Monday 13 June 2016

Healthy Eating With Slendertox Superfoods | First Impressions

Happy Monday guys!! 

I hope you had a lovely weekend. 

Mine was actually pretty boring and chilled really. I have just been watching films and doing my makeup! 

I am in a good mood today because a couple of my favourite brands followed me on Twitter which is freaking awesome! Liz Earle, Lush and Collection followed me. A lot of people I love have followed me back recently and I have almost 30,000 readers on my blog. 

Happy little bee! :)

Okay, so it's meant to be Summer now and since I have been job searching I haven't been as active or healthy as I would of like to have been. I needed to start eating healthier and gather some energy to start exercising again. 

Y'all know what I mean, it seems a lot more appealing to plonk your ass down, eat a pizza and just chill right?! That's what I have been doing for months practically. Ha. 


And slowly it has and my body is loving me for it.

If you're looking to get fitter and healthier then look no further and read on as to why the following products are super good for you.

I have worked with Slendertox before where they sent me their detox teas and I LOVED them. I do miss those teas, they made me feel great. 

They recently got back in contact with me to see if I wanted to try and review some of their new 'Superfoods' in their collection. 

Of course I agreed because I loved their teas so much. 

They sent me their Chia Seeds.

They also sent me their raw Maca powder and raw Spirulina.

These superfoods sounded amazing and have sooooo many health benefits to them. I couldn't wait to try them and add them to my diet. 

I will give you the lowdown on each of them.

Chia Seeds

. High source of protein 
.Growth in muscle mass
.Maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels 
. Can improve exercise performance
.Healthy skin, hair and nails
.Improved digestion
.Feel fuller for longer

Raw Maca Powder

.Helps clear skin blemishes & decrease skin sensitivity
.Helps mood - increases mental energy, focus and balancing hormones
.Boosts libido, increases endurance, increases fertility
.Relieves menstrual cramps, hot flashes and balances mood

Raw Spirulina  

. Helps remove toxins from the blood and boost the immune system
. Help digestion
. Reduces inflammation 
. Increased energy levels
. Increases fat burning during exercise

All of these properties sound magical, I need them all in my body maaannnnn! 
 There are so many things that my body could benefit from by taking these superfoods and I was really hoping that I liked them all.

I tried the raw Chia seeds first of all and they literally taste of nothing which means you can add them to most meals and snacks. 

These are hands down my favourite out of the three because they add a lovely crunch to your food and are so good for you body. 

I have been adding them to salads, yogurts, curries... You name it its been in there.
To create this delicious salad I added Iceberg lettuce, chopped tomatoes, chopped red pepper, cut up white cabbage, finely chopped hot green chillies, sprinkled fresh out of the oven roast chicken and then added the Chia Seeds. I added some Pizza Express house dressing on there too as it's bloody gorgeous. 

Love this meal A LOT. All fresh and all clean!

This is another dish that I am obsessed with and it's Jalfrezi, roast chicken curry. With the added Chia seeds it just makes it perfect. 

Adding hot chillies helps maintain your metabolism which in turn helps you lose weight!  

Next, I wanted to try out the Maca powder mixed into my fruit juice to see what it tasted like and if it worked. 

I will be honest, I don't like the smell of this powder and I am not fond of the taste either. Why does healthy always taste like the gates of hell? Ha.

I cannot describe the taste or smell but my pallet doesn't like it at all. I could taste it in the drink slightly but it was bearable.

I really want to like this one as I suffer with my monthlies and this helps a lot so I need to find a way to incorporate this within my diet so I get my daily intake without the feeling of wanting to vomit. 

I wonder if there is a natural flavouring that could take the taste away?

Ha, so we are down to the last product. The Spirulina. 

What can I say about this product? 


I am not even over exaggerating it smells like fish food with a hint of pond and it literally made me heave and almost vom when I tried it. 

It's the worst tasting thing I have EVER tried. Now this is only because I am not used to 'healthy' products, it's nothing to do with Slendertox it's my own taste buds. 

I was an idiot and decided to put a big teaspoon full in to my fruit juice and my yogurt. BIG MISTAKE. 

Everything went green and when I tried the drink, it tasted okay at first, so I thought I would down it. 

Will I ever learn? 

I heaved so badly, it was rank. 

If death tasted like anything then it would be that. - Do not add this to normal fruit juice or yogurt. It doesn't taste that great.

Finally, as a last ditch attempt I decided I would try adding the Spirulina, Maca and Chia seeds into a fresh, homemade smoothie. 

I made two whilst my parents were out of the house so they didn't cry about the mess that was about to go down. Ha. 

The first one I made was a mango and passion fruit one. 

My mango wasn't ripe, typical, so I salvaged what I could from that and added it to the blender, I then added 1 passion fruit, frozen banana, chopped Pink Lady apple, a couple of strawbs, some natural honey, a couple of spoonfuls of natural Greek yogurt and some mango juice. I then added the Maca and Chia seeds and blended it all together. 

It wasn't that bad tasting, I just didn't like the texture, it was really frothy and I don't know if it was meant to be like that.

The last smoothie I made was to include the Spirulina and I wanted to try and disguise the taste. 

I have never made smoothies before so I didn't really know what I was doing. You can tell from the ingredients that I use in this smoothie. Ha ha.

I used frozen banana, Pink Lady apple, cucumber, strawberries, natural honey, Greek yogurt and apple juice. 

Okay, so this hid the taste of the Spirulina and I think the cucumber was the one to blame because that's all I could taste and it started to make me feel sick. 

Safe to say... Smoothie fail.

After all of the experimenting I will 100% keep adding the Chia Seeds to my food and as far as the Maca & Spirulina go I think I might try buying pre-made smoothies to add it to them and see if that works. 

I am not a faffer so doing fresh smoothies every day will kill me. 

Other than that, if anyone has any tips or sure ways of getting rid of the Spirulina taste that would be spiffing. Ha. AND if you have any awesome recipes I can try please let me know. 

All in all I think these are really amazing products and are key to staying healthy. I want to carry on trying them because I want all the health benefits. 

They are amazingly priced too which is a bonus and you can get them here if you fancy trying them. 

Please bare in mind that I am a fussy eater and there a lot of tastes and textures I don't like so just because I don't like something doesn't mean that you won't. So give them a go because I love the brand and their products! 

Don't forget to subscribe to my blog here 

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Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Snapchat: Blackeyedfox

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger 

Until next time... 




Wednesday 10 February 2016

My Top Ten Tips On How To Survive Valentine's Day // Single Girl Problems.

Hello rock stars. :) 

Valentine's Day is literally days away. I literally dread this time of year. Not that I am bitter about it at all. Ha. 

This is my seventh Valentine's Day on my own. I am such a single little prawn these days it's a joke. 

You know, it's fine the first year or so, but come on is cupid having a joke up there or something?! I mean SEVEN YEARS!!! Just, wow. 

So if you are like me this year and single (again) and all you are seeing around you is loved up couples, "look at what my boyfriend/girlfriend got me" and PDA's then you have come to the right place. 

Here, we can all wallow for a second on being a big fat joke in the world of 'love', sitting on our own with our meals for one. It's quite sickening really. 

But that second is now over and we are going to frickin embrace being single for this day if it kills us!! 

Single girl problems are a reality when it comes to the dreaded 'V' day when you won't be getting any of the 'D' and your friends are. Ha. True story though. 

So what if you don't have a secret admirer or cards and flowers sent to you (even though you really do wish that would happen).Follow my top ten tips on how to survive Valentines Day as if it were a zombie apocalypse and you will come out the other end alive to fight another day.

1. Avoid social media like the god damn plague. There is nothing worse than scrolling through your home pages and seeing all the statuses of lovey dovey shit. No way. It makes my eyes want to bleed profusely. Turn it all off, mute your notifications and pretend Facebook, Twitter and everything media related wasn't invented. That's what I am going to do and that way I won't want to gouge my eyes out. 

2. Run a bath and pop in a Lush bubble bar/bath bomb. No showers allowed. You my girl/boy need to relax and let the stench of bitterness soak away. There isn't anything more satisfying than floating in a hot bubble bath with candles flickering away. It's one of my favourite things to do. Just don't think of which hot man could be joining you at that point in time. *Covers eyes*.

3. Pamper night. Get those face masks, nail polishes and body creams out and enjoy you 'me' time. I do this a hell of a lot as it is because I am always on my own, "yes get the violins out". You will feel so much better for it and your body will love you. Again, just don't imagine the hot guy!! 

4. Dig out those horror and gore movies. Yes, you heard me. Nobody got time for romance films on Valentine's Day when you're a single pringle. You will want blood shed, twisted plots and messed up story lines. This is a sure way to get you out of any depressive mood. Trust me it works.

5. Make your cheat day Valentine's Day. It falls on a Sunday this year, order that fail safe takeaway, crack open those calorific cakes and indulge in so much chocolate that you want to be sick in your mouth. Lets face it, if you're going to throw up from anything it should be that and not everyone's 'date night' pics. Fact.

6. Put on the cheesiest, old school tunes you can find and dance around like no one is watching. The fact of the matter is... No one will actually be watching. It's a gift in disguise for most non-dancers.  

7. Invite your lady friends around. If you (by some miracle) have other friends that are single. Invite them round to join in with the merriment. Single girl problems all round. YAS. 

8. Get creative. Keeping your mind busy will pass the hours quicker than you can say "bore off St. Valentines". Get painting, whip out that adult colouring book (we all jumped on that crazy bandwagon) or get busy on a scrapbook.

9. Exercise. Exercising releases endorphins, the body happy drug. Do not however go to the gym as it will most likely be empty and you don't want to be a public loser now do you. Think wisely. YouTube have some great intense training vids.

10. Treat yourself to something. You've been looking at that dress/bag/shoes/makeup forever. Take the plunge and get it. An appreciation gift from me to me.  There you go, you have something to get excited about. Fool proof.   

I hope these little tips help you get through hell day and it's important to know that you're not on your own. You could be be. Ha. 





Saturday 9 January 2016

Slendertoxtea - Review Edition // The Taste Test.

We are now into a new year, the festive period has gone, we have over indulged and we have refrained from any form of exercise as possible. 

I am not into this whole " new year, new me" bull. I am still the same old fabulous person that I was last year. Ha. 

Although, with that being said, I did consume an awful lot of crap in 2015. I just don't know what was wrong with me, I just kept eating like... Everything!!! Eating my feelings most probably. Ha. 

A detox is always a good idea (or so I have been told) to participate in when you are feeling a little sluggish, bloated and just damn right awful. It's meant to help take all those nasty little toxins out of your body and in return you feel and see "a better you". 

I have never been a fan of 'detoxing', I mean I have tried drinking herbal teas and quite frankly I have found it highly horrific. 

Why would you want to drink a cup of cardboard? It's beyond me! 

Anything healthy, nine times out of ten, tastes awful. 

Seeing as it is the new year I thought it might be time for me to try and give this whole tea drinking thing another go. 

I have been in contact with Slendertoxtea who provides all sorts of detoxing beverages. Their products range from herbal teas, milkshakes and coffees. Basically they cater for everyone.

They have a Sleeptox range, a Daytox range, Slender patches, Slender shakes, Acai Slenderpowder and Slender coffee's. 

Slendertox tea have kindly gifted me their Daytox and Sleeptox products for me to give my honest review on, whether it was positive or not. 

There product's aim is to aid in a healthy lifestyle for the individual. It contains ingredients only from natural herbs and plants that are designed to help you lose weight. It is a no calorie supplement "hurrraaaayyy" with ingredients that cleanses the colon to improve metabolism and your overall health. 

What a frickin awesome product already. Literally the sound of that had got me interested on its own.

I am a slim person anyway but I have put some weight on *cough, cough* so this product is ideal for me to combine into my diet to keep me all balanced. 

Now I tried the product yesterday (09.01.16) with quite low expectations to be honest. I was just expecting it to smell and taste of vile... Well, nothing actually. 

The first thing I will say is that I really like the packaging. It's really easy on the eye with a great blend of colours, has a simple design, the font is very readable and I love the shiny texture.

I was given a two week supply of the 'Daytox' which you have a cup of that a day. The 'Sleeptox' product you take every other night, it states 7 day's worth on the packet but effectively you get two weeks worth as well. 

On opening the product, I had a little sniff (as you do) and I was like "oh no, it smells like herbs and I know what this means!" I then proceeded to go downstairs and boil the kettle.  

I waited for the water to cool before I put the tea bag in as you're not meant to put it in boiling water. Once in the water the tea actually smelt like a normal cup of tea, as if you have put a PG Tips in the cup. I liked that a lot. It didn't smell medical. Ha.

I think I actually left my tea bag in a little long because I was singing and completely forgot it was in there.

Whoops. :) 

Okay,so the taste test... Are you ready?!

I absolutely.... LOVED it!! Yes, you heard me I really did. 

I was drinking it whilst singing and it was doing wonders for my throat and really soothing. Granted it did have a 'green tea' taste BUT it wasn't over powering, it was subtle and it wasn't offensive in anyway. 

I am a stickler for textures and tastes and the smallest thing can put me off. No ingredient in this product made me gag!

High five!! 

I was so pleased with myself that I finished the cup of tea. I was then really excited to try the 'Sleeptox'.

'Sleeptox' - the one that you take at bedtime only (every other night) seemed amazing. 

It keeps you calm and relaxed and aids sleep, which is a god send for me at the moment as I have insomnia.

It contains a Hawthorn grain which helps lower your blood pressure and studies have suggested it is beneficial in lowering your anxiety levels. 

This product is for me as I have suffered with anxiety for years! 

I thought that with this product maybe being stronger I wouldn't like the taste, but O.M.G this one tastes AMAZING!! No joke now, it tasted quite sweet and when I read the ingredients it has orange in it. Out of the two this one wins hands down for the taste factor!!

I am a little worried now because I think I may become addicted to this product and all it's health benefits and that's not going to be good as I am job hunting. Ha. 

 I will definitely need to get some more when I run out!!! 

I will NEVER falsely review a product just because a company has sent me something to review. I will always give you my 100% honest opinion and I was prepared to write a bad one about this, but I literally have nothing bad to say. It's great. I have found it's given me energy too and I have only been drinking it for 2 days. 

It does mention on the back about side effects of using the product as obviously this helps cleanse the colon so you could end up with toilet issues (like running to it, ha.) I so far, "touch wood" haven't had any toilet issues. All is good in the hood. 

If you would like to give this product a go and I promise you it is totally worth it. You can purchase their products on their website: 

The package I was sent is 14 days worth retailing at £19.99 and for me I think that's totally worth it especially as you know that all that is going into your body is natural ingredients, no calories and it's detoxing your body and soul. 

It aids in slimming too which is what us women look for a lot of the time when dieting or detoxing. 

It's of the cheapest and best on the market, so don't miss out!! 

So what are you waiting for, go get that stuff and reap the benefits, because I am!!

All the love. 


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