Thursday 28 April 2016

Gel Nails At Home | Budget Manicure With United Beauty

Evening my little bees.

Are we well? 

I feel like I haven't had a productive day but I kind of have, although I have procrastinated a lot this evening. 

I went to the doctors earlier to get my B12 injection (hopefully that will give me some extra energy), had tea and I have been sat around thinking about what I could eat next. 

Seriously I think I have a problem. I will eat, feel full for like a minute and then all the food is calling me from the cupboards whispering... 

"Leeeeyyyyyaaaa, come and get me. You need me, you want me."

And I am like...


Then I cave. 


That aside, one thing I have got back into is doing my nails. My nails are crap. I will be honest, they are freaking shit. They will get to a certain length and then just after that very fine line they will then curl under... It's like having a Quaver crisp for a frickin nail. Utterly useless. Oh and don't even get me started on the nail breaking fiasco. Grrrr. 

I LOVE gel nails, I am attracted to anything shiny. Call me a Magpie, because that's what I am. I do like a matte nail now and then but gel is my calling. I always feel like a 'woman' when my nails are long and painted nicely but I am also very clumsy and a bit of a tomboy when it comes to 'girly' things. 

These days, if I am going to paint my nails I will do so on falsies because lets face it, with my Quaver nails it ain't going to be pretty. More like a catastrophic monstrosity. 

Having your nails done professionally isn't a cheap game, especially if you're the kind of gal that likes to get her nails done often. 

However, the nail Gods have finally heard our screams of pain and "oh look... But what is this?" Errr hell yeah, a D.I.Y gel nail kit that you can usee from the very comfort of your own home. 

Ahhhh, "goodbye nail salons" *whispers* "forever" (Phoebe from Friends style).

I have been sent the cutest at home gel nail kit from the company United Beauty. I had never heard of them before and whilst I was modelling at the blogger event the other month, they had their own stand explaining their brand and product.

Their cosmetic portfolio spans from tanning to nail products, they are the home of tanning and nail brands such as; Attitude, Glam Republic, Gelousy, GelTouch and many more. 

I was sent the GelTouch Mini Starter Kit which contains the GelTouch clear top coat, mini LED lamp and 2x gel cleansing wipes. 

It is literally so simple to use. Prep your nail, apply your favourite polish, put the GelTouch top coat on, place under the LED lamp for 60s and then wipe off the excess with the cleansing wipes.

That's it, done.

To remove. Peel off. :) 

The objective of this product is super cool and super cute. On the cute side the mini LED lamp is in fact as it says, mini. I am not joking it's big enough to fit 1-2 fingers in to cure. That's the beauty of it because it actually works by plugging it into a USB socket.

Imagine the scene, you're on the train with your laptop on, or even in the uni library and you want to do your nails (as you do), all you need to do is whip this bad boy out. It's discrete and the little bulb is a lot stronger than you think. 

Good things come in little packages, right?

Well I have put this product to the test to see if I would recommend this kit to you nail fanatics out there. 

Next I will show you a step by step of how I did my nails and the final result. I just love how it's so quick to do, gel nails literally in minutes. 

I originally tried this on my natural nail and I used a glitter polish. Now, my natural nail NEVER holds gel topcoats, I don't know why it just peels off. This did the same, however, I do think I applied it too thickly. 

This is when I moved on to applying it on to false nails instead. 

See the results below.

                 Conclusion - Would I recommend? 

Yes I really would. The product retails at £24.99 on their site and because of its quickness and the fact it's so simple to use I think its definitely worth the investment. The simple size of the lamp is amazing to carry around with you and all you need is the top coat on top of your favourite polish to complete the look. No faffing. 

I cannot deal with faff. The only downfall is the cleansing wipes dry out VERY quickly so sometimes it doesn't completely get the residue off. They are working on this I believe. No biggie though, easily solved. 

So if you want salon looking nails at home and to be the envy of your friends because you're saving like £40 a month, then I suggest you gel this kit!!! 

You can get it from United Beauty here

Any questions leave me a comment. :) 

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 I have posted my FIRST EVER YouTube video onto my channel yesterday *vom in my mouth* for a makeup competition. You can check that out here

And finally you can find me on the following. 

Twitter | Leluroxxblogger
Instagram | Leluroxxblogger

If you like my shiz don't forget to give me a follow/subscribe. 

Until next time...



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