Monday, 4 January 2021

Hair Hack | How To Get Stubborn Blue/Purple Toner/Shampoo Out Of Bleached Hair Without Damaging it | Life Saver.

Yo! Welcome to 2021... Level 100 of the Jumanji game. Lol. 

I am writing this just as we are potentially going into ANOTHER freakin' lockdown. Our pal Bozza sure likes to play risky little games now doesn't he. Yawwwwwnnn. 

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year's even though it was eerily different this year, it just wasn't the same. I miss going out to bars, dancing and having meals out. I miss having family and friends over. This new 'norm' sucks serious a hole!!!

So just before Christmas I decided I was hella bored with my hair, it was really long but the ends were so wispy and dead and the blonde colour I had was outgrown and just plain boring for me. 

I was debating for ages whether to go blonder or dark, I was bored of the blonde and I decided to go dark. THEN... On the night before actually getting it done I decided to change up the whole colour scheme all together!!! 

I chose to go down the path of the 'Narcissa Malfoy' trend. Now, if you haven't watched Hazza Pothead (Harry Potter) then we cannot be friends... Ha. This is where the hair trend came from, Draco Malfoy's mother. In short, it's dark hair on top and bleached hair underneath. 

I am an alternative gal and I couldn't just do standard brown hair, I would be doing myself a serious injustice. Ha. 

So, I had that done, I loved it, it turned out perfectly, no colour bleeding, I had around 3 inches off the length (not to be dramatic but I felt like I had been scalped) and I was super happy. 

Fast forward to my hack and life saver. 

So, if any of you are blonde, you will know, bleached hair needs toning. To get the desired tone and get rid of he brassiness, your hair will 100% need this. 

I at home, washed my hair for the first time since having it done and mixed a toner with 1.9% developer. I used a toner recommended to me but it turns out it shouldn't be used as at toner but as a colour... Whether that is correct or not I am not sure. Either way my soul was about to leave my body. 

I mixed the toner up, applied it to the blonde and within minutes my hair has turned ultraviolet on the roots and grey/green mid-lengths and ends. I was almost sick in my mouth. I knew toners developed quickly but that was having a pure bubble bath. It looked horrid. It would of looked fine if I had an all over bleach but with the warm brown against the cool blonde, I hated it.
It was sooo grey/purple/blue when dry... I put more toner 
on at this point to try and even it out, *covers eyes*.

I washed it with Head and Shoulders (not the brown) and Fairy Liquid... Wouldn't budge. I washed my hair a total of around 3/4 times that day... Any more and it would start to damage my hair.
Look at the grey/purple tones. 

I was freaking out that I couldn't go out in public, nobody was answering their phone to help. So, I took it upon myself to try one off the cuff thing that I had left as an option...


Yes, you read correctly. Lemon has natural bleaching properties and can lighten hair. Mixed with conditioner, it shouldn't damage the hair. 

So I cut 2 whole lemons squeezed all the juice into a bowl, then mixed with conditioner. I did 1:1 ratio (50% lemon juice and 50% conditioner). 

I applied to all of the blonde hair and left it on for 1hr and 30 mins. 

Now, I didn't do a patch test, I didn't have time, I read afterwards, you're meant to. 

At the time I didn't even think to do one because it's just lemon juice right?

 Well, turns out my skin did not like this concoction and I did actually react. Not on the scalp but on the skin around the back of my neck, ears and hairline. I am really sensitive anyway but I never have problems with scalp bleach, I mean,  I suppose I am sticking acid on my skin. Go figure. Not everyone has this happen though FYI. 

I washed it off my hair and goodbye blue/grey. It was gone. I was left with the blonde I kind of had to start off with. I was so happy. My hair wasn't damaged, no split ends, no candy floss. It was like it never happened.

I hope if this ever happens to you and you come across this post, that it helps you and works for you too. It was literally a lifesaver for me and my hair. 

Let me know in the comments if you have used this method and how it turned out for you!!! 

Love and Light 

Your resident Lone Wolf

L x


Thursday, 17 March 2016

Bleach London | Budget Hair Products At Its Finest | Review

Hello beautiful people. 

I hope y'all are having a good week? 

My week has been quite productive compared to the usual dancing around my room, singing and taking "selfies" - I tell you what I really don't like that word, there is something cringe about it. 

Anyway, I hope you have noticed that I now have a new blog design? I love it A LOT, it looks so much more professional and I kept with the monochrome look as it is super cool. I have all my social media feeds and links on there so you guys can follow away. AND to make my year I got Placebo concert tickets, this will be my forth show now and I literally cannot wait. December cannot come quick enough. 


As mentioned before I am a bit of a creative experimentalist and I love to change my look up and make the most out of 'being different'. I like to stand out which is quite ironic for someone who gets anxious about things. Ha. 

In my 'Best Budget Beauty Buys' (link) post I mentioned the brand, Bleach London and how I have only just discovered them. 

I am SO SO SO in love with this brand already and I have only used 2 of their products because unfortunately I don't have white blonde hair any more so I am restricted as to what I can use. That said, you brunettes out there don't let the fact that you're not blonde put you off buying their products. 

There is something for everyone. That's the beauty of this brand. 

Okay, so I firstly bought their Colour Crayon 'Rose' to try out as it's only £4, so it was hardly breaking the bank. And I loved it that much it's almost gone and I had to buy another shade to add to the collection. This time I bought 'The Big Pink'.

I love the packaging of this product with it's monochrome statement and then the pop of colour where their logo is. It's 100% Instagramable!

Now onto the part where these aren't just for the blondies out there. I used to have white, bleached blonde hair... Well it ended up being silver with the amount of purple shampoo I put on there. Actually, it ended up looking like I had a blue rinse. Ha. 

Not cool. I am now wanting to go back to white blonde again and I have looked into getting Bleach London to do it for me as they use Olaplex. 

Right now, my hair is a faded brown, think, light brown/different tones and I wanted to test these products to see how well they took on the darker haired lady. 

The consistency of this product is actually like a crayon, I thought it would be chalky and if I am completely honest with you I totally prefer the BL formula. It glides on the hair amazingly, it's super pigmented and it freaking covers my colour perfectly.

  Okay, so it won't be as saturated in appearance as it would on blonde hair. Duh, the science as to why is in your face but let me tell you this product is god damn awesome on darker hair. I didn't expect the results it gave.  It was consistent, even and lasted the duration.

 The 'Rose' shade is a light pink but this shows up in my hair slightly lilac. It's still a pastel shade and it's perfect for the Spring and then transitioning to 'The Big Pink' for Summer and the festival season. I braided my hair to show you how cool the colour looks mixed in with the braid. This is going to be my go to look for a while now. I can just see it. 

The shocking pink in 'The Big Pink' comes off as more of a magenta on my hair but who cares, my hair looks so quirky and I am all about the quirk. 

These last in your hair for around 3-4 washes (this will be advisory for bleached hair) it came out of mine in one wash which was great and as per any colour product, residue will be left on the hair so be careful with your clothes and furniture. 

As a final note I would like to say that I did phone the salon to see how much it would cost to bleach my hair white... Right now I am not divulging that info as my joblessness won't stretch that far but their customer service is excellent and the lady I spoke to was so helpful. 

If anyone has been contemplating using these crayon's do not hesitate any longer, they won't break the bank, they come in a range of colours and they are so versatile. Go to their website for more of their products in the range. 

Let me know in the comment's what you think if you have used Bleach London. I would love your opinion. :)



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