forgotten what I have brought and get excited all over again.

  • My favourite colour is red.

  • I have a double jointed thumb. 

  • I have met Adam Lambert (American readers will know who he is)!

  • My favourite band EVER is Placebo, oh my, I couldn't even begin to say how much I love them. I have been an avid fan for almost 10 years.

  • My biggest crush is on Brian Molko (Placebo's hot lead singer, he's not everyone's cup of cha but for me he is IT)!

  • My first car was a silver Corsa called Rusty. Go figure. 

  • I hallucinate often when dreaming, I will be semi-awake and semi-asleep and I wake up in the dream still but in the real world thinking it's happening. It usually involves spiders, where I hallucinate that they are on my walls. 

  • I have a massive fear of spiders, flying, sunbeds, lifts and being involved in a car crash. 

  • I am a nervous passenger in the car. 

  • My favourite actor is John Travolta.

  • My favourite actress is Sandra Bullock. 

  • I have a girl crush on Kristen Stewart & Lana Del Rey.

  • I would love to marry Brian Molko(obviously). I am still waiting for the proposal. Any day soon!! Ha.  

  • My favourite film of all time is Labyrinth.

  • My favourite Disney film is Beauty and the Beast. 

  • I am a natural blonde. 

  • I bruise really easily. One tap on my leg and a big, purple bruise will appear. 

  • I love making video's of me miming to songs. 

  • The sound of a glass nail file on nails makes me cringe.

  • I have a B12 deficiency (a blog post about this will be up soon.) 

  • I suffer with anxiety which I have learn't to control. 

  • I get real bad stage fright and get real nervous before I go on stage. When I am up there though I am fine. 

  • I love writing lists and have a million note books.

  • I wish I lived in Hogwarts and was friends with Hazza Potter. 

  • Fall & Winter have rapidly become my favourite time of the year thanks to my hay fever. 


  • I am attracted to anything shiny.

  • Watching movies is my favourite past-time, especially with loads of food and in comfy clothes. 

  • I have never been taken on a 'real' date. :(

  • I used to want massive boobs but now I am glad I have the one's that I have.

  • My favourite smells are the beach, hot chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla, burning wood, Christmas Trees, wood shavings, new catalogues and carpet shops

  • I can't swim. 

  • My favourite flowers are Roses and Bluebells.

  • I have 4 tattoo's and will soon be getting more.

  • My body rejects most of my piercings. I had to take out my belly bar and tragus piercing. The tragus I was gutted about as I tried so hard to keep it.

  • I watch my Friend's boxset on a daily basis. 

  • The wind (in the sky) is the worst element possible.

  • I am allergic to dust. 

  • I don't like the cold.

  • I would like to have a brace when I finally get a job.

  • My eyes are my best feature.

  • My favourite time of day is early evening.

  • I never wash my face and it brings me out in serious spots. So I always clean it daily with a cleanser.

  • I have a fear of the dentist.

  • I am a bit of a tomboy.

  • I find it hard to sleep at night and wake up every couple of hours which is almighty annoying. 

  • I have dreams that movie makers wouldn't be able to conjure up.

  • I have a degree in journalism.

  • My bottom lip is actually bigger than my top lip, so when putting my lipstick on I have to even the top lip out with my lip liner. 

  • I don't like my feet being touched.

  • I've always wanted to be vet.

  • I can predict/see things sometimes before they have happened. 

and finally...

  •  Everyone used to say I looked like Avril Lavigne!!

I hoped you liked reading through those and have got to know me a little better. I am a bit unique but "hey" who want's to be a carbon copy of someone else?

Not me! 

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