Sunday 26 July 2015

Birthday Wishlist // ft. Makeup Revolution, MAC, Boohoo, Canon, Foxy Locks & More.

Birthday Wishlist

Afternoon guys!! 

Yay, it's 12 days until my birthday!! :D 

I don't know why I am saying yay as I am going to be turning 28 and that's no fun. I am still single and childless. My child is SO going to end up coming from a test tube the rate I am going... Anyway that's another story. 

Okay, so lets be positive about the situation. Well this weekend I am having a girly one with my friend, just chilling with junk food and movies. Looking forward to that. And yeah, the Friday after is my birthday (7th Aug). Yes, I am going shopping the same as I do every year. Boring I know, but I refuse to do nothing. I am going to the Safari Park the next day though which I am super excited about. Totally in my element there and I can take my DSLR and take some awesome pictures. It better not rain!!!

Above, I have collated some images into a montage of the items I have been wanting for a long while and will maybe get on my actual birthday. *I won't get it all though, I'll end up broke*

Going from left to right I will give you a little lowdown on why I have picked what I have. 

1. Canon EF 75-300 f/04 0-5.6 III Lens. I need some new lenses ready for the event I am going to in London (Sept) where I am booked as a photographer. I also REALLY want the Pancake lens, 40mm and 50mm. I also want a really good zoom lens. They are SO expensive though.

2. Foxy Locks Hair Extensions in 'Sunkissed Brown 230g'. Okay, so I had a lot hair cut off in March and I have gone this long without extensions. Granted my hair is still pretty long but for me not long enough. I want it a lot blonder than it is now but I don't want to damage my hair. I have had Foxy Locks for years now and for me they are the best on the market. 

3. Zoeva Rose Gold Eye Set. I have wanted these brushes for years!!! I would like the face brushes too. They aren't cheap but I know they are good. I think they are around £40 but they are definitely something I want in my brush collection sharpish. 

4. Mac Matte Lipsticks. I LOVE Mac lipsticks, I only wear matte formulas and these are some of the best. I am after shades, 'Honeylove', 'Lady Danger', 'Flat Out Fabulous' and 'Pink Pigeon'.

5. Mac Lip Liners. I love these liners, they are long wearing and durable. Yes they are pricey for a pencil but they last ages. Again I am after the shades 'Ruby Woo', 'Night Moth', 'Soar', 'Whirl', 'What A Blast', 'Magenta' and 'Shock Value'. Not a lot then :P

6. Mac Paint Pot in 'Painterly' and Mac 'Pale' Lip Erase. Again I have wanted these for quite a while too. 'Painterly' as it's a good eyeshadow base and lip erase as it takes the colour out from your lips to provide a good base for your lipsick. 

7. Dixi Ring. They have some beautiful sterling silver rings. I love anything that is colourful and stands out. 

8. Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro Matte Lipsticks. There are five shades and I want to try them all. 

9. Makeup Revolution Concealer Corrector Pallet. This is new out and I really want to try it and see if it works for my blemishes and dark circles. It looks amazing. 

10. Instax Printer. I love this as you can link it to your phone and print out instax (Polaroid) sized pictures without the actual camera. It's quite pricey though. 

11. Nanshy Brushes. The face brushes look amazing. I need these in my life. I particually like the 'Luxury Makeup Brush Set' and the 'Masterful Collection- Pearlescent White'. 

12. Boohoo 'Jeeny' Camel coat. I am in love with this coat. It's perfect and a total staple for autumn/winter. 

13. Hand weights. My current weights are MASSIVE and SO heavy. I need some smaller ones for every day use. 

14. Ikea Alex Makeup Storage Drawers. I have wanted these for SO long, they are so clean and pretty looking. Every girl has these and I need to be one of them. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and maybe given you some idea's for your own wish list. 

Until later... Adios. 

L x


Sunday 10 August 2014

What I Got For My Birthday // The Lowdown!!

*DISCLAIMER* "I am in no way bragging about what I received/brought for my birthday. I like reading and watching posts like these and I thought it would be nice to follow up from my 'Birthday Wishlist'. Some people are interested in subjects like this as much as I am so I hope you enjoy reading this post and if any of you have post's like this I would love to read/watch them. Leave any links in my comments". 


The time had come to say "hello" to my birthday and "goodbye" just as quickly. 

I hate it when that happens. 

I get so excited about things really easily and remain that way for months until the day is finally upon me. 

Then I get the blues. 

So, here is the lowdown of the run up to my day of birth and the actual day I was popped out into the world. 

The week running up to my birthday I decided to get sick. I don't know what it was, some sort of bug but all I know was I felt extremely rotten. I had a constant sickness feeling so spent most of my time trying to sleep it off. I went off all food and drink and could barely move. The night before my birthday (6th August) I was meant to be going to the cinema with my brother and then grabbing a pizza after. That didn't happen because I was far too ill to leave the house, so we watched a movie in my room instead until like 2 am. 

The morning of my birthday I thought I would wake up feeling so much better. I was wrong, I still felt really rough. My parent's had to practically drag me out of bed to open my cards and presents. I was still excited though! :) 

This is what I came downstairs to.


My parents always make it pretty downstairs on my birthday. It reminds me of when I was younger and I am a stickler for tradition. In our household it's always tradition for mum and dad to keep things like this a secret and I am not allowed to come downstairs until the morning. 

I had mostly money and the couple of presents you see there are off my parents as little 'extra's'.

This is what they were.

My brother brought me THE BEST present EVER. And it was one of the main things I had put on my 'Wishlist' post. I will keep what he brought me a secret until the end of the post as an element of surprise for you!!! He tried to get it for me to open on my birthday but it had sold out everywhere in the shops so it was being delivered into store the next day. I was that shocked I cried a little (plus I was all emotional anyway due to feeling sick. Ha). 

Yeah, so I had brought a dress to wear specially on my birthday. Call it my 'birthday outfit'. And it's very different to what I usually wear, it's quite 'girly' for me and it was from Topshop. 

I fell in love with it when I saw it. Whether it suited me or not, I am not too sure.

By this point I was feeling a little better. I hadn't been shopping properly for ages and couldn't wait to get out of the house. I went to Merryhill (near Birmingham, UK) shopping centre as all the shops are indoors and it's always been a tradition for me to go there. I even got a free Krispy Kreme because it was my birthday. :)

The first place I ALWAYS wonder into is the Disney Store. I LOVE it in there, I am such a child, I walk in there and wish I had toys like that available when I was younger. Awesome place to unleash your inner child.

Next I stopped off at Lush!! The lady that served me in that store was a little rude, she kept staring at me and made me feel really uncomfortable. So I only brought one thing as I didn't want to stay there any longer. Not like the Bristol and Worcester stores who have super cool staff.

Not long after this I thought it was best to probably eat something as I hadn't eaten for a few days and I was hoping it wouldn't make me feel worse. It actually made me feel a lot better and it was really nice. I went to the food hall where they have loads of different canteens. There was Indian food, Chinese, Greek, Italian, a fish and chip shop and your good ol' faves like KFC and Burger King. I really liked the look of the Indian food so had a Chicken Tikka wrap with 'Aloo fries' (chips). I was going to go for the curry but I didn't want anything to heavy, it was really good, I took half of the chicken out as I am not a massive meat eater. But it did the trick. :)

I am now going to show you the rest of the morning snaps and what I brought that day. I didn't actually get as much as I thought I would as I started to flag towards the end of the afternoon. So I still have quite a bit of money left over. When I got home mum and dad put out little bits of party food and then I had my cake. It was a pretty good birthday all in all and I had some nice messages on Facebook and Twitter. 

I felt the love.

P.S. Don't forget to take a look at what my brother brought me at the end of this post!! :)

I brought the 'Sex Bomb' bath bomb.

I got a couple of things off my 'wishlist' but when visiting Superdrug to get the Real Techniques Expert Face Brush, I came across this brand of makeup, Makeup Revolution to be exact. And apparently they come from the people who created MUA. The prices were great and the man at the till forgot to charge me for the 18 coloured eyeshadow pallete. SCORE. I didn't realise until I got out the store and checked my receipt. 

Thanks for my extra birthday present. *Thumbs up*.

The jumper and trousers were from H&M. Most of my clothes come from there, I love the shop although there sizes are real small. They don't size up very well. Anyway, the jumper was in the sale and the velvet textured stretchy jeans were new in. I fell in love with both. Can't wait to wear them!

What I got for my birthday in a nutshell. 

Now for the best present of all....

ufhyikhfihfshaodhyeihi (that is how excited I was/am).

YES!!! He brought me the frickin blue Fujifilm Instax Camera!!!

I haven't used it yet as I want to get more films for it, oh and a case and photo album. Seriously though, how expensive are the films!! Lower the price Fujifilm, no one likes overpriced items. 

Loved it all!! 

P.S. Leo's rule the world!! ;) X 
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