Thursday, 21 April 2016

What's In My Bag | Everyday Essentials.

Well hello there!!! 

Welcome back to my blog. :) 

Finally my eyes are getting better. YAAYYYY!! Just in time too as I am off to a gig tonight to see Counterfeit play! If you don't know who they are then they are Jamie Campbell Bower's band. And if you don't know who he is (which you should because he is extremely talented and hot) he was in the Twilight saga, Sweeney Todd and Immortal Instruments.  

He is my new man addiction fo'sure. 

I am meeting him tonight and I am SO nervous about it and I don't know why?! Most likely because he is beautiful and I am barely going to be able to breathe let alone speak to him!! 

I am going on my own as I always do, I just hope people don't mosh around me because I don't want a broken face. Ha. 

I have put some 'stiletto' false nails on and I cannot for the life of me type with them!!! I wanted to bish bash bosh this post out so I can get organised for tonight but so far the 'backspace' is being used hella a lot. 


Okay, so I LOVE bags and purses and if I buy a bag I will have to buy a new purse and visa versa. I am currently waiting for a bag in Accessorize to go into sale because there is nothing worse than buying something full price and then the next day "oh hello" it's gone into sale.  

Are you kidding me?! 

I love to see what people have in their bags, call me nosey... That's because I am. Ha. 

Lets not beat around the bush.

So, today for all of you beautiful people I am presenting you with the contents of my very own bag and what I carry around on a day to day basis. Essential central right here. 

My bag is a Primark one I bought a while ago and I have currently gone back to it because it's the most practical until I get a new one. 

1,2,3... GOOOOOOO.

I ALWAYS carry my Real Techniques 'Expert Face' brush around with me. It's just handy to have as sometimes under my eyes needs touching up or around my nose because my hay fever ends up with me rubbing half of my makeup off.

Again, I carry this around for the same reasons as I carry my brush. You can never be TOO prepared ya know.

I wear a nude lip almost every time I wear makeup, these are totally my go to products as they are the perfect combination.

Concealer, in case a spot needs covering or I am re-doing my lips, eyeliner & eyebrow for obvious reasons and my matte powder to make my lips extra matte. And I wonder why I have dry lips all the time. 

I will never learn. Ha.

When you're out and about, touching things or eating it's good to keep hygienic and with my little hand gel I do just that. I do not want any extra germs thank you very muchly! I keep my Carmex with me to hydrate my lips when they are a little sore. Perfect travel sizes.

I keep these in my bag for when I am having my Superman to Clark Kent moment. Ha. If I am wearing no makeup and want to hide the hideousness of my 'natural' face I will pop these bad boys on. I will also wear these if I want to switch my look up.

"Mirror mirror on the way, who's the fairest of them all?" 

No one likes lipstick on their teeth, so this little flip mirror gets carried around everywhere. You never know when you will need it. 

You could end up on an island and need to make a fire using the sun and this mirror. Practical thinking.

This power bank is a life saver, I am always running out of my phone battery as I am on it so much. So this is great in those emergencies. I got it from New Look and I LOVE the colour. It's super pretty for Spring.

I cannot stand knotty hair and because mine is long it gets hella knotty. This is a god send.

I will obviously have my purse with me, it rarely has cash in it because I never really carry it. I will spend it if it's there. Papa Hutt always tells me off for having no cash. That's how my plan works... I want to order pizza... Oh no I have no cash... "DAAADDDDD". :) 

I have my drivers license in there, some business cards and my bank cards. Not at all interesting.

This is the most important item in my bag because it contains my life. Ha. All my blog notes, photo's and memories, contact to the outer world and of course my Spotify playlist. If I am out and about I always have my music on. Love it.

I carry this little card wallet because it carries the majority of my business cards and other cards I rarely use. I always like to be prepared.

I like to smell nice okay?!

As mentioned I am waiting for a bag I want to go into sale so I carry these around just in case that day finally happens.

I don't know why these are in my bag, the Topshop card has like £1 on it and the wallet is from Christmas. Ha.

We are at the dregs now. I HAVE to have tissue in my bag at all times because of my sneezing and the rest is just crap.

The little card I carry around with me because my nan gave it me!!! I always have a sharpener in case my lip pencils go blunt and yes you can see correctly, that is a needle and thread. Some of my trousers split because of my fat ass, so that has come in handy quite a few times. 

There you have it. The contents of my bag. 

This might of been quite boring for you so my apologies if so but  I love looking at other's bag contents. I find it interesting. 

I will update you over on my social media accounts about the gig tonight is you're interested. 

Twitter: leluroxxblogger
Instagram: leluroxxblogger
Snapchat: blackeyedfox 

You can also subscribe to my blog here

Until next time...



Thursday, 21 August 2014

Essentials // My Top 5 August Faves

Since I have been home quite a lot due to not having a job at present, I have been using certain things on a daily basis. 

Four of the things are beauty related, one not so much, ha, but I had to include it as I use it all the time since I bought it. 

As I have been spending more and more time extracting myself from civilisation and cooped up in my bedroom like a loser, I have not really wanted to put a full face of makeup on. I feel it's a waste of makeup, so if I have to pop into my local town quickly (usually to get my guinea pigs lettuce)I will reach for these certain items. Most of the time I haven't been wearing any make up at all which has been nice, but I also feel incredibly disgusting. 

So what I am about to show you are currently... Well for the month of August anyway, my top 5 faves. 

Lets go. 


Garnier Skin Naturals Micellar Cleansing Water.

I have been using this on a daily basis since I bought it. I use it mainly at night when I am removing my makeup, but I also use it sometimes in the morning to give it an extra clean. 
I used to use makeup wipes but then I thought I'd try this out as it was something different and I actually really like it. I use flat cotton pads and splash this stuff all on it and proceed to remove my makeup. It's a lot kinder to my skin than some of the wipes I had previously been using as it scratched my skin. It's really refreshing too and really good at getting rid of my makeup. 

The only thing I would say is that you have to go over your eye makeup up quite a bit to remove it. Well you do if you wear dark makeup around your eyes like me. Other than that it's perfect.

I got mine from Savers (cheap store in the UK) at £2.99 and apparently it lasts up to 200 uses. It's super cheap and does the job well. 


Pure B.B Cream.

I have been wanting a B.B cream for the last few months but I didn't want to buy anything too expensive in case I didn't like it. I know the coverage with B.B creams aren't amazing, which is the point in them I suppose as it's a blemish balm. 

I picked this one up in Savers again for around £1.70 which is quite cheap, so I wasn't expecting great things from it. I just wanted to try it out. I wanted B.B cream for the days that I am not wearing a full face of makeup but didn't want to look like death either. Just something to even out my skin tone, conceal blemishes and make me look a little more alive. Something light. 

I bought this in the shade 'light' and it says on the box that it...

  • Evens your skin tone.
  • Blurs imperfections.
  • Smooths fine lines.
  • Hydrates the skin.
  • And, contains vitamin E & mineral pigments.

The colour that comes out of the tube is actually quite dark for a 'light' shade and when I first used it I really didn't like it. I used my fingers to blend it into my face and found the coverage was patchy and it didn't really hide much. 

I tried it again the next day with a makeup brush to blend it into my face and this time the coverage was even and it gave me a nice glow. It is a tiny bit darker than my pale skin tone but it gives me a nice colour. The consistency is quite thick so you don't need to apply much but it does dry quite sticky (on my skin anyway)which I don't particularly like. 

All in all for a cheap B.B cream it's pretty good. And considering I was just trying it out it's not bad for me, especially when I am only wearing it around the house to make myself look more presentable. 


MUA 'Undress Me Too' Eyeshadow Palette.

I bought this from Superdrug (UK drugstore) as I wanted to expand my eyeshadow palette collection and I loved the neutral tones. Obviously this isn't a high end palette but I thought the packaging looked clean and pretty and I wanted to work more with earthy colours. 

I think this palette was around £4 and it comes with 12 shades, mixing in with cool greys, soft neutrals and gold metallics. They are actually quite pigmented for a cheaper brand, they aren't highly pigmented but very workable nonetheless. 

I have been mainly using it on my eyebrows recently to create a more softer, natural look than my current pencil gives. I have been using an angled brush to apply the two bottom, right shades. The lighter brown first and then the darker shade to define. 
It works really well on the brows as well as the eyes.

What we have here is a multi-tasking product. 


Benefit 'Her Glam' Makeup Kit.

This was bought for me as a gift from my Auntie last Christmas and I have only just started to use it. 

I am unsure how much it was due to me stating that it was a present but I have been using this with my B.B cream. 

As you can see the little angled brush is missing as that is what I have been using on my eyebrows so that's in my palette. Once my base is done I have been using the pictured illumination liquid. Moon Beam I believe. This I have been using just above my cheekbone to give it a natural looking highlight and it makes my face seem dewy. Then I apply the blusher (next to the brush), I don't use that god awful brush though as I don't want a stripe of colour. Ha. 

I will be honest with you. I don't find the kit super amazing. I don't know if I would find other products in their range much better, but I am just not feeling it. Considering as they are quite expensive I would hope for better in their full size versions. 


New Look Sealed Floral Cup (with straw).


I LOVE this cup soooo much. I have literally been using this cup every day since I bought it!!! And yes, of course I have washed it. I am weird... But not that wierd. :) 

I originally bought one of these with pineapples on a few months back and when I got it home and used it I noticed it was cracked inside so the liquid was coming through. I had to take it back and there were no more left to replace it. I was very saddened by this news.

THEN... I went back in this month and this was the last one left and I love the design so much better. It is definitely a 'me' cup!! I love the floral design and the colours used and it's great if you're clumsy like me and spill drinks. Why you ask? Well that's because the top is sealed and if you knock it over no liquid comes out. 

I got this with money I had left on a Christmas voucher and it cost £5.99. My New Look store isn't the biggest so you should find it in the bigger cities. 

There you have it, my top 5 August faves. 
I would highly recommend all the products I have featured in this post today, even the Benefit kit as there are some useful products to use.  

Go and buy ladies :) 


Wednesday, 16 July 2014

What's In My Primark Handbag? My Daily Essentials.

I have seen a lot of these posts flying about on YouTube and seeing as I haven't got a new camera yet, I thought I would do a written version instead. 

I hope you don't mind? :) 

The above bag is from Primark and this was featured in my Primark haul which you can find here.

I love this bag, it looks a lot more expensive than it was (well I think it does anyway) and it doesn't really look like a Primark creation either. It literally goes with everything I wear. I have a teeny obsession with bags and purses. If I buy a new bag I have to find a purse that goes with it and visa versa. 

Today ladies you will see what I carry around on a daily basis and what I call my 'essentials'. It can get pretty heavy in there, let me tell you. 

So here we goooooooo!!!

Oooohh!! Sneak peak of what's inside! 
Can you tell I just chuck it in?! Whoops.

The most important thing in my bag is my purse for obvious reasons. It has everything in there. The whole of the contents in my bag is highly important but where would we be without our purses 'aye? 

I have had this purse sat on my dressing table for like a year now because I had used my last one to death. And I love this one even more so. It's so girly and sparkly and the patent effect really brings out the glitter. It was from Claire's Accessories at around £12-£14.

I Love how my account number and sort code are showing. I didn't see that!! Ha, feel free to put some money in guys! JOKES.

The layout of the inside. I rarely carry money on me because I spend it.

This is my new little notebook & pen that I brought the other week as I go through my notebooks more than I brush my hair. I am constantly writing notes. I love it... Writing notes that is. This picture makes the notebook look more red than it is. It is actually a burgundy colour but Blogger seems to change the colours and exposure quite a bit on upload and I don't know why. Anyway this little book comes everywhere with me so I can write my blogging notes down on ideas for my next posts.

Ha ha, yes what you see before your eyes is a bunch of snotty tissue!!! (Not really this lot hasn't been used... Yet) 

Due to having reeeeeeeaaaallly bad hay fever I have to carry A LOT of tissue around because I am constantly sneezing and my nose just pours out like Niagara Falls. It is so not attractive, and it really bugs me because I end up wiping half of my make up off. *sobs*

So this is definitely an essential for me to have in my bag, I just never know when I am going to be caught out.

Mother Nature is a pure bitch. Fact.
To coincide with the tissue here are my 'meds', bloody hay fever meds and currently they are doing jack to help me. I used to really rate the tablets as they are like 180mg which are strong and I used to be on 10mg and they used to work. This year, not so much. And they have changed the steroid nasal spray too. The only thing that actually works is the eye drops for my hay fever eyes, but they god damn sting. Anywho, they are locked to my bag I will always need these in the summer.

 Yup, next we have my sunnies and my car keys. I got a new car (a 10 plate, practically brand new black Corsa Energy) and then I got made redundant. Ha. That will serve me right for getting rid of Rusty (my old car, this one is called Brian after the lead singer of my FAVOURITE BAND EVER Placebo. If you haven't heard of them, go check them out. They are amazing). Nonetheless I love my shiny car and you will find both of these swimming amongst my crap in my handbag.

Floating around are my 13' Christmas vouchers and some money from my nan, I haven't spent it yet. Well the voucher I did. I brought an awesome pineapple cup (which you can see on my Instagram account: anythingbutordinaryleya) from New Look but it was broken when I inspected it properly at home, and they didn't have another one in store. So it currently has like £6 on the card. 

I carry these around in case I need them. :)

Here she is... My makeup bag. Again I have written a blog post about this and you can find that here.
I obviously carry this beaut around as I constantly need to touch up my makeup thanks to my hay fever face. I swap and change what I carry around day to day but this is another permanent to my handbag.

I love my Ipod and I love music. This is an essential! Excuse the dirty headphones, my makeup constantly transfers onto them. I have had this Ipod for like 10 years I swear, I had it free with a mobile phone contract I took out. You don't get that these days. But yeah, I need this for journeys, or for blocking people and the world out for a while.

I don't really need to explain these. 
My back-combing combs. The pink one from Primark £1 and the black one is a hairdressing one. Simple, must-haves in my bag.

Yup, I have carex, who doesn't in their handbag? You don't know what you're touching out there guys. Keep clean! I use this stuff to death because I handle my hamsters, then my guinea pig and then my dog. I use it after touching each one so not to spread germs. And before I eat obvz. Then Vaseline for dry lips and my roll on deodorant for those 'hot' times. I don't use sprays any more as my animals inhale it.

I always carry a mirror. I am not amazingly vain but I do have to check everything is tip top with my face. My mum and dad brought me this from H M Samuel a few Christmases ago and I use this one on special occasions. As I am clumsy and will probably break it. It's super pretty.

 This is pure jokes. It's a fluffy monster phone protector!!! I love this! When I worked at Claire's Accessories I wanted this so much as it was cute. So my brother got it me as one of my gifts for Christmas last year!!! He has to go in now and then.

And that's it guys. The tour is over. My handbag is completely empty.

If you enjoyed scrolling through this post leave me a cheeky comment or give me a subscribe. I am pretty scarce on both of those. 

What do you carry in your handbag? 

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