Wednesday 16 July 2014

What's In My Primark Handbag? My Daily Essentials.

I have seen a lot of these posts flying about on YouTube and seeing as I haven't got a new camera yet, I thought I would do a written version instead. 

I hope you don't mind? :) 

The above bag is from Primark and this was featured in my Primark haul which you can find here.

I love this bag, it looks a lot more expensive than it was (well I think it does anyway) and it doesn't really look like a Primark creation either. It literally goes with everything I wear. I have a teeny obsession with bags and purses. If I buy a new bag I have to find a purse that goes with it and visa versa. 

Today ladies you will see what I carry around on a daily basis and what I call my 'essentials'. It can get pretty heavy in there, let me tell you. 

So here we goooooooo!!!

Oooohh!! Sneak peak of what's inside! 
Can you tell I just chuck it in?! Whoops.

The most important thing in my bag is my purse for obvious reasons. It has everything in there. The whole of the contents in my bag is highly important but where would we be without our purses 'aye? 

I have had this purse sat on my dressing table for like a year now because I had used my last one to death. And I love this one even more so. It's so girly and sparkly and the patent effect really brings out the glitter. It was from Claire's Accessories at around £12-£14.

I Love how my account number and sort code are showing. I didn't see that!! Ha, feel free to put some money in guys! JOKES.

The layout of the inside. I rarely carry money on me because I spend it.

This is my new little notebook & pen that I brought the other week as I go through my notebooks more than I brush my hair. I am constantly writing notes. I love it... Writing notes that is. This picture makes the notebook look more red than it is. It is actually a burgundy colour but Blogger seems to change the colours and exposure quite a bit on upload and I don't know why. Anyway this little book comes everywhere with me so I can write my blogging notes down on ideas for my next posts.

Ha ha, yes what you see before your eyes is a bunch of snotty tissue!!! (Not really this lot hasn't been used... Yet) 

Due to having reeeeeeeaaaallly bad hay fever I have to carry A LOT of tissue around because I am constantly sneezing and my nose just pours out like Niagara Falls. It is so not attractive, and it really bugs me because I end up wiping half of my make up off. *sobs*

So this is definitely an essential for me to have in my bag, I just never know when I am going to be caught out.

Mother Nature is a pure bitch. Fact.
To coincide with the tissue here are my 'meds', bloody hay fever meds and currently they are doing jack to help me. I used to really rate the tablets as they are like 180mg which are strong and I used to be on 10mg and they used to work. This year, not so much. And they have changed the steroid nasal spray too. The only thing that actually works is the eye drops for my hay fever eyes, but they god damn sting. Anywho, they are locked to my bag I will always need these in the summer.

 Yup, next we have my sunnies and my car keys. I got a new car (a 10 plate, practically brand new black Corsa Energy) and then I got made redundant. Ha. That will serve me right for getting rid of Rusty (my old car, this one is called Brian after the lead singer of my FAVOURITE BAND EVER Placebo. If you haven't heard of them, go check them out. They are amazing). Nonetheless I love my shiny car and you will find both of these swimming amongst my crap in my handbag.

Floating around are my 13' Christmas vouchers and some money from my nan, I haven't spent it yet. Well the voucher I did. I brought an awesome pineapple cup (which you can see on my Instagram account: anythingbutordinaryleya) from New Look but it was broken when I inspected it properly at home, and they didn't have another one in store. So it currently has like £6 on the card. 

I carry these around in case I need them. :)

Here she is... My makeup bag. Again I have written a blog post about this and you can find that here.
I obviously carry this beaut around as I constantly need to touch up my makeup thanks to my hay fever face. I swap and change what I carry around day to day but this is another permanent to my handbag.

I love my Ipod and I love music. This is an essential! Excuse the dirty headphones, my makeup constantly transfers onto them. I have had this Ipod for like 10 years I swear, I had it free with a mobile phone contract I took out. You don't get that these days. But yeah, I need this for journeys, or for blocking people and the world out for a while.

I don't really need to explain these. 
My back-combing combs. The pink one from Primark £1 and the black one is a hairdressing one. Simple, must-haves in my bag.

Yup, I have carex, who doesn't in their handbag? You don't know what you're touching out there guys. Keep clean! I use this stuff to death because I handle my hamsters, then my guinea pig and then my dog. I use it after touching each one so not to spread germs. And before I eat obvz. Then Vaseline for dry lips and my roll on deodorant for those 'hot' times. I don't use sprays any more as my animals inhale it.

I always carry a mirror. I am not amazingly vain but I do have to check everything is tip top with my face. My mum and dad brought me this from H M Samuel a few Christmases ago and I use this one on special occasions. As I am clumsy and will probably break it. It's super pretty.

 This is pure jokes. It's a fluffy monster phone protector!!! I love this! When I worked at Claire's Accessories I wanted this so much as it was cute. So my brother got it me as one of my gifts for Christmas last year!!! He has to go in now and then.

And that's it guys. The tour is over. My handbag is completely empty.

If you enjoyed scrolling through this post leave me a cheeky comment or give me a subscribe. I am pretty scarce on both of those. 

What do you carry in your handbag? 


Monday 9 June 2014

Primark Haul // A Summer Fashion Must Have!
Life imitates art.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

I was meant to upload this post yesterday, but decided I would do so today as I could get the pictures I needed as the lighting yesterday was poor. Well, I got up this morning and we had yet another storm, which meant I couldn't go outside to take my pictures. So, I took them inside instead. I hope you don't mind :) 

Saturday, I went into my local Primark with my parents as my mum wanted a bag. I don't know about you and whether you share the same annoyance as me, but I cannot stand busy shops on a weekend. There are too many people in every aisle, screaming kids and it's just plain uncomfortable. Basically I wanted to get out of the shop A.S.A.P as it was overcrowded. I had only gone into town to get my guinea pig some veg and wasn't planning on buying anything but I then came across this...
Primark mini pastel pink satchel

How awesome is this little pastel pink satchel?! I was instantly drawn to it and I LOVED the black lining which emphasised the colour even more. It was safe to say, I was now not leaving this shop until I had found more colours. 

I want and love sooooo many things at the moment it makes me feel sick in my mouth at the thought. I REALLY need an Apple Mac, DSLR and a normal compact digital cam for my vlogging, and it just isn't going to happen right now with their maaaahooooosive price brackets. But this little ray of sunshine cheered me up a little. 

I was on the hunt for a specific colour, and that was MINT. I am loving this spring/summer colour at the moment. I am highly pale and don't wear fake tan hardly ever and I find mint is such a flattering colour and makes you look slightly tanned. Well on me it does anyway :) I went trudging through the store and there it was my perfect little bag.
Primark mini mint satchel 
I instantly fell in love, and for a mere £6 this bag is ideal for anyone on a budget or even if you aren't. 

I randomly came across this brand of bags that are online the other month and they are AMAZING it looks like you are carrying an actual cartoon bag. The colours are so vivid and the black outlining creates the illusion that you are in a cartoon strip.     This is what this bag kind of reminded me of. I couldn't decide between the pink and the mint but opted for the one that stood out the most and my lovely mum brought it for me. (That was the mint colour, in case you hadn't of guessed).

I have a smallish Primark where I live so it doesn't always stock everything the bigger stores have. If you live by one of their superstores then I am sure they will have these in stock, but they are selling out quick. 

Hurry up guys grab yours whilst they are still around!!! They have the two colours that I have featured and a lemon colour. I have done a quick photo sesh on how I have styled my bag and you can see what I have teamed it with below.
The cute little compartments :)
Does anyone even hold it like this...Ever? Ha ha.
Teamed with a high shine mac. Stand out central!
It even goes with the low-key mint tee. Highly practical. 
It's such an awesome size too and would be ideal if you are going for a meal, day out in the park or even out clubbing. Either way this is definitely a fashion must have and for the price you cannot go wrong. 

I will briefly also tell you that I brought a bag myself from 'Primarni' (another word for Primark) as I needed a new 'every day one', as the one I currently have from H & M goes everywhere with me and it's casual. But I decided I needed a new black one that was a little smarter looking.

And I found this bad boy.

This bag is super cute, isn't too bulky and is big enough to carry everything I need. AND it was only £8. Bargin!! I think it looks more expensive than it actually is and black goes with everything, lets face it. A must-have staple in my eyes. This was the second from last bag in stock in my store so again if you like it, go grab it soon as it won't be there for long.

Oh and finally, I also picked up the t-shirt I am wearing in the pics on the same day. Again from Primark, in mint (although it's showing up lighter on my camera, but it is the same mint as the bag), the style is 'My Neppy Tee', I got it in a size 16 so I had the baggy/slouch fit and it was £4. :)

I hope you enjoyed this mini Primark haul and that I have convinced you enough to go out and purchase these pieces yourself. And I will see you in my next post.

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