Monday 12 September 2016

West Midlands Safari Park Day Out | Competition Entry for 'Safari Photographer Of The Year'.

day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, meerkat,

Hey guys :) 

I hope everyone has had a nice weekend and the beginning of the week hasn't been too tough! 

I am loving the fact it is slowly getting cooler at night because I can now freaking sleep! I do still keep waking up at night though in fear that there is a mahoooosive spider crawling about. 

* Actual vom*

Okay, so I cannot even breathe about Arachnids but animals however is a different story. If the world contained no humans I would happily live side by side with a fury being. Fact. 

Yesterday, I made a return to the West Midlands Safari Park, one because I wanted to go and two because I am entering a competition. More about that in a bit. 

I had a free return ticket which I received from the park when I went on my birthday. They always give you free return tickets which I think is really good. The weather was really nice but considering it was a Sunday it was actually pretty packed. 

WMSP are hosting a competition for 'Safari Photographer of the Year' where you can win a bundle of prizes, grab the said title and have your work on display in January. 

You guys know that I love taking photo's and I am totally in love with photography so I jumped at the chance to enter. Animals and photography combined = a happy Leya. 

Today's post is a little insight to my weekend and I also need your help on choosing 5 pictures to submit to WMSP as my entries. I have gone through the photos and have picked a bunch of my best ones. 

What I would love is for anyone reading to leave me a comment stating which 5 you think are the best out of the bunch I am about to show you. I may number them so if I do, just let me know which numbers. You can also let me know on Twitter - I will leave my handles at the end of the post. 

So yeah, Mum, Dad and myself went to the park yesterday and the animals were either being fed by the keepers or had been fed, so they were mostly really energetic. Unfortunately the White Lions decided to go and chill at the back of the enclosure AGAIN by the time I got to them, so I was really upset that I couldn't capture them.

It took around 3 hours get get round the park, especially as I was constantly like "STOP THE CAR" to Papa Hutt so I could hang out of the window to take pictures. On two occasions I almost broke my body in two, to get the pic of the Giraffe looking at me face on, I was literally hanging half of my body, backwards out of the car window almost dropping my camera on my face (and it was hella heavy). To get the image of the Tiger again half my body was out of the car and I put my lens against the wire to get a clear pic. I totally pulled  a muscle in the back of my left thigh. 

Ha ha. 

At the end of the  day we took a walk through the Lemur Woods and checked out one of my faves, the Meerkats! I took some more pictures, fed the goats, ate a load of doughnuts and took more pics. 

I love a good day out!! 

Right then, to the important part of the post. The photes! 

Please let me know what you think, if you would adjust anything and which ones I should submit. 

I will love you forever and evs, amen!! :) 

Lets GO!! 


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, d hole,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, lion,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, lion,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, elephant,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, penguin,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, rhino,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, deer,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, d hole,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, d hole,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, white tiger


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, cheetah,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, cheetah,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, lion, pride


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, white tiger,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, white tiger,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, white tiger,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, Bengal tiger,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, camel,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, deer,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, cattle,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, zebra,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, giraffe,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, giraffe,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, meerkat,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, red bellied lemur,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, ring tailed lemur,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, ring tailed lemur,


day out, west midlands safari park, wildlife, competition, photographer, photography, beauty blogger, wild animals, meerkat,

I took around 300 photos just yesterday so there were a lot to go through and edit. I shortlisted these ones as I feel they represent an atmosphere, capture a moment and showcased some of my better work. 

Don't forget to let me know which 5 pictures you feel could help me win the competition. 

If you like reading my blog you can follow it on Bloglovin' here

You can also find me here: 

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger

Snapchat: Blackeyedfox

Until next time...


Monday 18 April 2016

L'Oreal Paris Infallible #SculptYourWay Competition | I Won
Yo yo yo!!! 

Happy Monday... Said no one ever!! 

It's Monday funday again and I am still in my room bloody job searching my life away whist watching Gavin and Stacey on repeat. 

I now know all of the words. 

What is life? 

So last time I spoke I was informing y'all that my hay fever was really bad and my eyes were burning balls of fire. 

I couldn't take it no more as I felt that there was something more to it than it just being 'hayfever'. 

I made my way to the doctors, no makeup on (I looked like the walking dead) and my fake glasses on to try and disguise my kebab eyes. 

They were SO bad. 

The doctor took one look at them and was like "woah, they are dramatic". They were THAT swollen they were almost shut and I had to drive there too. I turns out I had an eye infection in both eyes on top of my hayfever. This infection was caused by some eyelash glue I had used. :( 

I full on had pink eye, I was a walking boiled egg with pink kebab eyes. So freaking attractive. 

*Insert disgusting photo of me*
This was the first day and it got a lot

On top of that, my car decided to break on me because the coil pack had gone and it had rusted my spark plugs so that cost me a fortune to fix. And with no job, Friday gone was a bad day. 

I am now on antibiotic drops, that I may add literally make its way to the back of my throat and it tastes like the gates of hell. RANK does not even describe it. They are meant to stay in my eye not go down my throat so I drink the vile stuff. 

The reason I am talking about my eyes is twofold as it brings me onto the actual point of this post. Y'all know I love to fill you in on my life. Or lack of it. Ha. 

So, I can't wear any of my prize and upload any looks just yet, all because I have this damned eye infection. Once that has cleared I am good to gooooo. 

Right, onto the fun stuff and what you have come here to read. 

A few weeks ago I entered a L'Oreal competition that was called #sculptyourway. It was in conjunction with Superdrug and was part of their new 'Infallible' range. 

I was watching a YouTuber's video on the range (Itssssabrina) and at the end there was a competition. I was EXTREMELY lucky to catch the video when I did because the competition ended the next day and it was 10.30 pm the previous night. 

The competition involved using their Infallible Sculpting kit to put on your contour and highlight and take a picture of your 'tribal stripes' before blending. Luckily for me I had this kit as it caught my eye in Superdrug. How freaking perfect and meant to be. 

I did it as to how I do my contour and highlight and entered onto Instrgram tagging Superdrug & L'Oreal into it.

I really wanted to win the competition but thought there was no way in hell that I would ever win, I never win anything big. 

The competition prize was HUGE. You could win L'Oreal's whole makeup portfolio (worth £2,500) and £2000 worth of Love2Shop vouchers. 

The competition ended and I heard nothing. I was gutted but really interested to find out who had won the prize. 

It turned out it was fricking ME!!! YES ME!!! I had forgotten about the comp and carried on with job finding. I found out a week after the comp had ended. I was minding my own business watching a horror film and right at a jumpy part of the film my phone buzzed and I literally crapped myself (well not literally, ha). I looked at my phone and saw that L'Oreal had commented on my Instagram picture saying I had won. 

I literally said out loud " No, this is obviously a spam account winding me up". 

It freaking wasn't, I had won. I was shocked, I was shaking, I just couldn't believe that they had picked me out of all of the entries. I was the only winner too, I felt so grateful and privileged. 

I kept it quiet until they told me I could announce it. 99.9% of people who commented were happy for me, but you will always get that one bitch that will leave a sarcastic and offish comment instead of being happy for you. 

Always happens. It's cool. 

A couple of weeks later my prize arrived and I was SO excited. 

Only 2 items were broken, due to transit but I am in love with it all. Obviously I cannot use some it it due to skin tone differences but I was so overwhelmed. Since getting it I have given some things to my mum. :) 

So here it is ladies and gents if you're interested to see! 

It came with a lovely little handwritten "congratulations" note and in these amazing vanity cases. I didn't expect that at all, I thought it would all just be in the box.


I bought these with some of my gift card. LOVE.

 I loved going through everything. Obviously my favourite sections are the eye ones but I am itching (excuse the eye pun) to get my hands on it all and create some super awesome looks. 

Keep an eye out on my social media for my makeup uploads. 

Instagram: leluroxxblogger
Twitter: leluroxxblogger
Snapchat: blackeyedfox 

If you don't want to miss a post of mine you can subscribe to my Bloglovin' here

I hope you enjoyed this post and seeing what I won and thank you again to L'Oreal for picking me as their winner!! 

Until Thursday...


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