Wednesday 13 January 2016

Current Addictions For 2016 // A List That Will Grow!!

I have come to terms with the fact that I have an addictive personality. I literally get hooked onto certain things really easily, exhaust it to an inch of its life and then I am over it. 

Is anyone else like that? 

For instance, I will like a song... I will then listen to it over and over and over again until I am sick of it. 

Surely, I cannot be the only one who does this?!

I have had a lot of favourite things over the past year and going into 2016 and I would like to share those with you today. 

Where do I start? 

Ha, okay. So my current and most relevant addiction is and if you didn't know... 


Photo credits:
I mean, seriously, look at him!!! He is one beautiful man!!

I will be honest, I have never been a fan of One Direction. I have never paid attention to the group, their music or even their concerts. They just never appealed to me. 

I do not know exactly when the turning point for me was but out of the blue I noticed Hazza. I even liked his weird looking 'curtain suits'. He could wear flip flops and socks and I wouldn't even care. 

It was either his final performance with 1D on the Xfactor or the carpool video with James Corden that did it. One or the other. I just suddenly got addicted to Harry. Then I started to like one of their songs. And it just snowballed. 

I feel like I should be in one of those alcoholic's anonymous meetings but not for alcohol, *covers face*. 

I don't know him at all or anything about him but when I watched some videos on YouTube of him I actually found he is a really lovely guy. He is amazing to his fans, he constantly interacts with them and has an amazing sense of humour!! 

Now I LOVE a guy who can make me laugh and who is talented. He definitely ticks all the boxes for me. He just seems so genuine and it's very hard to come by guys like that. Well I find it hard anyway. 

Unfortunately for me, he is 100% not contactable via social media. I am not going to lie... I have tried. On Instagram. Ha ha. How embarrassing.

I will look back in a couple of years and think "what the heck was I thinking". I don't do things like that. Hazza has made me drop my respectable standards. :D 

So my only hope of me even saying "hi" is by frickin some sort of miracle or chance meeting, which again is very unlikely. 

'Celebrity' or not I would still want to get to know him. If I saw him walk by (and he wasn't even in the band)  I would still think the same as I do now. 

Arrrrrgghhhhhhhh!!!! *LOVE* 


Photo credits:

Just after Christmas I was feeling pretty crappy, I suddenly didn't have a job, I was still single and I was feeling quite lonely. I couldn't sleep either so I was up until like 5 am in the morning. 

I found that Gavin & Stacey (the programme, not the people) really cheered me up and made me feel that life wasn't all that bad. I love to laugh and I seriously dislike being sad and the characters in this are frickin brilliant!! 

It's James Corden, he's hilarious, there is something about him that just makes me smile!! 

So, if anyone else is feeing down in the dumps and being a bit of a Debbie Downer then go and watch this, honestly, it really makes you feel a lot better because you're constantly laughing. Ha. 


Literally this product is a god send!! I don't think I have ever liked a hair product more!!! 

I have mentioned Moroccan Oil before in previous posts, but I genuinely think this product is great.

Granted it's on the pricey side, retailing at around £30-£35. I have fairly long hair and I wash my hair around twice a week (less if I can help it) and I just pop a 1p amount in to my hands and put it through my mid-length and ends. My hair LOVES it!!! 

Once I have blow dried it it's so smooth and healthy looking and I find it grows a lot nicer and quicker then when I don't use it. 

This is one product I am addicted to and I am oh so proud of it. 



Again, I have mentioned this brand on my blog a few times now but I am in love with this bra!! 

Even though I am a bit alternative in what I wear (black is my happy colour) I do like pretty underwear that makes you feel super hot and feminine. 

With Love Lilly is the brand that makes me feel that way. 

It is very rare to find a brand that comes up with unusual or unique designs and when I was gifted this bra at a blogger event in London last year, I was completely in love. I spotted it on the rack and my eyes were drawn to how pretty... Actually beautiful the design was and you could tell a lot of time and care had been put into it. 

They have their own website here... WithLoveLilly

They have so many lovely designs on their site. I need to 100% buy some more when I get a new job!! 


Maybe an exaggeration, I am not addicted a such but I have recently got back into working out at home. 

I am not one for the gym, I cannot deal with all those sweaty people and all those little beady eyes looking at me as I am running like Phoebe from Friends on the treadmill. 

I have some 'man weights' which I had for Christmas a few years ago and when I say man weights, that's because they are for men and they are freaking really heavy. I see that as a good thing as I get more of an intense workout. 

For a while now I have been watching Kelsey Lee's video's on YouTube as she does some really high, intense exercises that literally make you feel sick afterwards but SO worth it. 

She is amazing and is the only person that I watch as I get results. This morning I could barely walk. 

Sign of a good workout that. ;)   


I am a stickler for wearing all black outfits. I am not a goth, emo or vampire. Ha.  I just think it's flattering, classy and easy to wear. 

Let's face it, you can never go wrong with black. Black is the new black. 

As it is. 

Recently I have been teaming my all black with a bit of white. Usually just a plain white tee. I like the fact it breaks the black up a bit and there is something a bit indie/rock about it. It's highly casual yet fashion forward. Monochrome is always a winner in my eyes. 

I currently like to wear either my ripped skinny's or my leather look trousers with my loose white tee over the top and my leather studded jacket. It's casual, cool and I am all down for that shiz!! 

I will also boy it up with a beanie and either a nude lip and smokey bronze eyes or a plain eye and red lipstick. 

Depends if I am in a feisty mood or not!! :) 


I bought MAC's 'Honeylove' Matte lipstick on my birthday last year. I first saw it on Emily Canham's YouTube video when she was swatching her MAC collection. I saw this colour and thought it looked really nice on. 

I went out and bought it and I have never looked back, this is without a doubt my favourite nude EVER!!! I have 'Velvet Teddy' which is a darker nude than this one and I prefer the lighter hue of this lippy. It looks perfect on me, you can see that you have a lipstick on but it's natural enough that it just makes your face glow. I LOVE it... A LOT!!! I like to matte it out a little more, so I will put my Rimmel matte powder over the top to set it. 

Perfection in a stick!! 


This has been an addiction of mine for many years now, even before it became a 'thing'! 

I used to get bored in my room so I just had the idea one day to sit in front of my web cam and just mime to my favourite songs or movies. You can find more of these on my instagram: anythingbutordinaryleya. :) 

Now I am addicted to doing them on my Snapchat!! The one on here is me (naturally, ha) lip syncing to One Directions 'Right Now' - such a lovely song!! 

It's just a bit of fun and it's always nice to make your own music videos!! Ha ha. 


I am loving this app a lot!!! It's literally like being in a studio!! 

Basically, if you don't know what it is and you're a singer or like to sing you need to download this app. 

You can record solo songs and I mean practically any song you want and save it to your profile on there or you can choose to duet with other people across the globe. It's a great way to meet other singers and have fun singing together. 

You get a free trial at first then you can choose how you would like to pay, either weekly, monthly or yearly. I usually go with the weekly as I don't always want to sing. 

I have recorded like over 100 songs on there now and have had many join me. It's so much fun and the hours just fly by. 

Oh, and you can video record too and sing with the likes of Jessie J and many other well known artists. 


This is one of my all time favourite bath bombs. Look at the colours though. It really lives up to its name and smells immense!! 

I love a bath, I love a nice smelling bath and I love pretty colours. 

Ticks all addiction boxes. 

And finally. 


I am completely addicted to a warmer eye at the moment, I find it really makes my eyes pop. 

I have been using this Makeup Revolution 'Matte' pallet for quite a while now and it's totally my go to eyeshadow pallet. It's great to blend and it gives me the nicest, warm smoky eye. 

Love it! 




Tuesday 5 January 2016

What I Got For Christmas 2015

Nooooooooo Christmas is over for another year!!!

I cannot believe how quickly last year has gone. There have been many ups and downs and this year I am making big decisions with my life and hopefully I will be moving to London. That's another story in itself. 

Now, I love reading and watching YouTube video's on what people received for Christmas so I am putting one up myself just in case any one is interested and is as nosey as me! 


*Disclaimer* - This isn't a bragging post by no means whatsoever just a collective of gifts that I received on Christmas day that I would like to share with you guys. 

If you don't like this type of post I would stop reading now. 

Now for the fun stuff...

I was up until around 3 am on Christmas Day wrapping presents. I always do it all on Christmas Eve because it's more fun that way. I had a Christmas film on and it was just nice, you know?! 

Christmas morning I had to clean Cody out and feed him before I did anything else and then we opened his presents. Ha.

I have a stocking every year! I love a good old stocking me. Traditional lass I am!! I got my mum and dad one this year so we all had one so that was fun to do together. I got some little bits and bobs, like makeup bits, chocolate and some books.

Now the fun part, I love the heading down stairs part because everyone is so excited. We didn't get around to opening presents until around 10.30 am as the family started to call. 

I opened Bear's presents with her first and she got that excited I think some of her tooth snapped off :( I was like "oh, that can't be good" she is quite old and her breath smells like the bog of eternal stench at the moment.

So ladies and gents' this is what I received off my family.
 Yay!! I have wanted these brushes in like forever after I saw Emily Canham use them. They are animal cruelty free which is frickin AMAZING and they are meant to be really good brushes!! I am afraid to use them as they look soooo pretty.

My brother got me this. I ran out a while back and since that day my hair wasn't the same. It felt horrid and the Argon Oil that I was using was absolute crap. If I were to ever recommend a hair care product it would 100% be this. It's amazing and I find my hair grows a lot better with this.

Whooo hoooo, I finally own a Naked Pallet. Mum and dad did good!! Again, I am so afraid to use it as it's perfect and who wants to ruin perfection. I fell in love with the packaging. 

Well played Urban Decay ;)

Your Christmas list wouldn't be the same without some sort of Mac product on there. My favourite shade ever is 'Honeylove' and I only wear matte shades. Mum and dad got me 'Kinda Sexy' and the 'Whirl' lip liner. Score.

Accessorize is another one of my favourite places and mum and dad got me this lovely taupe 'Cassidy' satchel and rose gold purse!! Rose gold is always a winner.

My brother got me this also. Frosted Cranberry. Body shop is always a good choice.

Faux leather trousers. New Look bottoms always fit me perfectly and these weren't an exception. Fitted me like a glove.

This is one of the coolest presents off my mum and dad. Guinea pig central.

This is by far THE BEST present!! Little things ey, Cody on a frickin cushion. He is so pretty!!! Such a thoughtful gift too.

Kiko make up!! A few copper bits in there!! <3

This had to be pre-ordered. Brian is GOD!!!

It had to be done!!!

I had money from my brother, my nan, aunties and uncles (including vouchers) 

I also got some lush bath oils too but they were too messy to photograph.

Everything that I received I loved. I was very spoilt and was given some lovely things! I appreciate everything that I get in general as I am not a materialistic person.

I usually by myself everything so Christmas is a brilliant time to appreciate other people's thoughtful gifts. The best part for me though is giving my gifts to my family. 

It's the best time of year.

That has got to be the most pathetic Christmas dinner ever in the history of dinners!! Ha. I don't like roast dinners but I like to take part as it's Christmas. This picture was missing the bread sauce though. I really dislike potatoes but these were pretty nice. But yeah, this picture makes me laugh... A lot.

Yep. I had to have a glas o'wine. I had a real crap time before Christmas so this was highly needed.

Harry Styles is my new found obsession. He is lovely.

Boxing day sales! I caved and bought the Naked 2 pallet. Whoops. I want the Naked 1 now.  I bought a couple things that I needed to re-purchase and some things that I didn't get at Christmas so I got some more rose gold stuff, rings from Accessorize, Top Shop goodies a massive Yankee Candle and some other bits and bobs. 

You can see for yourself.
Yep, you guessed it I also bought a One Direction poster *covers eyes and laughs* 

I really like their new album, my dad bought it my mum for Christmas and since then I have stolen it!! 

What I would like to know though is why Hazza hasn't asked me to marry him yet. ;) 


There you have it. What I got for Christmas. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I loved writing it. 


L x

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