Thursday 9 June 2016

Beauty Bay Haul & Experience | FT Morphe, Zoeva, Lit Cosmetics, Makeup Geek & LA Girl

Evening beauties!! 

I hope y'all are fine and dandy. 

I am a little fed up today. Ha. 

Trying to stay positive though as good things come to those who wait and all that. :) 

Yeah right! Ha, does anyone ever believe that?!

Is anyone in the UK suffering with this disgusting, muggy heat that we are experiencing at night?! 4 nights in a row now I haven't been able to sleep because of the suffocating warmth. Literally it has gotten to the point where you have removed every item of clothing and you're contemplating taking your skin off as well. 




I have been back and forth on whether I should order from Beauty Bay for a while now, if you don't know they are an online beauty retailer who stocks a lot of items in which you can't always get in the UK. I had placed many things in my basket but being jobless at the moment they kind of stayed there. I recently sold a lot of new makeup that I had and wasn't going to use so I thought I would buy the things in my basket at some point. I was in no rush.

I saw on Twitter that they were having a buy one get one free offer on the Makeup Geek eyeshadow pans and I was on that shit like a kid on cake. I was there. 

They were selling out MEGA QUICK but I managed to get the pans I wanted bar 2 which were - Creme Brulee and Roulette and I think there was actually a foiled one that disappeared too. They all ended up being half price because I think the day before the BOGOF offer wasn't working for people. 

I ordered 5 of the Makeup Geek eyeshadow pans, one of the Morphe pans, the rose gold Zoeva eye brush set, the Morphe 35B palette and blending crease brush, Lit Cosmetics glitter kit and LA Girls HD lose powder to bake with. I got a free gift with that too. 

I had to order the Morphe palette and brush separately as I was trying to keep my order to £100 but I put the others on my credit card. 


My order went through and I went off to the Busted gig and didn't think about it again... Until I hit social media that is. 

EVERYONE was kicking off about the Makeup Geek offer, I mean everyone. I wasn't too bothered as I got some that I wanted. Now what put the fear of God into me was that everyone was complaining that they hadn't received shipping confirmation for their next day deliveries. I hadn't either. 

I did panic a bit because some people were getting theirs the next day and mine still kept saying 'processing'. I ordered on the Saturday, I phoned them on the Monday as my order statuses hadn't changed at all. I was told I would receive my things on Tuesday. 

I was cool with that. 

I do think however the problem was the lack of communication from Beauty Bay in regards to deliveries and confirmations as I wouldn't of been worried if it wasn't for everyone else. It did put me off. 

I did feel for Beauty Bay though because everyone was kicking off at them and I don't think they realised how popular Makeup Geek was and a lot of people tried order but the site wouldn't let them and then they sold out. 

I am sure it will all be sorted. 

I was so excited when my parcels came on Tuesday and this is what I bought. 

A lot of the items were on my b'day wishlist in which I posted the other week. 

Enjoy :)

I cannot wait to use this pallet. I think I may do so tomorrow!! I love bright colours on the eyes A LOT!!! I want the much sort after 350 palette when it comes back into stock. 

If it ever does that is!

I have wanted these brushes for years now and have always been on a wishlist of some sort. So, seeing as I never got them I bought them as an early birthday present from me to me. 

Ha. As you do.

I thought I would see what all the hype was about with the Makeup Geek shadows. Can't wait to use these either! From top left to bottom right; Duochrome - Backlight, Peach Smoothie, foiled - Starry Eyed, Cocoa Bear and Bitten. I also got a single Morphe eyeshadow pan too.

 And there you have it. My quite expensive haul. 

I cannot wait to start using it all. Had to wait so I could take the pics for this post. 

It has killed me!! Ha. 

If you're a Beauty Bay shopper let me know your must have's for me to check out!! 

You can follow me and my blog here

You can also keep up to date here:

Twitter | Leluroxxblogger

Instagram | Leluroxxblogger

Snapchat | Blackeyedfox

YouTube | Leluroxxblogger

Until next time...


Thursday 26 May 2016

My Birthday Wishlist | Ft Foxylocks, Makeup Geek, Zoeva, Huda, ABH, New Look & More.

Evening my lovelies. 

I hope everyone is well? Lucky sods too because it's pay day weekend and bank holiday weekend all rolled into one!!! I have forgotten what it is like have a 'pay day' these days. Ha. 

I have an apology to make too, I bet some of you were wondering where Monday's post was? Unfortunately I came down with tonsillitis the night before. It was so sudden too. I noticed when I was trying to do a cover of Busted's '3am' my throat felt scratchy. I uploaded the vid anyway and heard it back the next day and had to take it down. It was freaking awful maaayynnn. Ha ha. 

But yeah, that night I had zero hours sleep and I was in so much pain and I couldn't swallow. I literally was all achy, had a headache, my throat was swollen and I couldn't swallow and to top it off I occurred a cold, so I couldn't breathe either. 

You okay there Mother Nature?!

Illness aside, it's my day of birth in a couple of months (August 7th to be exact) so what better time to think up a birthday wish list?! 

I love writing lists at the best of times, especially Christmas lists as it keeps me organised and I get all excited. I am literally a freak. Nothing new.

There are so many things (mainly makeup) that I am lusting after right now, some of which I have been eyeing up for quite a while. 

I will go through the picture situated at the top of the post from the top left all the way down to the bottom right.  

Let me know your thoughts on whether you have tried and have any of the items or if you haven't I would love to know what you want to try off the list. 

Here's to hoping that I may get some of these.

*fingers crossed*. 

1.Zoeva Rose Gold Eye Brush Set

I have wanted this eye brush set for freaking years now it's an absolute joke. I see so many people with the brushes and I am in awe. They are highly rated, rose gold (of course) and most of all THEY ARE SO PRETTY!! 

These have been on my Christmas list each year, so I am thinking that this year I may have to buy them myself. Job or no job. 

2. Morphe Eyeshadow Pallets - Warm and Brights.

I have been lusting after these pallets for a while now and the warm toned one (350) is always out of stock as it's extremely popular. I have heard mixed reviews about their eyeshadow's but I would like to try these myself and make up my own mind up. They are reasonably priced too which is 100% a score. Most of the makeup items are from Beauty Bay, I am on the waiting list for when the 350 comes back in. 

3. Makeup Geek Eyeshadows

If you have read my previous posts it's no secret that I love doing my eye makeup and everybody is harping on about Makeup Geek shadow pans. They are based in America I think but again you can get these shadows on Beauty Bay (thank the lord). There are a range of shades that I want, some being; Cocoa Bear, Bitten, Peach Smoothie, Duochrome Blacklight, foiled Grandstand and Creme Brulee. I love a lot of their bright colours too and their pigments. 

4. Lit Cosmetics

I head about this brand from Amysmakeupbox when I was watching one of her vids. They look amazing! They provide a glitter base (which is the clear stuff)and this awesome glitter. I love anything sparkly and again this was on Beauty Bay and I really want to try it. Let me know if any of you guys have!! 

5. Morphe Fan Brush

I keep seeing everyone use these fan brushes to apply their highlighter perfectly and yep I am jumping on that glowing train ride because I want one of those too. I don't know if this brush will be any good but it sure looks good. 

 6. Chaos Makeup 'Rainbow' Highlighter.

Oh my goodness how amazing does this highlighter look?!! It's what dreams are made of!! Actually Unicorns! I have seen it in action too and it's so freaking beautiful. Again it's from America ( I think) and I really want to get my hands on it. I think it's around $20 but I rarely buy from abroad because of the custom charges. I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE!! 

7. Huda Lashes

I follow Huda Beauty on all Social Media accounts and I love her beauty range!!! Her lashes are super cute and everyone has them right now. 

8. ABH Dip Brow.

Wow I am believing in all the hypes going around at the moment as everyone is using this brow product and I want to try it. I don't know how well it would work on mine though as you can hardly see my brows, therefore leaving me looking like a hard boiled egg. 

9. Neewer Ring Light.

This is totally needed in my life, especially as I want to start recording more videos to put on my YouTube channel. I currently have one on there. Ha. And that's for a competition. I have a mini ring light that attaches to my camera lens and it makes me skin look lovely and my makeup pop. I WILL be getting this don't you worry!

10. Huda Lip Liner.

Need I say more? :) 

11. River Island Chain Belt.

I saw this belt today as I was browsing the web and thought that this belt is totally cool and something I could (hopefully) pull off. It's super cute and would be great teamed with some black ripped jeans or a pair of cut off shorts. Festival ready guys. 

12. Ikea Alex 9 Draws.

Again, these have been on my wishlist for ages now and I seriously need them as I have too much makeup and just general beauty items around my room. I would take great pleasure in organising these bad boys. Just wish there was a sale on them as they are too expensive for me right now. 

13. NYX Glitter.

As mentioned I love glitter and I love NYX and seeing as I don't currently have one near me I went searching in Merry Hill for these glitters and I couldn't see them there either. I was saddened by this. Ha. They seem so pigmented and just fun to work with. 

14. Black New Look Bomber Jacket.

Whether this would suit me I don't know as I like longer jackets/coats. I do however love black and New Look so this could be a win win situation. 

15. Too Faced Glitter Insurance.

I went into Merry Hill to get this and they didn't have it and then I went into my local TK Maxx to see if they had it and they had frickin sold it moments before I had arrived. I was gutted. I wanted this to keep the fallout of the glitter to a minimum when applied on my eyes! I will get my hands on this if it kills me. Any decent alternatives? 

16. Foxy Locks Extension.

I will only wear Foxy Locks extensions as I think they are the best. I have tried  few brands but nothing really compares. They are expensive but for the amount of hair you get for the price it's worth it. You don't get that anywhere else. My hair colour has changed so I need a new set but looks like I will need to get some once a job has landed my way. Ha. 

I have loads more items that I would of featured but you would of been here all day. 

I love chatting so please let me know your thoughts guys!! 

As always you can find me on the following (see below) and don't forget to subscribe here.

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

Snapchat: Blackeyedfox

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger

Until next time...


Monday 28 March 2016

Liebster Awards | Blogger Nomination | Q & A


Oh hi :) 

I hope y'all are well and enjoying all of your Easter eggs? (If you celebrate Easter that is) 

I had a small Rolo one off my rents ha ha but also £10 which was nice of them, so I went ahead and bought two sterling silver rings from ShopDixi (who do the most amazing jewellery ever). The rings were £25 each and I got them for £9.95 inc P and P. 

Freaking score.

Ooohh, I am currently working with Shopdixi so if you fancy 10% off your order quote LELUXDIXI at the till. You're welcome. 

Okay, so onto the post, I have been nominated by the lovely and beautiful Beth Chudley for the Liebster Blogger Awards. She is such an amazing person and has an awesome blog over @ Littlecapsulewardrobe . I have also been nominated by Robyn Samantha  today but I had already written this post, so thank you for nominating me also. You beautiful people. :) 

This is an award I have never heard of until I was nominated by Beth and it is such a good way to know the blogger you're investing your time in. 
It's an online award given to bloggers by bloggers which is super cool because it helps build relationships and invite others to check out what you're up to. 

We all love a bit of recognition, right? 

Of course. 

The main question is, how does this whole thing work? 

Once you have been nominated by myself or anyone else you need to do the following: 

. Thank the blogger who nominated you (politeness goes a long way).

. Answer the 11 questions that are set to you by the person who nominated you (provided at the end of the post).

.Share 11 random facts about yourself (that won't be hard for me. Ha.)

. And finally, nominate up to 11 other bloggers who you think 100% deserves the award and ask them 11 new questions of your own. 

It's time to get creative.

Beth asked me the following questions...

1. What made you want to start to blog?  

For me, I started it years ago when I watched that programme with Billie Piper in it, Belle De Jour? The working girl who started an anonymous blog. I found it interesting but it fizzled out. I then picked it up again at uni whilst doing my journalism course and carried it on fully when I was made redundant from my job. It's remained in my life and I love what I am doing. 

2. If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?

This is a hard one to answer because there is a lot I would like. I used to say I would love to read minds, but I think that would get confusing as hell with all those little voices in your head. So for me I think it would to control time, like Bernard's Watch - does anyone remember that programme? I could stop it, forward it, rewind time to avoid mistakes, look into the future. It would be amazing. 

3. What type of blog posts are your favourite to photograph? 

Ooohhh another hard question as I love taking pictures full stop. I think for me currently my favourite to photograph has got to be my makeup looks. I love to experiment and beauty is no exception. I love doing close ups and catching the 'mood' in a picture. Yeah, it's got to be that. 

4. Summer or Winter? 

I always used to say Summer is my favourite time of year as it's my birthday season and the sun makes everyone happy. This has changed slightly because I have now occurred hay fever over the last few years and it ruins my Spring/Summer. I have it from around March time up until Oct and I get it bad. I mean no one has got time for me snotting everywhere. Ha. So in the summer I have to stay indoors a lot. :( So for me I totally love winter for the simple fact my hay fever goes away and it's freaking CHRISTMAS TIME. :D 

5. What would your dream career be? 

Beth, these questions are hard. Ha. 

I am a performer deep down so I would like to say my dream career would to be a singer with a huge fan base and sold out concerts. That aside I would love to be a major blogger or working with animals. I have a lot of interests so I couldn't just pick one career as my 100% dream, if I had to pick one that slightly outweighed, it would be a performer.

6. What TV shows are you bingeing on at the moment/recently? 

 PLL (Pretty Little Liars) is a show I am addicted to although I no longer have Netflix as I am in between jobs at the moment, so I haven't caught the latest series. I am dying to though. I am also loving, F.R.I.E.N.D.S (which is a given for me, I know it all word for word), Gavin and Stacey (James Corden is da bomb), Eastenders, Hollyoaks, Supervet, Gogglebox and The Voice UK. 

7. If you had to give up crisps or chocolate which one would you choose? 

Ahhh mayyynnnnn, you cannot possibly ask me that!!! Ha. 

If I have something sweet like chocolate, I then have to have something savoury like crisps. Okay, I will have to say I would give up crisps because I could get savoury elsewhere to curb my cravings. Chocolate, not so much. You cannot take chocolate away from a hormonal woman, are you kidding me. There would be chaos. 

8. How do you find managing blogging and your everyday life? 

Right now, I am job searching (which I am fed up of) so I am managing just fine because I have the time I need to really put all the work/effort into it. When I do eventually get a job my blogging pattern will have to change. For example I will have to write posts over the weekend way in advance so I have the content ready to go for my post days of Monday and Thursday. It will all be about planning. I have done it before and I will do it again.  

9. What scares you the most about blogging? 

For me it would be failure. I am a perfectionist and I work hard at everything I do. The amount of effort I put into each post I do is unreal. It's not half hearted, if I do something I do it properly. It's hard to get the subscribers/followers now because blogging is so saturated, it's not a case of a small bunch of people anymore... We are talking millions. It's hard to get noticed as we are all doing the same thing.

10. What is your favourite way to relax at the weekend? 

I love to take pictures, experiment with my hair and makeup and again take pictures and edit those. I also love to take a bath, wash my hair, go in hard with my skin routine and chill in my room watching movies and eating junk. Ha. 

If I had a job I think my weekends would change slightly, in the day I would most probably go shopping and then maybe hit the town at night for a cheeky catch up with friends. 

Right now I am happy doing my thaaannng. 

11. What brands would you like to work with if you had the chance? 

Oh my goodness, there are so many. You ready?

ShopDixi, Cult Beauty, MUDA Beuty, Makeup Revolution, Feel Unique, Barry M, Urban Decay, Zoeva, Nanchy, Real Techniques, Sigma, Soap & Glory, MAC, Body Shop, Lush, Rimmel, Loreal, Smashbox, YSL, New Look, H & M, Eylure, Elegant Touch, Moroccan Oil, Primark, Garnier, Foxy Locks Extensions, Melt Cosmetics, Rodial Skincare, Kiko Cosmetics, Superdrug/Boots, Topshop, Boohoo, Da Silva London. There are far too many to list. Ha. 

11 Random Facts About MEEEEEEE.

1. I leave two bits of chicken in my curry and leave the rest. Just don't ask. Ha. 

2. I am a singer and I have been on the X Factor and a horrendous dating show. 

3. When I sit down I curl my toes under my foot - it's something I have always done. (That picture actually looks freaking weird). 

4. I suck my thumb, hence why I need Invisalign. *Covers eyes*. 

5. I have met Adam Lambert, Tom Odell and Brian Molko.

6. I didn't sleep with anyone until I was 18 and that was with my boyfriend at the time. 

7. I cannot sleep in the dark, I have to have a dim light on otherwise I freak out something is going to get me. Ha.

8. I love anything rose gold/copper and have re-designed my room to fit that in. 

9. I have 5 tattoo's and used to have my belly and tragus pierced.

10. I have a serious crush on Harry Styles. 

11. I have three moles equally aligned in the form of Orions Belt on the right side of my forehead, left side of my forearm and on my left leg. I like to think I was born a star. Phaha. 

My Questions To My Nominees. 

1. Where do you find your inspiration for your blog posts? 

2. If you could pick a curry to describe your personality which would it be and why? 

3. If you could bring a celebrity back from the dead who would it be? 

4. What is your current must have beauty product and item of clothing and why? 

5. Describe yourself in 3 words. 

6. Pet peeve? 

7. Explain your blogging process, what you do first and what you do last. 

8. Where did your blog name originate from? 

9. If you could collaborate with anyone on your blog who would it be? 

10. If you could be anyone but yourself for the day who would it be? 

11. Biggest fear in life? 

(Don't forget to add your 11 random facts about yourself.) 

My Nominees. :) 

Lucy @ LJLV
Holly McLoughlin @ Books&Memories 
Sarah Murgatoyd @ SarahMurgatoyd
Jadriah Sarmad @ Jasminecatchesbutterflies
Lucinda Anderson @ LCNDA
love_lippy @ LoveLaughsLipstick 
Jay @ Blissfulbeautybird
Just A Uniform @ justauniform
Eloise @ Eloiselovesnature

I hope you got to know me a little better and like me enough to subscribe to my blog here on Bloglovin'.

I can't wait to see the answers these beauties come up with. 

Until next time...



Sunday 26 July 2015

Birthday Wishlist // ft. Makeup Revolution, MAC, Boohoo, Canon, Foxy Locks & More.

Birthday Wishlist

Afternoon guys!! 

Yay, it's 12 days until my birthday!! :D 

I don't know why I am saying yay as I am going to be turning 28 and that's no fun. I am still single and childless. My child is SO going to end up coming from a test tube the rate I am going... Anyway that's another story. 

Okay, so lets be positive about the situation. Well this weekend I am having a girly one with my friend, just chilling with junk food and movies. Looking forward to that. And yeah, the Friday after is my birthday (7th Aug). Yes, I am going shopping the same as I do every year. Boring I know, but I refuse to do nothing. I am going to the Safari Park the next day though which I am super excited about. Totally in my element there and I can take my DSLR and take some awesome pictures. It better not rain!!!

Above, I have collated some images into a montage of the items I have been wanting for a long while and will maybe get on my actual birthday. *I won't get it all though, I'll end up broke*

Going from left to right I will give you a little lowdown on why I have picked what I have. 

1. Canon EF 75-300 f/04 0-5.6 III Lens. I need some new lenses ready for the event I am going to in London (Sept) where I am booked as a photographer. I also REALLY want the Pancake lens, 40mm and 50mm. I also want a really good zoom lens. They are SO expensive though.

2. Foxy Locks Hair Extensions in 'Sunkissed Brown 230g'. Okay, so I had a lot hair cut off in March and I have gone this long without extensions. Granted my hair is still pretty long but for me not long enough. I want it a lot blonder than it is now but I don't want to damage my hair. I have had Foxy Locks for years now and for me they are the best on the market. 

3. Zoeva Rose Gold Eye Set. I have wanted these brushes for years!!! I would like the face brushes too. They aren't cheap but I know they are good. I think they are around £40 but they are definitely something I want in my brush collection sharpish. 

4. Mac Matte Lipsticks. I LOVE Mac lipsticks, I only wear matte formulas and these are some of the best. I am after shades, 'Honeylove', 'Lady Danger', 'Flat Out Fabulous' and 'Pink Pigeon'.

5. Mac Lip Liners. I love these liners, they are long wearing and durable. Yes they are pricey for a pencil but they last ages. Again I am after the shades 'Ruby Woo', 'Night Moth', 'Soar', 'Whirl', 'What A Blast', 'Magenta' and 'Shock Value'. Not a lot then :P

6. Mac Paint Pot in 'Painterly' and Mac 'Pale' Lip Erase. Again I have wanted these for quite a while too. 'Painterly' as it's a good eyeshadow base and lip erase as it takes the colour out from your lips to provide a good base for your lipsick. 

7. Dixi Ring. They have some beautiful sterling silver rings. I love anything that is colourful and stands out. 

8. Makeup Revolution Iconic Pro Matte Lipsticks. There are five shades and I want to try them all. 

9. Makeup Revolution Concealer Corrector Pallet. This is new out and I really want to try it and see if it works for my blemishes and dark circles. It looks amazing. 

10. Instax Printer. I love this as you can link it to your phone and print out instax (Polaroid) sized pictures without the actual camera. It's quite pricey though. 

11. Nanshy Brushes. The face brushes look amazing. I need these in my life. I particually like the 'Luxury Makeup Brush Set' and the 'Masterful Collection- Pearlescent White'. 

12. Boohoo 'Jeeny' Camel coat. I am in love with this coat. It's perfect and a total staple for autumn/winter. 

13. Hand weights. My current weights are MASSIVE and SO heavy. I need some smaller ones for every day use. 

14. Ikea Alex Makeup Storage Drawers. I have wanted these for SO long, they are so clean and pretty looking. Every girl has these and I need to be one of them. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and maybe given you some idea's for your own wish list. 

Until later... Adios. 

L x

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