Sunday 16 July 2017

The Baby Names Tag - What Top 10 Names I Would 100% Call My Child.

Hi guys - happy Sundaaaayyy. 

Since I came back recently with my last blog post about my horrific ordeal I had been enduring the last few months, I cannot believe the response I have had. Literally I have been so overwhelmed by the amount of support, messages, shares and reads I have had. I have had thousands.

 I shared my story to spread awareness and to get the truth out to the public of what ACTUALLY happened and I didn't hold back either. If you are new here or you didn't get the chance to read my story on Stealthing, Sexual Consent and Stalking you can do here

Since then, I have had so much good stuff happening to me, it's all about the good freakin karma guys, what goes around comes around.

 A TV company contacted me after reading my blog post and they wanted to do a documentary about stealthing - it was for the BBC and for me to potentially present it. The BBC commissioner wanted me to confront the guy in question but I told them, as much as I would LOVE to do that and I 100% would, I can't because of the type of person he is - lets just say it wouldn't end pretty... For him! - Watch this space... Checkmate motherf**kers!!! :) 

I'VE GOT THE POWER!!! As the song goes. 

As you guys know, I always update you in my new blog posts as to what has been going on in my life before I actually get into the post itself. The last thing I would like to fill you guys in on is that my baby girl Bear (my dog) she was seriously ill a week yesterday and golly didn't she cost me a bomb going to and fro from the vets. Long story short, she is almost 17 and she is an old lady now but the vets suspect she has stomach cancer, this was after she had an ultrasound scan. I will be doing  a post about this later next month I think. So, yeah  I have been very upset, emotionally and physically exhausted and ended up making myself ill through stress. I am remaining positive though and spreading positive and healing energies to her. #prayforbear 

Okay, so onto the tag. As everyone knows I am single little prawn, I have no children, I am not pregnant and basically I am going to die alone. Ha. 

I watched Gabs (VelvetGh0st) 's YouTube video the other day with the baby names tag. I love stuff like this so I thought I would bring it to my blog. Whether other people follow, that's up to them but I thought it was something different and fun. 

Please though, do not make fun out of the names because some people (although I very much doubt it, ha) could be called the below.  

Lets go.... 

Yep, so I have always had a list of baby names since I was younger either written down in a pad somewhere or in my phone. I have obviously lost the ones from many moons ago but I still have my all time faves. I like quirky names, unusual ones that nobody will have. You have been warned. Ha. 

1. Troian  (girls name) 

I LOVE this name SO much... I got the name from Troian the actress who plays Spencer in PLL (Pretty Little Liars). I heard her name and was literally like 'mine' in my head. 

2. Rogue (girls name)

This is on par with Troian for me - I love this name just as much. I love strong names for girls because I want her to be like her mama!!! And I literally don't know anyone with that name and that's what I like. There may be a reason for nobody having this name but they are missing out. Ha. With this name she would totally be a bad ass in a leather jacket!!

3. Indi (girls name)

This is my boho name for a girl, it's such a cool, laid back name. I could imagine her with her little boxer braids with flowers entwined in there. It's a cute name.  

4. Autumn (girls name)

This is my favourite season, this is when I am totally at my most happiest. When you hear this word you think of warmth and positivity and she would totally be all of those things. 

5. Payton (girls names) 

I love this name too but my mum put me off saying that it sound like I am saying "patent". Grrrr. 

6. Orion (boys name) 

This is a star constellation - I have loved this name for years. It's majestic and I don't think I have ever heard a boy with that name. 

7. Vladamir (boys name) 

Okay, so my child could get bullied with this name but for me this name is a strong name - yes, when you think of this name you would think 'vampire' - (Vlad the Impeller) but to me it's different and is totally something I would go for. 

8. Dimitri (boys name) 

Again, another name that is on the exotic sounding side but I like it. My parents don't like ths name, neither do they like Vlad. Ha. 

9. Thor (boys name) 

I LOVE this name but I cannot pronounce my 'th's' properly so it ends up sounding like I am shouting out "four". So I don't think I could use this one even though this name is freakin sick!! 

10.   Wyatt (boys name) 

I liked this one too but again mother bear took the pee and said it sound likes and I quote " as if you're singing the song, I Predict a Wyatt" (I predict a riot - Kaiser Chiefs). Thanks mum. 

I also like the names, Lazarus, Bowie, Thorn, Manson, Lilani, Binx, Renesme and  Arizona.

There you have it. Some weird and wonderful names. I would love to know what you think to these names and if you have picked any of these yourself, or I would love to know your top 10!! 

As always you can find me on the following social media outlets where I post pictures, videos, rants and more. 

INSTAGRAM: leluroxxblogger

Until next time... 


Monday 3 October 2016

Lyric Pranking My Friends And Family | Was It A Fail Or Success?

lyric pranking, family, glamour magazine, autumn, hot chocolate, pyjamas, fun,

Oh hello there guys :) 

I hope everyone is good?!

Long time no speak. Well actually it's been 1 week. Ha. I apologise for taking a week break from the blog. I haven't been well at all with a sickness bug that has been going round and also I have suffered really badly with anxiety. It was on an all time high. I had never been THAT bad before and I cannot say I enjoyed it much. 

The struggle was real. 

I may do a blog post on it soon actually because it's horrible feeling like you're on your own with something. I like keeping it real.

All that being said, I am on the mend now annnnnnnd I AM BACCCKKKK BITCHES!!! :) 

I am sooooo totally happy that it's this time of the year, like I feel this is when I am at my most happiest. My hayfever buggers off for a bit, it's all so cosy and you can over indulge in the nice things. Speaking of nice things, I am doing a couple of collabs with some awesome brands soon. One of which I have loved for a while now and it involves something for your home. That is all I am saying. 

In the words of PLL (Pretty Little Liars, if you did not know) 

"Got a secret, can you keep it, swear this one you'll save, gotta lock it in your pocket, taking this one to the grave."

Today's post I have mixed it aaappp a little bit, Calvin Harris has nothing on this mash up. :D 

I thought I would take it upon myself to do a fun post that has actually been circulating on YouTube, so I thought why not bring it to my blog. 

You obviously have guessed from the title what it is and that is right, I have been lyric pranking my friends and family. 


selfie, freckles, faux freckles, makeup artist, beauty blogger, pout, natural, no makeup, soap and glory, drugstore,

 If you're not familiar with the concept I will briefly explain it to you now. This is something that you take away and do yourself and man didn't I cry laugh throughout this process. It was hilarious!

So, lyric pranking is as it suggests. You find someone either a family member or friend (I would not suggest your boss, ha) and start a conversation off with them (even better if they message you first) using lyrics from a song. The aim is to see if you can keep the lyrics flowing as a conversation before they figure out what you're doing. 

It will make more sense when you see the screen shots in a minute! 

Now was it a success or fail? 

It was a half and half mix I'd say. One person I pranked really fell for it and I just could not stop laughing at his response, a couple of people were a little worried about me, "hahahaha" and a couple got it straight away and I was quite impressed be it a little disappointed. 

Anyway. Enjoy the following and if you're like me and love to have a laugh this will be so much fun for you. Just pick your recipients carefully. 

Lets GOOOOOO!!!!

Ha, so the below is the most hilarious. My friend Scott who I used to work with years ago got back in touch recently and I got him good and proper. I thought he would be a prime candidate for this prank as he is a little gullible. Ha, sorry not sorry Scott!! :) 

I decided to start the conversation off with Justin Bieber's 'Sorry' lyrics and this boy was hooked! :D 

This is how it went down... 

lyric pranking, youtube, trend, beauty blogger, family, fun, autumn, pranks,

lyric pranking, youtube, trend, beauty blogger, family, fun, autumn, pranks,
lyric pranking, youtube, trend, beauty blogger, family, fun, autumn, pranks,

I got pretty far with the lyrics and it finally clicked when I got to the iconic part of the song! I was literally wondering how long I could go on for before I put the poor sod out of his misery. Scott, you're a babe!! And I really am 'Sorry'. 

Next, I decided to quote Awolnation's song 'Run' to one of my ladies Jess. This made me laugh as it could of gone two ways. She would of got it or she would just ignore me when I started to seem really weird. More so than usual. 

She didn't write back after my last message. So I waited a while and then gave up the ghost. She was worried. Ha ha. 

This is how it went...

lyric pranking, youtube, trend, beauty blogger, family, fun, autumn, pranks,

Next, my friend Gathan got it straight away!! I thought I best quote a song that would be familiar to him but not familiar enough that he would get it. He got it and I was so peeved. Ha. He could of just played along. 

Kudos to him though! I quoted an MJ song and boom here were the replies! 

lyric pranking, youtube, trend, beauty blogger, family, fun, autumn, pranks,

My friend Jack was up next and I think we met on Tinder yeeeeaars ago. I haven't spoken to him for a while so I thought why not! 

I started sprouting Plan B's 'Recluse' to him and he practically got it straight away. I mean COME ON... HOW RUDE!!! Ha. 

lyric pranking, youtube, trend, beauty blogger, family, fun, autumn, pranks,

This next one cracked me up the most, it was the response on who this person thought I was meant to be sending the message to. This screen shot is from my good friend Arthur. We have been friends for yeeeeearrrs. He read my first message which was quoted from Gnash's song 'I Hate You I Love You' and ignored it. I thought 'oh gosh, he is totally going to think I am a weirdo' so I wrote the next line of the song hoping he would snap the bait. He did and his response was priceless to me. 

lyric pranking, youtube, trend, beauty blogger, family, fun, autumn, pranks,

Literally insert crying, laughing face right here. He thought I was meant to be sending that message to my lad mate Jez who has totally ghosted me for almost a year. To be honest. I was really tempted to message him in these series of pranks but he already thinks I am in love with him and want to marry him and have his babies. TOTALLY NOT TRUE IF YOU'RE READING THIS!You're NOT all that :P But yeah, him thinking that as his first response made me LOL. 

Next up was my Auntie and she is an MJ fan just like me, so I started the convo off with 'Who Is It' lyrics. She got it pretty quickly too. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?! I would of totally been fooled. Clever little eggs! Ha. 

lyric pranking, youtube, trend, beauty blogger, family, fun, autumn, pranks,

Finally, was Hat!! I really confused the poor girl! I was quoting The Mirror Trap's song 'Pigeon Chest' to her and she was just baffled and then ignored me. RUDE! :D 

lyric pranking, youtube, trend, beauty blogger, family, fun, autumn, pranks,

 And that was the end of my pranking session. Out of all of them I think Scott wins for the most dramatised responses and then Arthur's just full on creased me. 

Please, if you and your friends/family have a sense of humour, give it a go. It kept me entertained for hours and makes for amusing memories. 

I hope you enjoyed this post today and I have lots of gorgeous posts coming up soon for y'all. 

If you like me and my blog please give it a follow on Bloglovin' here

You can also find me here: 

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger

Snapchat: Blackeyedfox

Until next time...

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