Monday 25 July 2016

How I Get Rid Of My Spots And Blemishes | Using Superdug's Skin Care Range For Sensitive Skin

highlight, skincare, superdrug, thebalm, spots, clear skin, drugstore,

Good evening ladies and gents. 

It's everyone's favourite day of the week again. Monday Funday y'all. 

I have had another stressful weekend as Cody (my Guinea pig) is still poorly and I have spent all my time trying to get him to eat. I had to take him back to the vets yesterday because my gut is telling me that there is something else going on. So I have told them I want him completely scanned and X-Ray'd to find out the cause of what's going on. 

I pick him up tomorrow evening. I miss my fur baby. 

The last few months my skin has been going cray cray and I kept getting real bad spots along my t-zone. Mainly on my chin and they aren't little small dweeby spots. Oh no... They are the massive kind of beasts that don't actually erupt from under the skin but sit under it and hurt like a bitch!!!

And as soon as I got one to go away it would come back up with its little mates at its side. They have actually scarred my skin now. I am working on getting rid of those. 

I have been switching up my skin care routine until I found one that actually worked for me and one of which that would actually sort my awfully annoying skin out. 

I have sensitive skin and when I am hormonal, stressed or anything freaking else I tend to break out. I NEVER used to get spots at all. That's soon caught up with me like a bad smell. 

I wanted to find products that were natural, specifically for sensitive skin and not full of the fake crap that every brand seems to have right now. 

I am on a budget, so I took to Superdrug to find something that I feel would be suitable for me and my lord, I have ACTUALLY found products that work and have kept my skin clear since I have been using them. 

"Can I get an amen?!"

Yep, ladies and gents if you have sensitive and problem skin you NEED to use these products. 

This isn't a sponsored post, it just turns out that Superdrug's own brand is freaking super good! 

highlight, skincare, superdrug, thebalm, spots, clear skin, drugstore,

Wow, I look like an actual vampire in the above! 

Ha ha. 

simply pure, skincare, superdrug, clearly youthful, spots, clear skin, drugstore,
spot clearing, blemish, superdrug, drugstore, skin care, sensitive skin,
superdrug, drugstore, skin care, serum, clearly youthful, clear skin
superdrug, drugstore, face wash, sensitive skin, hypoallergenic, clear skin,
superdrug, drugstore, skin care, serum, clearly youthful, clear skin
superdrug, drugstore, skin care, serum, clearly youthful, clear skin
superdrug, drugstore, face mask, glycolic peel, spots, budget brand,

 Lits, I just wash my face with the gel cleanser and if I am going to double cleanse I will go in with the foam afterwards. And I find using this mainly is what is keeping my skin clear. 

The serum I use at night and it leaves your skin super soft, and the blemish gel I use on my spots, it reduces the redness and helps them disappear. Warning though. If you have picked at your spot, do not use this straight away as it stings. Ha. 

Once or twice a week I will use the face peel. I cannot say enough how much I enjoy using these products. I am aiming to get the rest of the Youthful range. LOVE IT. 

I haven't been using any other skin product to clear my skin at all recently, so my lack of spots and more even and bright skin is down to Superdug's own brand. 

I am totally loving it. They are purse friendly and effective.

Simply Pure wash: £2.69

Simply Foam Cleanser: £2.69

Clearly Youthful Serum: £4.89

Blemish Gel: £3.49

Glycolic Peel: £4.89

I never back anything I don't truly believe in and to me right now, these are miracle products. 

You can find these all in your local Superdrug right now. 

Don't forget to give my blog a follow on Bloglovin' here.

You can also find me on the following SM sites.

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger

Snapchat: Blackeyedfox 

Until next time...




  1. Fabulous post my darling, will look into these products xo

    1. Thanks beautiful!! :) yes please do. I really rate them! Xx

  2. Oh my I've not seen these! I absolutely LOVE the Superdrug Vitamin E range, so cheap but so darn GOOD! You can be sure I'll be checking these out when current products are about to run out!

    Aysh xoxo

    1. They are really good. And they have 3 for 2 on at the moment too. I don't know if they will be included but it's worth a check. I literally love the range. X


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