Thursday, 11 August 2016

Violet Voss Holy Grail Palette | First Impressions | Review | Makeup Look.

beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, violet voss, holy grail, holy grail palette, makeup geek, creme brulee, la girl, morphe brushes,

Happy Thursday guys. Almost the weekend!! 

I hope everyone reading is well?! 

I cannot believe it's almost been a week since my birthday. Time is flying by so fast and it makes me feel so sick that I still don't have a job. I know in each post I write I have been mentioning this but it's a way to vent and I am getting quite worried now as to why I am not getting anything. Anyone else in the same boat as me? 

As I mentioned it was birthday Sunday just gone, so as a little present from me to me I treated myself to a cheeky Beauty Bay order. I purchased an LA Girl - orange correction concealer, a Morphe crease blending brush, Makeup Geek's 'Creme Brulee' eyeshadow pan and finally the Violet Voss 'Holy Grail' palette. 

Now, this palette is highly sort after, limited edition and as soon as it comes into stock it has disappeared minutes later. Last time this palette came into stock I didn't get the chance to buy it as it sold out so quickly. 

You can only get this in America, mainly, so when it comes into stock on Beauty Bay everyone is flying at it. 

I was so happy that I managed to get my hands on this palette because the colours are SO freaking beautiful. Totally up my street and so warm which is the tone I love to work with the most. 

The Holy Grail palette retails at around £35 on Beauty bay and has a few similar shades to Anastasia's 'Modern Renaissance' palette and is still cheaper. 

When I first opened my package and the palette was revealed to me, my initial thought was - 'it's a lot smaller and thinner than I expected'. 

The packaging the palette comes in is monochrome which I love, it's super sleek, expensive looking and chic. 

beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end,

The above pic is of the outer packaging and on the inside the palette is protected in bubble wrap, this is why I thought the palette was thicker in depth. 

The palette itself matches the box but the palette is made out of a soft, velvet style texture which is easily markable but not so much wipeable. Take care in that.

The name of the palette 'Holy Grail' is a statement in itself and is basically suggesting that this palette is all you're going to need, what you're going to reach for and one of which you will highly recommend. 

I for one, TOTALLY AGREE!! 

This has got to be my favourite palette right now. No word of a lie. I am super glad I invested in the hype because it is 100% worth it.  

beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end,

There is nothing not like about this palette. The shadows themselves are highly pigmented, you really don't need a lot on your brush to get an amazing colour payoff. The payoff it true to pan and they are so buttery and blend beautifully. 

The palette consists of matte shades and shimmer shades and if you spray a little Fix Plus spray before applying the shimmer the colours' really pop. I am so impressed it's unreal. 

This palette is totally suitable for all skin types in my opinion and there are colours within the palette that everyone will like. 

Perfect for autumnal looks let me tell you. 

beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end,
beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end,

beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end,
beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, swatch,

Check out that pay off, it's super cute!! 

beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, swatch,

The swatch above is from one light swipe, can I get an "amen"!

Another thing I like is the names of each colour, they are really thought out and clever. 

I am totally in love right now. 

Below are swatches of the whole palette so you can get an idea of what they look like. 

Obviously I am a pale face so they will show up different on different skin tones but ya get me. 

N/B - Tones starting from my wrist are the swatches from the top left of the palette through to the last pan on the bottom right. 

beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, swatch,
beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, swatch,
beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, swatch,
beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, swatch,
beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, swatch,

 You get 20 shadows within this palette and to me that's pretty good value for money. I love all the colours, especially the warm mattes and the cranberries. 

As soon as this comes back in stock again you NEED to get this a.s.a.p. It really is a must-have, a staple 'HOLY GRAIL' in your makeup collection and I would totally recommend to EVVVVERRRRYYYONEE!! :) 

Below is an eye look that I created with this palette. 

I decided to do a dramatic cut crease using the shades 'Transition' 'Hashtag' and 'Bestie' in the crease line. 'Brownie Points' and 'Teddy Bear' in the outer crease. I used 'Toffee' and 'Awesome Sauce' on the lid and finally on the inner lower lash line I used 'Wine N Dine' mixed with a separate purple shadow. I then added some glitter to the lower lash line and the black/brown you can see is my gel liner in which I smudged out mixed with 'Brownie Points' and 'Teddy Bear'. 

The lashes are Vagas Nay - 'Grand Glamour'. 

beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, eye look, smokey eye, cut crease, glitter eyes, vagas nay,
beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, eye look, smokey eye, cut crease, glitter eyes, vagas nay, highlight, that glow,
beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, eye look, smokey eye, cut crease, glitter eyes, vagas nay, highlight, that glow,
beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, eye look, smokey eye, cut crease, glitter eyes, vagas nay, highlight, that glow,
beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, eye look, smokey eye, cut crease, glitter eyes, vagas nay, highlight, that glow,
beauty bay, bbdaretoshare, review, holy grail, holy grail palette, violet voss, eyeshadow palette, must have, high end, eye look, smokey eye, cut crease, glitter eyes, vagas nay, highlight, that glow,

I hope you have enjoyed this post, the review and my makeup look. 

Feel free to leave comments as I love replying. 


If you like my blog I would totally love it if you would follow it here on Bloglovin'.

You can also find me on the following social media outlets. 

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger

Facebook: Leya.Hutton

Snapchat: Blackeyedfox

Until next time...


Thursday, 23 June 2016

Warm Smokey Eye Makeup Look | Cut Crease | Morphe 35B Palette | Lit Cosmetics | Makeup Geek Review

Evening lovelies!!!

Y'all good? Hope so!!! 

I have my cousins wedding tomorrow and I finally managed to find a dress in time, I now just have the task of deciding whether to wave my hair or plait it with my new New Look hair rings. 

I hate making decisions, I can never literally make them. 

Talking about decisions, the EU Referendum... Man that is one heck of a decision to make. 

I can't even decide between two different chocolate bars let alone making a decision that will affect myself and my country. It's lits fried my brain!! 

If you have read my previous post about my Beauty Bay makeup haul you would know that I bought some awesome makeup products that I have never tried before but have wanted for ages. 

I decided that I wanted to experiment with my makeup looks more so I opened up my shiny new things. 

I am such a weirdo I always leave things in their new state for ages because I just cannot bear to make them not new anymore. 

Get what I mean? 

As you can tell from the title of this, I am going to show you a couple of looks I have created using my new Morphe 35B palette, Lit Cosmetics glitter kit and Makeup Geek eyeshadows. I will also be doing a little review on them too.  

Lit Cosmetics have actually featured one of my looks on their Instagram page, which I am so ecstatic about and Beauty Bay have asked me if they can feature my cut crease look at some point on their social media too. 

Not bad, not bad. 

Heeeerrreeeee weeeeee gooooo!!!

This is the picture that Beauty Bay have asked me if they could feature, I was a little shocked to be honest because it was my first proper cut crease that I had done. As you can see I hadn't put any falsies on and as you can also see, I look like I have no freaking lashes. It's soooooo annoying they are like poker straight and non- existent, just like my brows!

   So down to business, I used my Morphe 35B palette for this look and was the only shadows I used. I used the oranges within the palette and their single shadow in 'Granite' which I bought separately.

I am not going to lie, creating a cut crease free hand isn't easy, it's actually pretty tricky. Kudos to those magicians that can do it with their eyes closed. It takes precision. 

I will be doing a tutorial on this soon for YouTube channel. 

Let me know if this is something you would want to see.

 This palette lits is one of my faves at the moment, I love that you get so many pans in the palette and they are not on the small side either. They are super easy to work with especially when it comes to blending, they blend amazingly well!!! They are also highly pigmented and the colour pay off is on point. 

You do get a bit of shadow dust when applying and some fall out but nothing spectacular, some times I don't get any fall out at all. I really want their other palettes especially their 350 but it's always sold out on Beauty Bay and I need to get a job first before buying more things. 

We all know that's a lie... I will buy more with my Monopoly money. :D

This look is my 'Warm Smokey Eye' look which Lit Cosmetics actually shared!! 

You can see the video above. :) 

This look was mainly created with Makeup Geek shadow pans and Lit Cosmetics 'Rich and Famous'. The yellow was from the 35B palette (Morphe). 

I created this look using shade 'Peach Smoothie' as the transition shade, then into the crease I used 'Cocoa Bear' and on the outer corners I used 'Bitten'. I mainly used 'Cocoa Bear' to smoke out on the lower lash line. 

To finish and complete the look I used Lit Cosmetics glitter. 


This glitter is amazing, it stays on all day without fall out. It is also a pigmented glitter so it really sparkles. I have had soooo many people compliment my eye looks recently and I have had soooo many people ask me where the glitter is from. 

I really need to get some more because it can be used for so many things.

Makeup Geek shadows have been raved about massively and I actually really like them. The pans are a lot smaller than I thought but I have a feeling they will last quite a while, again these shadows are a lovely consistency and awesome to work with. The colour pay off is true to the pan, it's not weak in any way at all. 

I really want some more of those too.

I don't think I would ever get bored of experimenting with make up. 

True story.

I hope you enjoyed my little makeup looks and the products I used. 

If you can be bothered ha ha, let me know what kind of makeup look  you would like me to do next. 

I might just video it for you ;) 

If you like my posts you can always follow my blog here

You can also find me here: 

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Blackeyedfox: Blackeyedfox 

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger

Until next time...

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