Thursday 21 April 2016

What's In My Bag | Everyday Essentials.

Well hello there!!! 

Welcome back to my blog. :) 

Finally my eyes are getting better. YAAYYYY!! Just in time too as I am off to a gig tonight to see Counterfeit play! If you don't know who they are then they are Jamie Campbell Bower's band. And if you don't know who he is (which you should because he is extremely talented and hot) he was in the Twilight saga, Sweeney Todd and Immortal Instruments.  

He is my new man addiction fo'sure. 

I am meeting him tonight and I am SO nervous about it and I don't know why?! Most likely because he is beautiful and I am barely going to be able to breathe let alone speak to him!! 

I am going on my own as I always do, I just hope people don't mosh around me because I don't want a broken face. Ha. 

I have put some 'stiletto' false nails on and I cannot for the life of me type with them!!! I wanted to bish bash bosh this post out so I can get organised for tonight but so far the 'backspace' is being used hella a lot. 


Okay, so I LOVE bags and purses and if I buy a bag I will have to buy a new purse and visa versa. I am currently waiting for a bag in Accessorize to go into sale because there is nothing worse than buying something full price and then the next day "oh hello" it's gone into sale.  

Are you kidding me?! 

I love to see what people have in their bags, call me nosey... That's because I am. Ha. 

Lets not beat around the bush.

So, today for all of you beautiful people I am presenting you with the contents of my very own bag and what I carry around on a day to day basis. Essential central right here. 

My bag is a Primark one I bought a while ago and I have currently gone back to it because it's the most practical until I get a new one. 

1,2,3... GOOOOOOO.

I ALWAYS carry my Real Techniques 'Expert Face' brush around with me. It's just handy to have as sometimes under my eyes needs touching up or around my nose because my hay fever ends up with me rubbing half of my makeup off.

Again, I carry this around for the same reasons as I carry my brush. You can never be TOO prepared ya know.

I wear a nude lip almost every time I wear makeup, these are totally my go to products as they are the perfect combination.

Concealer, in case a spot needs covering or I am re-doing my lips, eyeliner & eyebrow for obvious reasons and my matte powder to make my lips extra matte. And I wonder why I have dry lips all the time. 

I will never learn. Ha.

When you're out and about, touching things or eating it's good to keep hygienic and with my little hand gel I do just that. I do not want any extra germs thank you very muchly! I keep my Carmex with me to hydrate my lips when they are a little sore. Perfect travel sizes.

I keep these in my bag for when I am having my Superman to Clark Kent moment. Ha. If I am wearing no makeup and want to hide the hideousness of my 'natural' face I will pop these bad boys on. I will also wear these if I want to switch my look up.

"Mirror mirror on the way, who's the fairest of them all?" 

No one likes lipstick on their teeth, so this little flip mirror gets carried around everywhere. You never know when you will need it. 

You could end up on an island and need to make a fire using the sun and this mirror. Practical thinking.

This power bank is a life saver, I am always running out of my phone battery as I am on it so much. So this is great in those emergencies. I got it from New Look and I LOVE the colour. It's super pretty for Spring.

I cannot stand knotty hair and because mine is long it gets hella knotty. This is a god send.

I will obviously have my purse with me, it rarely has cash in it because I never really carry it. I will spend it if it's there. Papa Hutt always tells me off for having no cash. That's how my plan works... I want to order pizza... Oh no I have no cash... "DAAADDDDD". :) 

I have my drivers license in there, some business cards and my bank cards. Not at all interesting.

This is the most important item in my bag because it contains my life. Ha. All my blog notes, photo's and memories, contact to the outer world and of course my Spotify playlist. If I am out and about I always have my music on. Love it.

I carry this little card wallet because it carries the majority of my business cards and other cards I rarely use. I always like to be prepared.

I like to smell nice okay?!

As mentioned I am waiting for a bag I want to go into sale so I carry these around just in case that day finally happens.

I don't know why these are in my bag, the Topshop card has like £1 on it and the wallet is from Christmas. Ha.

We are at the dregs now. I HAVE to have tissue in my bag at all times because of my sneezing and the rest is just crap.

The little card I carry around with me because my nan gave it me!!! I always have a sharpener in case my lip pencils go blunt and yes you can see correctly, that is a needle and thread. Some of my trousers split because of my fat ass, so that has come in handy quite a few times. 

There you have it. The contents of my bag. 

This might of been quite boring for you so my apologies if so but  I love looking at other's bag contents. I find it interesting. 

I will update you over on my social media accounts about the gig tonight is you're interested. 

Twitter: leluroxxblogger
Instagram: leluroxxblogger
Snapchat: blackeyedfox 

You can also subscribe to my blog here

Until next time...



Tuesday 30 December 2014

What I Got For Christmas// And Everything In Between.


Seriously... The last time that I wrote a post on here was in October!! 

I am so sorry that it's been so long, I have literally had no time what-so-ever. I have been either working, cleaning out animals or sleeping! My life is so fun, I know! :) 

Just a little low down of things that have happened whilst I have been away.

Brace yourselves...

Halloween - I didn't go out because I couldn't be bothered to, but I did dress up at home (as you do) and made myself into a evil little creature. RAAAAAAAAAAARRRRR!!!

One of my beloved hamsters Keiko passed away (suddenly I may add) I was and still am really upset about it she was over two & half years old. 


Bonfire Night - This is when you know Christmas is on its way!! I love Bonfire night and I love taking photos.

And then we are into December and Christmas has come and gone so quickly. Sadly my other hamster Darla(Keiko's sister) had to be put to sleep after I noticed some symptoms that ended up making her poorly and to lose the use of her back legs. :( It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make as she was well in herself but no longer had a good quality of life. Darla and Keeks were the best hamsters in the world. I miss them dearly, especially as this was my first Christmas for 2 years without them. :(


So these were the main events that happened since I last posted something. 

I have done a lot of shopping :) which of course is my favourite thing to do and over the Christmas period, I spent A LOT of money on presents and food. But who cares?! It happens once a year, so why not indulge, right? 

I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and got everything that they wanted?! 

Christmas seems to creep up so quickly these days, I don't know whether it is because I am no longer a child and so busy leading up to it, or the fact I get so excited about it in like October/November the novelty wears off by the time it comes?

Who knows?!

I am so sad it's over though, I get soooooo excited and I am literally like the Christmas Fairy, me. I love all the decorations, the films, the music, the smells, the food and being with family and friends. And soon we will be into January, I am not a big fan of the New Year as I have to wait a whole year for Christmas again and it SUCKS!! 

Christmas junkie right here!! :)  

So now for the good stuff... What I got for Christmas. 

As per...

*Disclaimer* This is not a bragging post it is just a haul of gifts in which I received on Christmas Day. I love seeing what other people have got at Christmas and their birthday's so do not see this post other than a bit of fun. :) 

Girls Night Out 20.12.14
Christmas Eve Day :)
Christmas Eve Eve Take-away!!
My Christmas tree in my room.
I cannot eat these any more. The Raspberry & White Chocolate one killed me. Nice though!
Merry Hill shopping.
How pretty!!
Homemade Ginger Bread Men hanging from the tree!! Cute alert!
Christmas Eve bath with my 'Christmas Eve' Bubble
Bar from Lush :)
Merry Christmas!!!
Christmas Eve night!
Me and Bear say "Merry Christmas" - Christmas Eve. 

Christmas Morning with Cody
Codes loved his presents.
Darla & Keeks grave. Couldn't forget them at Christmas. :(
Lots of presents :)
Hot Chocolate!! Yum.
My Stocking!
 Bear opening her presents! :)
Bear in her new bed!!


I was very spoilt this Christmas.
Well I am every year!
I don't tend to have a 'main' present but lots of little presents as there are lots of things that I am in to. 
Below are the pictures of what I got. I also got some weights but they were too big to put in the picture. 

Again, I am not bragging just showing you what I have had. Let me know what you guys have got too as I would love to know!!

My brother got me the Sensationail Deluxe Gel Nail Kit which I was SUPER excited about as I have wanted it for ages. I am yet to use it but so excited to do so!!! I love everything I got and I also got some vouchers and money off my Aunties and Uncles and my lovely little Nan :) I loved my Makeup Revolution Palettes too and my baby blue bag!!

I got my first EVER M.A.C product which is the Matte Lipstick in 'Ruby Woo'. I was so excited when I got this and it was hidden all wrapped up on the Christmas Tree. I thought that was a nice little touch!!

I got lots of sweets and chocolate too which is great as I love my sugar me!! My stocking was filled with cool little things. I love a stocking.

This is what I wore Christmas Day. Good old disco pants and the OTT Christmas Jumper. Mine sings btw! :)

I bought this sterling silver ring for myself as I am starting to collect them as I am sick of my fingers going green from the cheap ones. I fell in love with the blue and got it from a little shop in Debenhams. :) 

I didn't take any pictures of our meal because, one I really don't like roast dinners so I literally had the most pathetic amount on my plate. It wasn't worth documenting. And two... The day went real quick and I completely forgot to take any more pictures. 


I don't usually go out on Boxing Day as usually we have family over, but because my mum has had this flu thing (which I do NOT want by the way)we didn't want to risk anyone else getting it. 

So, me and brother Hutt went out into Worcester and hit the sales. 

Let me just add... The sales were APPALLING!!! It was like everyone had demolished the shelves as if the world were ending. A LOT of the things I wanted to get had sold out. I wanted the No7 Rose Gold tinned eyeshadow palette and I cannot get that anywhere. A Duster Coat which had sold out too and the Real Techniques Eye Brush Set. 


I managed to pick this lot up though. :)

I bought some very warm and comfy PJ's from Primarni which I have had my eye on but I need to take the top back as it doesn't fit right. Also I bought, a black fluffy cardi which is super soft and I love it, The Heat DVD as I really liked that film, The Hunger Games & Catching Fire DVD set as I have never watched it but Gabby (VelvetGh0st) has raved about it so I thought I would give it a watch. I got a couple of sterling silver rings in the Accessorize sale, some makeup and hair stuff and some nail stuff to go with my kit.

A River Island Purse (not in sale)

Ear Cuffs (not in sale)

A light pink version of my black cardi.

New Look Bag. I thought this was full price at £29 but when I got it to the till it came up as £17. Score.

And finally, some more stuff my my Sensationail kit. 

All in all I did pretty well for Christmas with both presents and what I bought myself. 

Totally spoilt. 

Some people got Apple Mac's or DSLR's which I would of LOVED to have got but I am SO happy with everything I received off the people I love. It's not about what is spent on you but the effort and thought behind it all. And most importantly Christmas isn't all about presents and food but what Christmas really represents and the beauty of having your loved one's around you. 

Some people aren't lucky enough to even have that. 

Again I hope y'all had an amazing time no matter what you did and I would like to wish you a Happy New Year!!! 

Thanks to all of you who have read my blog or subscribed and continued to look at my blog even though I haven't posted for a while.  

  I am really grateful. 

Peace & Love for 2015


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