Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Gig // The Mirror Trap // Where These Men Aren't Silent


I love being part of the 'music world', there is nothing better than losing yourself to music by your favourite band/musician whilst you're stood within a vortex of energy and admiration. 

That's exactly what I was feeling last night as I stood in front of The Mirror Trap boys whilst they did their thaaannng!!! I cannot praise this band enough, they are so friendly and receptive off stage and absolutely on fire on stage. 
Front man Gary Moore makes the stage come alive with his fancy footwork and modulated voice that is so captivating you couldn't turn away from it, plus he is hot to boot which is always good for the eye ;) 

The Dundee boys are complete naturals on stage and this really comes across in their performance, they really come alive, have fun and joke with the crowd. Obviously I LOVE their music, it is frantically catchy, memorable and they have some amazing hooks. This is a band that I will truly respect and love for years to come. This is a band to watch.

Last night's gig was so intimate (which I love)and I had a quick chat with Gary and co before the gig started. I loved that. I am seriously NOT a groupie, I am very much intrigued by musicians that inspire me and therefore I like to talk. I took my lovely friend Hannah with me to the gig as she hadn't heard of them before and she was really impressed with the gig, the boys themselves and the music. Another fan added to the list...Check. :)    

The gig was short but sweet and they played some new tracks and some more of their well know records. I was loving life when they played my favourite's 'Pigeon Chest' and 'Piranha's' I was singing along in my own little world. Yup I'm THAT girl. Apart from Gary being the front man (which it's very hard to take your eyes off him... Because of him bopping around that is. *cough* *cough*) the other guys were really tearing up their instruments. They gave it their all and the outcome was spine tingling. It wasn't a half hearted performance it was full on sweat, blood and (I hope not) tears. 


I always get the 'gig blues' the day after as I could be back there again and again!! I spoke to the guys after the gig where Gary signed the EP I bought and I left with Hannah. Unfortunately it was like Tornado Alley in Birmingham last night and the rain washed away the ink. Never mind. There's always next time. And again I didn't get a frickin picture. When will I learn?! 

Okay so here is the pictorial fun. I took these next pics with my new DSLR. It's the best money I have ever spent.

 Have fun and go and buy The Mirror Trap's songs. You can also find them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify. 













































First time on my new cam. Not too shabby I don't think. :)

Sunday, 14 September 2014

New Job Lookbook // H & M & Primark Haul.


Hello my lovelies!!!

I am baaaacccckkkkk "mwahahahaha".

I have some information for you guys, you might be interested to know, or you may not care one bit. 

Either way I am going to tell you anyway... I have FINALLY got myself a job!!! After frickin ages of searching I was finally offered a position!! You can now call me a Finance Department Administrator & Office Assistant. :) 

I am sooooo happy that I finally have a job, especially for Christmas too, I was really worried I wasn't going to find anything and it was baffling me as to why I wasn't getting any offers. After attending a couple of interviews it all boils down to the fact that so many people are applying for the same jobs, and if someone has a tiny bit more experience than you, you won't be getting the job. It's so cut throat right now it's ridiculous and really disheartening. Anyway, this position is only temporary until Christmas, but if I do a good job and they like me and obviously if I like the job and the company I might get offered to stay on permanently. 

Fingers crossed on all aspects, and obviously because it is a temp job I will still be job searching for something permanent for afterwards. Ooohh and it's little two minutes from where I live so it's only a quick drive to work and back, I will be saving a huge amount on petrol. 

Now, I had to make a quick dash around the shops in a bid to find some suitable 'smart-casual' work clothes and shoes, because as you know (if you follow my blog posts) I love my fashion and I have a pretty laid back approach to what I wear. I can't for obvious reasons rock up to the office in my Doc's and leather look trousers so I had to tone it down a bit but still have my personality in there somewhere. 

I have done a little 'Lookbook' & haul for you guys to see what I bought and how I styled it for the "office life". 

I hope you like it. :) 

Skinny Stretchy Trousers
Size 8



I found these trousers in my local H & M, I was looking for an alternative to normal bootcut, work style trousers and these are perfect. They have the same material as the bootcut's but for me in a more flattering shape. They are also high waisted and remind me of disco pants without the high-shine, perfect for tucking a shirt or blouse into.

They are really comfortable too and go with everything, you cannot go wrong with black!

Black & White Poker Dot Shirt
Size 10
Bag: Primark £6
Necklace: Gift 
Trousers: As pictured above
Lipstick: Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet, Olé Flamingo! £8.99




I "spotted" (ha, get it?!) this shirt when it came into store and I wasn't totally sold on it, when I found out I had got the job I was on the hunt for a stand-out shirt. I had tried on soooooo many of them, I am not a massive fan of shirts as I haven't really included them as a staple in my day to day look, saying that though I actually really like this one. I love how the majority of it is black which means I can wear it with most things and the white spots make what would be a boring top half, stand out. 

Fine Knitt Jumper
Size Large





I really like this jumper, it's light weight and comfortable, it has that 'cosy' look to it and it's great for layering. I did originally pick up a teal jumper which I liked and that was in a very similar style to the jumper here. It was £14.99 and then I spotted this one and preferred it, plus it was a fraction of the price. 

This piece is more of the 'casual' to the the 'smart' and it looks great either skimming your trouser hem or loosely tucked in. I hate being cold so this is ideal for layering if the office air-con is too overwhelming. 

Black Shirt Dress
Size 12
Hat: H&M £12.99
Bag: Primark £8






I am not loving my local Primark at the moment, it has all the same things in and not much new and I don't know if you have noticed this too but their prices are really going up. I am actually finding H & M cheaper than Primark and it's better quality. What's going on Primark, you used to be cheap?! 

The bigger stores seem to have more of a selection but I did come across this shirt dress a while back and I was hoping that they still had it. They did. 

I am a size 8-10 usually depending on what store I am in because a lot of shops I am finding, that their clothes are not true to size, they come up real small. So I got this dress in a size 12 as I didn't want it clingy, more free flowing. I love the design of this shirt dress and even though it's smart, it carries the casual too. I love the little tie string too so you can alter the waistline and it would look great with a pair of leggings, black tights or even for the autumn/winter months a berry coloured pair of tights.

It's a cute dress and you can layer with this too which is great as I love layering and I love autumn. 

 Black Dolly Shoes with Gold Hardware

Like I said, I cannot rock up to the office in my docs and I NEVER wear shoes like this, so all of this is quite new to me, but I obviously needed a nice pair of shoes that would go with my outfits and my style. I liked these ones as the are a velvet material and a deep black and with black socks on, it actually looks really nice. I am thinking about teaming these with some black thrill socks for added cuteness. I love the gold hardware too. I have bought shoes from Primani before and they are made so badly, so I am hoping these one's don't fall apart.

I hoped you liked my little lookbook/haul and that I may have given you some inspiration into some ideas for yourself?

I start my new job tomorrow and I am extremely nervous, so much so I feel a little sick in my mouth. Ha.

I will be mainly posting at the weekends now as I will be working in the week, if I have enough time I might post late at night in the week like I usually do.

Either way if you like my blog give me a follow on Bloglovin' or leave me a comment as I love reading your feedback.

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