Thursday 4 August 2016

What I Currently Buy When I Go Food Shopping | Asda | Marks And Spencers | Sainsbury's | My Favourites.

red lipstick, space buns, beauty bay, contour, beauty blogger, drug store,

Evening guys :) 

I hope everyone is well? 

I have had such a busy week with Cody it's ridiculous. 

I have been back and forth to the vets and I am literally exhausted now. I will not bore you with the deets again as I am tired of talking about it, ha. 

I will save it for another post.

Oh and it's my day of birth on Sunday (7th) and I actually think I am doing sweet FA. Great. Lol.  

I have decided to do a bit of a different post today as I have been noticing a couple of people on Twitter do similar posts to this one. 

I wanted to do something a little different by showing you what kind of things I tend to buy when I go and do my food shopping. 

I tend to pick up things that I am familiar with each week but also if there is something new out that catches my eye I always give it a try. 

Most of what I buy isn't healthy at all. Whoops. 

C'mon, I am a girl and we like to indulge. Now when I say indulge, I think I can take it to extremes. 

I have been trying to eat better recently, for a while now I haven't really had many take-aways, I don't drink carbonated drinks and I tend to eat a lot of salads. They are my fave. 

So, if you're nosy like me and like to see what people buy in their food shop then carry on reading. 

Lets go! 

m and s, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, healthy eating,

Like I mentioned, I do love a good salad, I am picky with what I eat in general but I am currently digging the whole M and S salad thaaang. If you haven't tried the prawn salad you really need to.

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, healthy eating,

I found this in Asda and thought I would give it a try, again I am not really into ready meals but sometimes when you have been so busy you cba to cook. This pepperoni panini is actually really nice. I add jalapenos and Tabasco sauce.  

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, fruit juice, mango

This is my favourite juice ever, it lits tastes like the Costa Mango and Passion fruit coolies. I have actually mixed this with ice. Beware though, this is pretty high in sugar.  

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, volvic,

I tend to drink a fair bit of water, I cannot drink it in a glass really. Always in a bottle. My favourite flavour of this brand is the cherry one but Asda have stopped stocking it. 

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, healthy eating, yogurt,

 I like to have some sort of yogurt in the fridge for breakfast's when I can be bothered to eat them. I actually forgot to eat this one so I had to chuck it. :( 

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, spicy food,

I LOVE spicy food, so I always pick up some things with a bit of kick. The hot sweet chilli sauce is amazing and the bhajis are super hot.

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, unhealthy, food shopping, m and s, cake, cream cake,

If you know me, then you will know I am a massive lover of cake. I have to have some sort of sweet thing after I have eaten my meal. 

I totally love the M and S puddings!! 

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, healthy eating, mango,

Like I have said previously I like salads and I like to create my own and add my Chia seeds into them. I also like to add fresh chilli's to my food and grab some fruit that both me and Codes (my guinea pig) can share. I also buy a load of fruit and veg for him too. 

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, salad dressing, pizza express,

I tried this dressing on a whim and my lord I am obsessed with it. It's soooo good and great on salads. 

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, curry sauce, homemade,

This is THE BEST curry sauce!!! I can actually only get this in a certain Sainsbury's so I grab a couple when I can. 

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, unhealthy, food shopping, healthy eating, ice cream, magnum

I buy some sort of ice cream now and then and my weapon of choice this time is these bad boys. :) 

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, healthy eating, pitta bread,
asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, healthy eating, wraps.

I like to make salad wraps and if there is a fresh roast chicken about I like to add that in too. The pittas are seeded and amazing. I have gone through so many packs. 

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, healthy eating, m and s

I bought these fish cakes on a whim again as I do like the Birdseye ones but I wasn't actually too keen on these if I am honest. I think they have onion in them and I am not a fan of the taste because of that. 

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, healthy eating, crisps,

The bottom two drawers of my wardrobe contain my snack food, so usually cake, chocolate and crisps so I like to vary it up when I can. These ones are really addictive. 

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, healthy eating, sainsburys. candy kittens,

These Candy Kittens sweets are my all time favourite. I have only ever tried the Pineapps but they are amazing. When I go to a Sainsbury's I never leave without a pack. 

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, healthy eating, chocolate, lily obriens,

I HAVE to have chocolate floating about and I like to stock up too because you never know when you're going to need it. Right now I need it a lot because I am hormonal and stressed out. I am loving Lily O'Brien's range at the moment. 

asda, salad, eating healthy, high street, clean eating, food shopping, healthy eating, white chocolate, hot chocolate, popcorn. salted caramel,

Finally, I like to grab some bits and bobs that I wouldn't usually buy. The above are my current faves. 

And that's it. A slightly different post for me but I enjoy posts like these so I thought you may too. 

I hope you enjoyed it and if so you can find my blog here on Bloglovin' if you want to keep up to date with me. 

I am also on the following social media outlets. 

Twitter: Leluroxxblogger

Instagram: Leluroxxblogger

YouTube: Leluroxxblogger

Snapchat: Blackeyedfox

Until next time...



  1. This all looks so good! I like this post idea, may try it out.


  2. I love mango juice! You've just reminded me to pick some up the next time I go shopping 😊

    1. Haha, I had never had it before and I tried this one and I was like omg this reminds me of Costa's drink!! X


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