Sunday 8 February 2015

M.A.C Ruby Woo Review // First Impressions!!!


Again it has been a while since I last posted something. I really need to schedule some time in to write again regularly. I am so lazy sometimes. But today I am back with a little ol' review :) 

I received my first ever Mac product on Christmas Day. I did put this on my 'most wanted list' and gratefully my parents got it me. 

This was the Mac Retro Matte Lipstick in 'Ruby Woo'. It was all beautifully wrapped and placed actually on my Christmas tree with a bow on it and I instantly knew what it was as it was so cute and small.

Now, I am a little bit of a hoarder when it comes to new things. I have mentioned this fact before and it's nothing new to me, so it will be no surprise that I have ONLY JUST opened this lipstick.

I love things when they are in their 'new' state and because I have never had a Mac product before I really didn't want to ruin the state of this beautiful product. 

Okay, so my first impressions when opening this product was "wow". I loved the bullet style packaging, I also loved the simplicity of the brand itself. It stands out and looks classy without even trying.

The first thing that I noticed about this lipstick upon opening it was the smell!!! OH-MY-GOD, it smells AMAZING!!! No joke, to me it literally smells like cakes. It has this subtle sweet/cakey scent that really makes me want to eat it. I never really say that about a product, especially a lip item as usually they smell and taste like plastic. Like you know it's come from a factory. 

This lippy smells like heaven, if heaven was to smell like anything it would be this. Period. 

Aside from the mouth-watering smell the colour of this lipstick is flat out gorgeous. It is so pigmented and vibrant and such a classic 60's style 'red'. I  LOVE a red lipstick especially as I am a pale face (no not a vampire) it really stands out on me. It is super retro in style and how the colour looks in its formed self reflects perfectly on your lips.

Now I will only wear a matte consistency lipstick as I dislike any kind of sheen or gloss, the reason being as I like to slightly over draw my top lip so it is consistent with my bottom lip. I have been reaching more to lipliner's recently to fill in my lips (especially the Rimmel Red Diva and Cappuccino) but with 'Ruby Woo' being a Matte in my head I knew I would love it.

So I have come to the conclusion that is smells awesome and looks beautiful but what is is going to be like to wear? 

As soon as I popped this bad boy on I noticed straight away how matte this lipstick actually is. I didn't realise until today that this is the mattest (is that even a word?) of matte's that Mac do, they have a normal matte finish and then 'retro matte'. I though it just said 'retro' because of the type of colour, but nope this is a hell of a dry lipstick. I first used this with my Rimmel 'Red Diva' lipliner but only outlined my lips with it and then filled them in with Ruby Woo. Within seconds of applying I noticed straight away how uncomfortable my mouth felt. The only way I could describe it is that it felt like I had eaten a doughnut and wasn't able to lick my lips, either that or it felt like I had face planted a pile of sand. It does feel gross to wear, I am not going to beat around the bush, it's not enjoyable at all.

I also found that it wore off quicker than I thought so when you go to re-apply a layer to build the colour back up it really intensified in dryness and created a horrible 'ring of death' around my mouth. I hate that. It also crumbled around the lipliner and left little white streaks and dots where the product has come off, that has never happened to me before.

This really annoyed me as I have longed for Mac products for years but always thought they were expensive, so I kind of had high hopes for this but I was seriously let down by the formula. However now I know 'retro' is really dry I am hoping the normal matte shades would be way better. It has up until now put me off purchasing any more lip products from them but with this new information I think I may give it a whirl. I really want to try out the 'Burgundy'lip liner and 'Diva' lipstick and I also really want 'Velvet Teddy' but it's always sold out. 

The plus side to this product is (that is if you can handle the intense dry mouth) is that the lipstick looks frickin awesome on, like I said it's highly pigmented and if you are feeling really crap one day, put this on and you will feel like a god damn 60's pin up.

Okay, maybe I wouldn't go that far but it does make you feel fabulous!! For it to really stand out though I would suggest keeping your eye makeup very miminal, either a bit of mascara and leave it like that or with a small cat flick on your upper lid. 

Let your mouth do the talking. :)
Taken when I bought my Tanya Burr book
(excuse the wide eye look) 

I hope that this little review has helped you make a decision on whether to buy this lipstick or not and if any of you readers have any tips or even comments about what you have thought of Ruby Woo let me know. 


1 comment

  1. Nice colour, looking great on you;)


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