Wednesday 18 October 2017

Social Media Trolling & Bullying - How I Feel, How I React and My Advice. A Personal Account.

bulllying, trolling, socialmedia, internetbullying, stalking, harassment, instagram, facebook, twitter, standup, metoo, speakout, personal, personalstory, advice,

Hi guys, 

I am back again with another 'life' post. I chose this topic because it's about a topic that will always be current and will always be happening behind closed doors.

Lets face it we all know a 'bully' - you know the type, mouthy, they think they are superior to everyone else, they like to bring others down to their level and they totally have little man syndrome. Deep down we all know that actually they are insecure, they don't like themselves, basically bitter no hopers. 

There are plenty of those bad boys around theses days but unfortunately, instead of them being vile to your face they hide behind the safety of their phone or computer screen. Billy Big Balls indeed. Since the major rise in people using social media to 'express' themselves - outlets such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have become a breeding ground for 'trolling'. If you are not familiar with the term - it's basically being a big fat bully on social media. Nothing special. They don't deserve a title. 

bulllying, trolling, socialmedia, internetbullying, stalking, harassment, instagram, facebook, twitter, standup, metoo, speakout, personal, personalstory, advice,

Unfortunately social media hasn't come without its pitfalls. Bullying, trolling, harassing and stalking have become a new 'trend' for those people who are fuled by jealousy and hatred, those feelings that they project onto innocent people. 

At some point in our lives we have fallen victim to a nasty piece of work who are sat at home, festering in their own self-loafing, writing low-grade insults. If you are a strong person then it's something you can potentially handle but not everybody out there can handle this type of outlandish behaviour. For those types of people social media is a great way to be someone else, other than themselves,to stalk and harass others under fake ass accounts and hide behind aliases. I mean come on guys, do you seriously have nothing else to do with your sad little lives?!! It really is tragic. 

bulllying, trolling, socialmedia, internetbullying, stalking, harassment, instagram, facebook, twitter, standup, metoo, speakout, personal, personalstory, advice,

I do have a suggestion to those little trolls though... How about get off your fat, lazy ass and go get a job instead of scrounging off other people, people like myself PAYING for you to be sat at home whilst you are spending your days tied to your phone or computer trying to bring others down!! With as much time on your hands that you have stalking others you've got to be house bound to be attached to your phone that much. 

How I see it personally, if you have nothing nice to say about someone then say nothing at all because it really isn't welcomed. 

I am talking from personal experience about this topic because it's happened to me for what seems like forever. I am a strong person and toxic people don't get to me. My stalker is obsessed with me, all because her ex (who performed 3 accounts of rape on me) left her. It doesn't seem to sink into her deluded mind that he RAPED me. I never asked for anything that happened to me, I was sucked into his bubble, drawn in and abused. That, I will remember for the rest of my life because it happened to me. I was sucked in by him and allowed this abuse until I woke up and walked away. This has now given her, what she thinks is the right to troll me, harass me and stalk me. Nono, NO NO. 

bulllying, trolling, socialmedia, internetbullying, stalking, harassment, instagram, facebook, twitter, standup, metoo, speakout, personal, personalstory, advice,

I am a strong person (luckily) and I stand up for myself and won't take shit from anybody, especially 2 bit local bikes who hide behind fake accounts on social media. Not everybody is thick skinned though - it can really affect them to the point of suicide. Bullies and trolls can actually reduce people to self harm or even worse. It can affect people's mental state and well-being. Do they ever think about that? If you are one of Earths scum reading this, do you? Your actions always have consequences, does that even cross your mind?! 

bulllying, trolling, socialmedia, internetbullying, stalking, harassment, instagram, facebook, twitter, standup, metoo, speakout, personal, personalstory, advice,

The amount of hate I see across social media is disgusting. If you don't like what you see or what people are posting, I suggest you keep your extremely large nose out of someone else's business that doesn't concern you and mosey on by, your negativity doesn't belong in a happy place. 

Speaking of happy, do you really think bullies and trolls are happy?! Happy with themselves, their lives, who they are and what they do? Nope, me neither. They project their insecurities, deep seated self loathing, jealousy, bitterness and hate for themselves on to those who are happy, secure, content and living their lives. It all boils down to the fact that you possess something that they don't and will never have.

 If you are being stalked like I am by fake accounts, having posts put up directly or indirectly about you, getting inbox messages, nasty comments and just general bullshit, remember the above because that's all it's about. It's nothing to do with you, so NEVER think that, it's their problem not yours. You keep on being amazing. 

I cannot even count the amount of times I have had inbox messages, fake accounts watching my social media, indirect and direct posts, comments and whatever else posted. I used to retaliate because I knew that person was watching, I wanted them to know I know and then it got to the point where I stopped caring and that was a while ago now. Now I have unblocked every person I have blocked because I want them to see my things, I want them to see how genuinely happy and amazing I actually am. They want to keep on stalking, be my guest. I will make it worth their while. Doing that made me feel freakin amazing. There is nothing more beautiful when toxic people are out of your life - it's like the trash took itself out. 

bulllying, trolling, socialmedia, internetbullying, stalking, harassment, instagram, facebook, twitter, standup, metoo, speakout, personal, personalstory, advice,

If you let others get to you, they have won. My stalker doesn't know me, she doesn't want to know me, especially when I turn into The Hulk. Ha. 

It's like when she called me 'anorexic' - stick and stones, I am sorry I am naturally slim, have good genes, look after myself and have self control. If I wanted to be like her I could of easily retaliated and said " well you're constantly eating your feelings, look like what you god damn eat, you wonder why you look the way you do, you've got nothing on me, sit the f*ck down bitch. - Do you know why I don't say things like that to their face or through trolling, because they all ready know and that's why they try to make you feel bad about yourself because they don't like who they are. It's sad really because there is no reason on this planet to be nasty to others. Fix yourself before trying to break others. 

bulllying, trolling, socialmedia, internetbullying, stalking, harassment, instagram, facebook, twitter, standup, metoo, speakout, personal, personalstory, advice,

From personal experience, I've dealt with all of this first hand. The stalking, the harassment, the hate. I just laugh, I feel nothing but pity for these trolls because they don't affect my life but clearly I've affected theirs. That I find hilarious and if you are suffering, your should too find it funny. Let it go over your head. 

If you think about it guys, it's all sticks and stones - they never have the balls to say that shit to your face, why? They are cowards, you're not, you're strong, independent and a nicer person than they will ever be. They are stuck with their personalities. That right there proves that you will always be better than them. If they can take the time to set up a hella lot of fake ass accounts just to stalk someone and post on your content or indirectly post about you then that makes them sad. You are living in the real world. They obviously have a very sad, pathetic and miserable life. 

bulllying, trolling, socialmedia, internetbullying, stalking, harassment, instagram, facebook, twitter, standup, metoo, speakout, personal, personalstory, advice,

Another thing I would like to point out is name calling. It's so old school - calling someone a dog, a slut, a whore, ugly, you name it, you should brush that shit right off you because lets be honest - is that the best they've got. Meaningless words? That's all they are guys, just words, mirrored from what they think about themselves. It's all to provoke a reaction. Don't give them one. Ignore them. They WILL go away eventually. 

My little troll literally kept mimicking me, copying me and so much more - I should be flattered - they care enough to try and be me. Let them, the difference is they can't be you. You will ALWAYS be someone they can never be - a good person. 

bulllying, trolling, socialmedia, internetbullying, stalking, harassment, instagram, facebook, twitter, standup, metoo, speakout, personal, personalstory, advice,

Comments about your appearance. So what if you don't have straight, white teeth or have an over bite, bushy eyebrows or are, what they class as over/under weight. All these things, you can change if you feel strongly about it, for them, their evil and disgusting personality can't be fixed. It's in their genetics. 

If you are an honest, nice and truthful person they will never have shit on you and it will come back to you 10 fold. Trolls and bullies take stupidity to another level, their hate drives them but will never prevail. If you are suffering through the hands of bullies don't feel sad, depressed, suicidal or beaten - that's what they want. Instead, stand up to them by showing that that their words mean NOTHING to you because they don't. Speak out like I am, it's so liberating. 

bulllying, trolling, socialmedia, internetbullying, stalking, harassment, instagram, facebook, twitter, standup, metoo, speakout, personal, personalstory, advice,

They have no power or control, just words typed by a skanky little keyboard warrior. Karma will get them, it might not be straight away but it will happen and when you get everything coming to you that's good, remember that they will pay for the negativity they put into the universe. Just sit back and watch the show because it will be a good one. 

Guys, you can beat the social media trolls and the real life bullies - they live in cuckoo land, hell no, they can stay there where they belong. 

bulllying, trolling, socialmedia, internetbullying, stalking, harassment, instagram, facebook, twitter, standup, metoo, speakout, personal, personalstory, advice,

Please feel free to comment and share if you feel it can help others or you want to chat. 

If you want to read my personal story about what happened to me then you can do so by clicking here.  

bulllying, trolling, socialmedia, internetbullying, stalking, harassment, instagram, facebook, twitter, standup, metoo, speakout, personal, personalstory, advice,

Until next time... 

Social Media 





Thursday 18 August 2016

What I Use To Take My Blog And Instagram Photos Plus Equipment, Editing, Hints And Tips.

bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing

Hello my lovelies! 

It's so freaking hot today and I have been a busy little bee let me tell you. Only around the house that is. 

I put on fresh, new bed sheets today and I am so proud of myself because usually I cannot for the life of me get the duvet into the corners of the sheet. It all bunches up and looks a complete and utter state. 

I have had a rocky week emotions wise but today I feel productive and positive. I accidentally on purpose made another Beauty Bay order today because I missed out on the Morphe 350 palette yesterday as they never pre-announced that it was going onto the site. They did however announce that they were going to put up the 350M palette. I was all over that shit man, I love my matte shadows. So I was up bright and early to get that little bad boy along with some other bits. 

Thank goodness for birthday money. Ha. 

So that should arrive tomorrow. I will do another little haul for you. Oh... And Beauty Bay contacted me today and asked me to be part of their affiliate programme which I 100% agreed to. I have had a few brands contact me too, to review their products. 

Keep an eye out for those :) 

Okay, down to business. I have been asked A LOT on what camera I use to take my photos and have been getting so many compliments on my photographs,especially my makeup ones. 

So, the nice person that I am, of course I was going to spill my secrets!!!

N/B I am also fully aware that my annoying blog stalker will no doubt see this and copy. SO if you're reading this... "HI".  

Along with telling you guys what camera I use, I thought I would also address things like the lenses, equipment, lighting, editing and my hints/tips. 

It may come in useful, it may not. You can take whatever information away with you and adapt it to suit your needs. 

Lets GO!

Camera - Model and Make

When it comes to taking my blog photos I actually alternate between my phone and my DSLR. The only time I will use my phone is if I am taking photos like the ones below. Other than that I will always use my DSLR.

The brand and model in which I invested in is the Canon 600D. They are actually discontinued now but I wanted this one as it has a flip out screen which makes it hella a lot easier when taking photes. I had to do my research to track this down and it is retailed at around £400. 

At some point I will upgrade but I wanted this one to practice, learn and improve my skills on. 

It is really user friendly and takes some awesome pictures. With these camera's though practise does make perfect as you have to switch between ISO's, F. modes and apertures. It really frustrates me when the camera takes a blurry picture because the lighting isn't right and it doesn't focus properly. 

TIP: When swapping lenses make sure you keep the body of your camera facing down to avoid any dust falling onto the mirrored part inside. You get any particles on that and your camera is on the brink of extinction. 

bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,
bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,
bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,


When it comes to lenses, there are many that I want but man you have to take out a mortgage to afford one. They are so freaking expensive. I really want a 'Pancake' lens and a macro.

When taking my closeup images I will stick to the original lens that comes with the camera and tend to manual focus so I can get up close and personal to whatever I am wanting to focus on. 

This is what I do when I want to get a good shot of my eye makeup. I find that if you're on auto focus you don't get the same detailing. 

 TIP: If you want a good close up manually do it. I learnt this on the way. Oh and what took me forever to realise is that I couldn't actually find how to manual focus, I was sliding the zoom in and out on the lens and then it suddenly clicked when I was messaging about. The actual manual focus is on the very end of the lens, on the rim!! 

There's another tip, check that out if you have been doing the same as I was. 

I have two other separate lenses too - I have a telephoto zoom lens which I use more outside to focus on subjects in the distance. It's a Sigma lens and it's super good. 

The lens below is a 50mm f/1.8 STM. This lens I will use mainly for when I am filming a video on my DSLR, it's great at blurring out the background and focusing on the subject in the foreground. 

This lens doesn't have a zoom so you have to be a certain distance away from the lens. 

Tip: This lens is ideal for videos, occasion's such as weddings and taking portraits.  

bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,
bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,
bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup, violet voss, holy grail palette,


bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,
bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,

Lighting is SO important to the turnout of your image, you don't take a picture in the correct lighting you risk losing, quality, atmosphere, detail and more importantly interest from your viewer. 

If you can get some good natural light use that, there's nothing better than awesome natural light to take your blog/Instagram pictures - however with the typical British weather that's not always possible. 

I originally bought a ring light that you attach to the front of your camera lens. I liked that and it's good to take around with you as it's portable and bag friendly but I wanted the king of lights. 

A ring light. No joke, having a ring light has been a god send to me, it's really upped my image game because I am able to highlight all the areas I need to successfully take my picture. They aren't majorly cheap but if you are invested into your blog/Instagram/photography this is a must, especially if you take  lot of makeup images. 

The one I have bought was from Amazon (Neewer) and was around £100 and it's dimable, comes with a stand, hot shoe attachment and filters. I don't think think it's bad pricing at all. 

TIP: The plug is a universal one so comes attached with a 2 prong connector, make sure if you get this that you get a plug piece to connect the prongs to it. 

bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,
bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,
bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,
bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,


I never had a backdrop up until recently but it's always nice to have a pretty background in your pictures. Whether you're doing a flatlay or a face/body shot take pride in what appears in your background. 

There's no point in placing a product onto a uninteresting background, especially if you're posting on Instagram because it's all so visual on there you need to make it eye-catching. 

Invest in props, fairy lights, flowers, wallpaper samples... You name it, grab it. 

Thank me later. 

As for my backdrop, I need to hang mine from the ceiling as I photograph from an awkward place in my room. Choose a backdrop that's going to make your image stand out, something glittery is always a favourite with us bloggers, or even just a plain white one is super cute too. 

I opted for a kind of holographic background and have been hanging it from my wardrobe. Ha. 

Means must and all that.

TIP: You don't have to go all out to create a decent backdrop, so you can keep it relatively inexpensive. I went to The Range (UK) and purchased 1.5m of the below lino fabric and it cost me £5 and I purchased a plumbing pole to hang the fabric on and hook to the ceiling for around £2. Sorted. 

bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup, beauty bay, holy grail palette, violet voss,

See, it makes the image look so much more polished! This I placed on my Instagram. 

Editing My Photos

I don't know about you guys but I LOVE editing my pictures, it gives me a sense of gratification and achievement. Okay, sure, it takes an absolute stone age, whether you're editing photos or videos but it's totally worth it when they turn out amazing. 

I tend to switch between my phone app and an app on the internet. 

On my phone, I will edit my pictures on 'FaceTune'. I will whiten the backgrounds with the whitening tool and add filters. I also like to use Afterlight too sometimes to add lighting effects. 

All these things make such a difference to the final appearance of your pictures. 

On my computer I will use the app called 'Fotor' - you do have to pay for this monthly and I use this to edit the contrast/brightness and add filters and effects. 

This is a fun process. If I am editing a video I will use Final Cut Pro on my brothers Mac as I am yet to get one. 

TIP: Keep your edits original, you don't always have to stick with a theme like Instagram suggests. Edit to reflect your personality. I like to keep my images a little quirky in how I edit and present them. There are lots of FREE good apps out there. 

bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,
bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,
bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,
bbloggers, beauty, makeup, beauty blogger, black and white, photography, canon 600d, instagram, blog, lighting equipment, ring light, neewer, editing, how to, blogging advice, what i use, professional photographer, makeup looks, close up makeup,

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my posts and for following my blog. I have had a lot more hits these last couple of months and I fully appreciate it. 

It means a lot :) 

I hope you found this post useful and if you're a beginner to photography and the world of blogging, I would like to think this could help you. 

I don't have soft box lighting and all the fancy equipment and you don't need to either. I have spent some money, yes, but if you really are serious about what you're doing it's worth the spend.

If you would like to follow my blog you can here on Bloglovin'. 

You can also find me on the following social media sites. 

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

Facebook: Leya.Hutton

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger

Snapchat: Blackeyedfox

Until next time...


Monday 15 August 2016

Top Drugstore Products To Create A Flawless Base That Is Instagram Worthy | Slay That Makeup Look.

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection

Evening guys and gals around the world. 

You well? 

I am totally full of hayfever right now, it's not even funny. It is actually causing me pain! 

I stupidly went on a cleaning spree today which in turn made dust fly everywhere and I haven't stopped sneezing. 

For a while now, I have had A LOT of people compliment me on my makeup looks, every day makeup and how flawless the overall finish is. 

With those compliments (which I am so freaking grateful for as it makes the effort I put in worthwhile) I will get asked "what do you use on your eyes- how do you get it so blended?" and "your base looks flawless, what do you use?"

So I thought I would address the whole flawless base thing for y'all today. 

I have brought together a bunch of my most used/reached for affordable drugstore products that I use to create my base whenever you see me with makeup on. 

I was going to add brushes into this but I might leave that for a separate post. I will however show you the brush that I currently reach for to apply my foundation and I feel that brush makes a massive difference. 

So, read on and I will tell you step by step what I use and it really does work. 

Lets GO!! 

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, simple skincare, skincare, moisturiser,

First off I will apply my daily moisturiser, you can use any that works for you but for me this is a major favourite. Sensitive skin users this would be GREAT for you. I apply this to ensure my skin is nice and supple before applying the primer. 

I will apply all over the face and neck and allow to dry for a couple of minutes.

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, nivea post shave balm, primer

After the face cream has dried I will then go in with a primer. Right now I am loving the Nivea Men Post Shave Balm, it really sticks to the skin without feeling heavy and this primes the skin perfectly for your base to stick onto to.

I have found my makeup has stayed in place A LOT longer with this underneath. 

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, illuminator, highligher
drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, illuminator, highlighter

Like every other girl out there right now, I am loving that glow though. Ha. I am also loving Sleek Cosmetics products too and I am slowly getting through their collection. 

This little beauty is their 'Barekissed Illuminator' in 'Monaco' and it's a lovely lavender/silver toned liquid highlight that is super pigmented to give your skin that dewy glow that is just addictive. This sits nicely on top of the primer ready for your foundation, where it shines through from underneath.

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, maybelline 24 hour,

The next step after the good old liquid glow, is to cover my dark circles and spots with my trusty Collection concealer. The main step now is my foundation. 

Currently I will go between my favourite Maybelline 'Super Stay 24hr' foundation and the new L'Oreal 'Infallible 24hr' both are matte and high coverage. I use shade 'Ivory' as this is more matched to my skin tone, plus it allows me to build up more of a natural bronze and contour. 

These products are pinnacle to my flawless coverage and overall appearance. If I am doing a dramatic eye look I will usually apply the eye makeup first to avoid fallout. The amount of times I have done it the other way round and the fallout has created weird grey patches on my cheeks due to it sinking into my base. Annoying much. 

I will buff the foundation in with my Nanshy 'Buffed Base' brush which is totally amazing guys. Seriously, it's dense which blends the foundation and not move it about. This gives me my airbrushed finish. 

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, nanshy, makeup brushes,

I have a discount code especially for you guys for 10% off your order. Use - leluroxx10

You're welcome. :) 

Skincare is another must to achieving a perfect base you can find my tips and the products I swear by here to get rid of spots and blemishes.

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, rimmel, matte powder, setting powder,

To set my foundation I always use the Rimmel matte powder in 'Sandstorm' to make my finish extra matte and polished. It really sets the base in place but doesn't make it look cakey and it is really lightweight so it makes your foundation that way too. 

It takes away any shine and again maintains the airbrushed look.

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, concealer, high coverage

Under my eyes and around the top of my cheekbones (on top of the foundation) I will apply my Collection 'Lasting Perfection' concealer in 'fair'. 

This is the best concealer ever... It's got major coverage and I use this on top of my foundation as a highlight - to lighten the eye and cheek area. To blend this out to make it seamless I will use my Lab beauty blender and my Real Techniques beauty blender and dab it around those areas. 

This is my favourite step and it really finishes the base off perfectly. It adds light to the areas that are covered with shade if you get me. For me this is a must have step!

I will also do the same step on my chin, bridge of my nose and forehead. Hitting those places the light will naturally hit.

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, la girl, high definition powder,

Okay so this isn't technically 'drugstore' but it's £4.99 and as an alternative I do use baby powder as it does the same thing. This packaging was nicer to photo. Ha. I use the setting powder (translucent) to set the concealer and stop it from creasing. 

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, primer, eyeshadow, mac cosmetics, pro longwear, soft ochre,

As a base for my eyeshadow I will apply Mac's Pro Longwear paint pot in 'Soft Ochre'. This is yellow toned and super perfect for cancelling out dark tones and veins in the  eye area. I will then swirl onto it a skin toned shadow to set the base. This will make it a lot easier to blend your shadow out. 

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, contour, cream contour,

Contour is a must when sculpting your face and perfecting your final look. I will use a powdered bronzer product first in the hollows of my cheeks, up to my temple and blend it out. I will then use a cream contour to define and conquer. Ha. 

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, precious metals, solstice, highligter, highlight palette,

I promise this isn't sponsored by Sleek, ha. I just love their products and the brand. 

As my final step and the finishing touch to my flawless base is to add highlighter. I do use The Balm usually but since buying these beautiful bad boys I have fallen in love and want to smother my face in it. 

I will highlight above my cheek contour and slightly under the eye to brighten it more. I will also add the glow to the nose, chin and forehead. Sometimes I also add it to my collar bone as mine are quite prominent to add extra depth. 


If anyone would like a YouTube tutorial on this or anything else let me know in the comments because I am still trying to build my confidence. Ha. That way I will know what you want to see. 

drugstore, budget, drugstore brands, makeup look, flawless base, foundation, perfect makeup, sleek makeup, loreal infalliable, collection, highligher, glow, contour,

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I always try to write posts that you would be interested in so any suggestions are welcome. 


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Also, check out my recent posts at the bottom of this post as there is something for everyone out there.

You can also find me on the following social media accounts. 

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

Facebook: Leya.Hutton

Snapchat: Blackeyedfox

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Until next time... 

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